-- Posted Wednesday, 27 August 2008 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com
By R. D. Bradshaw
While this series of papers on the Goldsmiths has defined the stock, currency and commodity manipulators as plutocrats, certain other market analysts and observers use other descriptive terms. For example, it appears that both the excellent International Forecaster and the equally excellent Deepcaster High Potential Speculator use the descriptive word “cartel” to define the market manipulators.
The International Forecaster goes on to also refer to them as the Illuminati. Though previous Forecaster articles may or may not have described the historic illuminati to any extent, this writer feels that this term is relevant enough in international finance that it deserves some comments here on the goldsmiths.
It is not my intention to repeat or duplicate any thing that International Forecaster may have already covered sufficiently in previous public comments. But since I have in earlier years written extensively on the illuminati topic, the readers of this goldsmith series may find a few of my remarks useful on the diabolical team of Illuminati workers. As a minimum, there is a need here to relate the Illuminati to the goldsmiths and Rothschilds in order for the reader to appreciate how all of these players fit together.
A Brief on Illuminati History
The historic Illuminati was formally organized in Germany, on May 1, 1776 (May Day), by a man named Adam Weishaupt as an occult, conspiratorial, secret society designed to rule the world (from behind the scenes) through front people and organizations which would be acceptable to the ignorant masses.
Weishaupt’s efforts were secretly financed, supported, directed and managed by the super rich, international banking family of Mayer Amschel Rothschild, then situated in Frankfort, Germany. This single fact is sufficient to tie the historic Illuminati to the fat cat international goldsmiths/bankers.
In “Pawns in the Game,” William Guy Carr claims that Mayer Rothschild first conceived of the Illuminati, as early as 1771, when he met with twelve other, powerful, rich men to map out a plan of action for them to rule the world. He outlined some 25 detailed steps on how they could achieve world rule through an organization to be called the Illuminati.
Significantly, Mayer Rothschild told his listeners that they could and would use all means to achieve their goals of world rule (in his point number four). He added, in point number five, that their “right lies in force.”
In point number six, Rothschild told the assembled plutocrats that “the power of our resources must remain invisible until the very moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.” And that’s been the reality of the Illuminati and its secret, super-rich controllers from day one. The whole effort is clouded in secrecy and few people have any perception about it at all.
In “Fourth Reich of the Rich,” Des Griffin summarized the goals of the Illuminati as--the abolishment of all ordered government, private property, inheritance, patriotism, religion (at least the so-called Judeo-Christian religion) and the family (to include marriage, morality and the proper education of children) and the creation of a powerful World Government.
Almost from the beginning, the Illuminati launched a program of infiltrating and taking over the organized European (Grand Orient) Masonic lodges as a “secret” inter layer or inside cell controlling those lodges which were outer layers (like an onion with its different layers). Often the outer layers never understand or have knowledge of the inner layers--which are more secret and clandestine.
Students of history and the Illuminati almost without exception recognize their efforts in the instigation and realization of the 1789 French Revolution, 1861 American Civil War, 1917 Russian Revolution, WWI, WWII and numerous other conflicts, intrigues, assassinations, wars, and uprisings since 1776.
As I have already attributed these various events to the Rothschilds, in this series on the Goldsmiths, it must be understood that the Rothschilds have worked through the Illuminati in its efforts at gaining world rule. In other words, the Rothschilds have used the Illuminati to accomplish their purposes.
Many persons believe that the work of the Illuminati was essentially confined to Europe in the 18th century. But this may not be true. The just quoted Des Griffin writes that even before the American Revolutionary war was over some fifteen illuminated Masonic lodges had been formed in the US.
In 1834, world headquarters of the Illuminati organization was established in Switzerland. Reportedly, the Italian Guiseppi Mazzini was in charge at that time. After the Civil War, Brigadier General Albert Pike became prominent in both US Scottish Rite Masonry and the Illuminati.
In Pike’s book on “Morals and Dogma,” he laid out a plan for the globe to have three world wars to bring in the world government envisioned by the Illuminati in 1776. So far, the world has had two world wars. One more is on the immediate horizon. Truly then, world rule will be upon us.
Interestingly, one of the most famous persons of all who was alleged to be an Illuminati agent was the notorious Adolf Schicklgruber (Adolf’s family used the good German name of Hitler to better fool and deceive people into believing that he was something which he was not). Allegations also persist that the USSR’s Joseph Stalin was trained by the Illuminati and may have been a secret Illuminati agent.
The Illuminati is still around today and is even in the newspapers from time to time. In 1981, several newspapers broke stories on close linkages that the Roman Catholic Church had with a secret, Grand Orient (Illuminist), Masonic lodge called Propaganda Due (P2) operating in Rome. “Christianity Today,” of June 26, 1981, had a story on this lodge entitled “The Pope Uses Masonic Scandal to Stiffen Traditional Stance--Historical Churchlodge rivalry behind Italian Government’s fall.”
The essence of this report was that the 962 members of this P2 lodge included numbers of key members of the Italian government and the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church (despite supposed rules of the Church forbidding such Masonic memberships). Their collective, secret, conspiratorial work was to promote various European political and monetary activities.
The Links
From my study of the Illuminati, it appears that that entity cannot be defined based on race (although there could be a racial/relative/relationship dimension in the context of the plutocratic goldsmiths).
Alternatively, it might be possible to define both the Illuminati and the super rich bankers on the basis of religion as most or all of their adherents seem to be Luciferians (which must be distinguished from the Satanists which are child’s play/games which one finds in middle and high schools across modern America). The Luciferians are far more sophisticated, educated, and articulate and dedicated than the case with Satanist school children.
For sure, it cannot be said that the super rich and the Illuminist participants differ on religion. Based on my understanding, they are very close on religion. Both definitions seem to believe in Luciferinism and occult activities as involved in the Illuminati organization. Yet it appears that the fat cat plutocrats have their own agenda for world rule and seem to merely use the Illuminati and its membership to support their profit and control purposes.
Certainly, recognized religion is not the single or paramount determining criteria on the market manipulators. For a fact, the plutocratic goldsmiths/bankers generally and publicly pretend to be Jews and Christians (and possibly even Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and you name it).
It appears that these plutocratic workers of evil choose to hold themselves out with some publicly approved religion. But it seems to be all fake and put-on for show and public consumption as their true beliefs seem to be something different (a tree is known by the fruit it produces; thus, their works define and identify themselves).
Without exception, it appears that most or all of the fat cat market manipulators are actually secret Luciferians (as is true with the Illuminists); or as a minimum—atheists. Of course, the Luciferian/atheist reality is typically hid from the public. If this religious reality about them leaked out, it might upset their business and money making profile. Thus, they pretend to be people they are not!
It must be understood that the Illuminati seems to be a far larger organization (in numbers and membership) than just the super rich plutocrats who are manipulating and controlling the world’s financial markets. Regardless, it must be noted that many/most of the financial market manipulators are indeed quite active in the Illuminati.
But this is not to say that all of the plutocrats involved in manipulating the financial markets are illuminists. Maybe they are or maybe they are not. This writer cannot presently make an assertion one way or the other on this matter. Perhaps the better view is that the plutocratic bankers use the Illuminati members as agents or cannon fodder to carry out their plans and policies just as they do with prostitute politicians and various other people, organizations and groups around the globe.
So while race does not tie the fat cat bankers to the illuminati and while religion is close or the same in making the link, there is one definition which seems to affirmatively join the two groups together with the exact same beliefs and philosophy. It is Sabbatianism. Both definitions seem to be 100% Sabbatians, without exception.
Historic Backdrop on Sabbatianism
The historic Sabbatian or Shabbatian movement can be attributed to a so-called Jew named Shabbetai Zevi (1626-1676) who started it as a secret and mystic society, in the old Ottoman Empire. It became known as Shabbatianism (or more popularly Sabbatianism, as Anglicized in English speaking lands). While this man’s name and his movement are close in pronunciation to the Hebrew word Shabbat, the two ideas are totally different and have absolutely nothing in common.
“Encyclopaedia Judaica” (v. 14, p. 1219-1247) discusses the Shabbatian movement in some detail and suggests that it was a messianic and mystic motion founded by Shabbetai Zevi based on the rise of the new (Lurianic) Kabbalah in the 17th century.
Shabbetai was born in Smyrna (Ismir), Turkey. His father was believed to be of Ashkenazi origin (ibid, p. 1222); which would make Zevi an Ashkenazi Jew, despite the fact that he lived in a possible Sephardi area. Early in life, he became an ascetic and studied the Kabbalah. Allegedly, he was pleasant to look at and had some musical abilities which gave him some popularity and acceptance.
Judaica says that he attracted some followers and lived in semi-seclusion with periods of cyclothymia or manic-depressive psychosis (ibid, p. 1222). These mental problems continued on until his death--meaning that he was a nut and reportedly had enormous demonic contact.
By 1658, Zevi had wandered over Greece, Thrace and Turkey and was expelled from the Jewish congregation because of his reported misdeeds. In 1664, he married an Ashkenazi girl from Italy of questionable virtue (bid, v. 14, p. 1224). By 1665, he was in Gaza in Palestine. There, on May 31, 1665, Shabbetai declared himself to be the coming Jewish Messiah and set June 18, 1666, as the day of the Jewish redemption.
Soon, this crazy man had quite a following in the old Ottoman Empire and in various parts of Europe (like Holland, Germany and Poland). Important leaders throughout Europe were known to send ambassadors and agents to visit with Shabbetai to get his latest advice and revelations (he was known to levitate in their presence, per Milan Martin, in his video on “Lucifer’s Children”).
With his date failure in 1666, Zevi developed several other dates for the final revelation (“Encyclopaedia Judaica,” v. 14, p. 1239). But all his dates failed!
R. Marvin S. Antelman
This backdrop on Zevi brings up the need to cite a most outstanding, interesting, revealing and fascinating work by R. Marvin S. Antelman, on “To Eliminate the Opiate.” Antelman, an Orthodox Jewish “Rabbi,” seems to bring most of the sources of evil present in today’s world together into some sense of understanding in the vein of Sabbatianism.
For purposes of this article, Antelman presents historic facts which manifestly tie almost the totality of the modern sources of evil and depravity presently in the world to the Illuminati and the Rothschilds and their relatives and links as manifested in the historic Sabbatian movement.
Antelman establishes the common thread, link, or connection which ties together almost everything relevant in our world today in the context of economic, political, social, cultural, religious and racial definitions and focus. Antelman ties it all together and establishes how it all came about to not only influence but indeed dominate and control the modern world.
In detail, he shows how the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Bronfmans, Henry Kissinger, and other persons fit into or link to the modern manifestations of Internationalism (or Globalism), Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Liberalism, Humanism, Rosicrucianism, the mother-earth religion, the brotherhood of man, etc; all of which promote sexual permissiveness and licentiousness, homosexuality, feminism, the destruction of the family, etc.
Antelman goes on to tie together and explain supposedly diverse entities like the British Round Table Groups, the Rhodes Trust (that funds and promotes the so-called international scholarship program at Oxford which produces people known as Rhodes scholars, like Bill Clinton), the Skull and Bones Society (with a membership that includes both George H. W. Bush and his son, the president), the US Council on Foreign Relations, the Illuminati, the Mafia, Satanists, New Agers, Occultists of all forms, the United Nations, and on and on.
In terms of how the super rich use their money and profits (from places like the financial markets) to motivate, influence and control world opinion to accomplish their personal thinking and philosophy, Antelman ties it all together with Sabbatianism. From my review of Antelman’s work, it would seem that the Sabbatian Rothschilds have been the driving force of many/most major events which have come on the world scene in the last 200 years to alter history.
In preceding comments herein, this writer mentions the presence of evidence indicating that the famous Jewish leader Adolf Schicklgruber (who used the alias Hitler) was actually an illuminati agent. Antelman shows that not only was Adolf an Illuminist but he was very clearly a Sabbatian.
Allegedly Adolf’s paternal and maternal families were Sabbatians as well (particularly so since one of his grandfathers was believed to be a Rothschild in the Rothschild empire in Vienna). Although not addressed by Antelman, it must be noted here that there are even some credible allegations that Bill Clinton (of all people) may have a genetic link to the Rothschilds.
Here the reader may ponder what in the world has Rothschild, Illuminati and Sabbatian history got today with the manipulations of the world’s financial markets? Antelman’s work should dispel all questions about the relevance of this theme.
Fat cat Sabbatian bankers/goldsmiths control many or most major events taking place in the world today. They do so from the money and profits that they rip and steal from investors in the financial markets. Almost everything going on in the world comes back to the question of money.
For More Reading/Information
For more reading on this theme, the reader may wish to check these sources:
“To Eliminate the Opiate,” by R. Marvin S. Antelman, in two volumes, published in 1974 and 2002. Rav Antelman’s revealing work can be ordered from the Zionist Book Club, PO Box 10182, Jerusalem 91101 Israel. Telephone toll free in Israel at 1-800-722-469, in the US at 1-877-722-4699 or by fax to 972-3-636-4001.
An Internet presentation on the Illuminati as found in a presentation on the New World Order, Volume XXVIII, Chapter 436 of “Ezekiel and YHWH’s Judgment for the Good People,” at www.AgeEnd.com on the net.
The author is not involved in the financial market business and has no financial interest in presenting the information herein. Anyway, the preceding information on this subject is presented for general information only and not for purposes of investment advise or recommendations. What the reader does on investments is his own personal decision and responsibility.
-- Posted Wednesday, 27 August 2008 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com