-- Posted Tuesday, 9 September 2008 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com
By R. D. Bradshaw
People aware of how so-called human beings operate know perfectly well that all men (without exception) have a basic problem which is the first and primary cause of all evil in the world today. On this, some persons actually recognize it in the context of intangibles called human nature, carnality and the flesh. We all have the problem. There are no exceptions.
If we attempt a further explanation or definition, we come up with the reality that it includes pride, greed, selfishness, lust, envy, jealousy, vanity, and the like.
Two thousand years ago, Jewish philosopher Philo said that pride is “the cause of many other evils, such as insolence, arrogance, and impiety. And these are the beginnings of foreign and civil wars” (“Philo,” p. 518).
Surely, Philo had it right that pride is ultimately the cause of all foreign and civil wars, conflicts and intrigues; to include all politics and by all means all money scams—like all financial market manipulations. Yes, in terms of the fat cat financial market manipulators, they all seem to be very proud people—filled with much greed, get and acquire.
Pride is Self Love
Tragically, the essence of pride is self love in its most pathetic form. Consequently, pride includes self-righteousness, self-will, presumptuousness, stubbornness, self-sufficiency, self-confidence, confidence in others, denying responsibility; and of course, the pride of life, as mentioned by the New Testament Apostle John--assurance (confidence) in one’s own resources and in the worldly systems at large (I John 2:16, per the “Amplified Translation”).
As the perceptive John outlined, we humans get a certain sense of satisfaction and confidence in the worldly systems devised by man. Thus, we have confidence in the police and in our governments and national armies for protection and safety. And tragically for investors, many of us have confidence and assurance in the integrity of the financial markets. But much of this confidence and assurance is built on false pride and not on something of value from the real world.
Many of us tragically are gullible enough to believe that our politicians and the ruling plutocrats actually love us and are concerned for our futures and success in life (this is the nonsense which breeds and promotes apathy, indifference and don’t care--as now predominating in the spoon-fed, robot, zombie society in the modern US).
Of course, more informed people are well aware that that perception on our politicians and the ruling plutocrats is a lot of nonsense and crap. It simply is not the real world out there.
In an article on pride, the “Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible,” edited by Merrill Tenney, says that “All satisfaction from pride is self-satisfaction, and it is endless: pride of evil, pride of goodness, pride of birth and position, even pride of humility. No moral suasion or guidance can break in because self-satisfaction always feels complete in itself.”
Though pride may “seem” to have some basis, vanity is even worse because it is empty pride. Thus, when a handsome man admires himself in the mirror, it is pride. But when an ugly man admires himself in the mirror, it is vanity. Obviously, vanity is perhaps the worst case of all of pride.
Despite all of the bad features of pride and vanity, most of us love them fully and completely. I could go into the details of the different types of people who particularly devote their lives to pride and vanity. Perhaps the worse cases of all would have to be people in the entertainment world and in politics.
Actors, actresses and politicians, almost without exception, love to have their names and pictures shown all over the newspapers, magazines and TV screens. While these worse case types are out there, one must not lose sight that the problem is common throughout the population. They are not lone rangers at all.
Yes, everybody involved in the financial markets has a pride problem. I will give here one classic illustration to put my charge into perspective for investors who follow the financial markets.
In the past several weeks I have been reading some of the market newsletters of various analysts. I am amazed how some of these persons not only love, cherish and seek out publicity, but they often can come along after an event has happened in the markets and claim that they knew all about it in advance and gave such warning advice to their clients and/or cited it in their market newsletters. And of course, for some, this is true despite the proud bragging and boasting which they may do.
For sure, many of them want to be the greatest minds in the world. They want to be there first with the best and most accurate market predictions of all. Now while some are deserving of such great brilliance, some are not.
There is another trick that many of these analysts follow, along with huge numbers of other writers, in various endeavors of man. Besides bragging on their believed abilities at forecasting, many also plagiarize and steal ideas and recommendations from others and put them out as their own ideas, thinking and recommendations, with no reference to the source of their messages.
This is not to say that market analysts have an exclusive on the plagiarizing depravity. On the contrary, many writers in different fields have the same problem. As I have some interest in religion, I can say categorically that many religious leaders also plagiarize and steal ideas and thinking from others. It seems that they will walk a mile to never give any credit to other people for anything. They want it all for themselves.
The Plutocrats on Publicity and Pride
Now while politicians, movie stars, market analysts and most people want publicity in the newspapers and TV screens and acclamations on how great they are, most of the plutocratic market manipulators want the reverse on publicity. They keep a low profile and don’t want any people in the public arena watching them or prying into their affairs.
Since they own and control most or all of the US media, they are in the envious position of constantly having their pictures, plans and activities in the US media, if they so chose, to satisfy their pride and vanity obsessions. Yet, they wisely take the stance of a low profile. They don’t want media coverage on themselves or their activities.
The only clear exception to this practice probably has existed with the Rockefellers and their obsession with US politics. Maybe they have had so much money that the only thing that they could do with it is to enter US politics (which, by the way, fulfills their human nature for pride, greed, lust, selfishness, get and acquire).
Perhaps the political realities are what have precipitated some media coverage on certain Rockefellers, like Arkansas Governor Winthrop, West Virginia Senator Jay and Vice President Nelson. Other than these few Rockefellers with political involvement, the others have pretty well been very discreet in their activities.
Former Vice President Nelson Rockefeller probably has had the most news coverage of any of them. But even with him, the coverage is not like it should be. For example, with his death, most of the media refused to cover it and tell it like it was.
It seems that instead of pumping up his investments and political and profit profiles, as he often did, the former US Vice-President was on top of one his secretaries busy pumping (but not on politics or making money) when he had an unexpected, fatal, heart attack. Despite being stuck under him, the poor girl was able to get one of her hands free to dial an emergency number to try to get help. But it was to no avail. Rocky was already dead from all of his pumping.
Although there were efforts made to hide and cover up this nasty tale about Nelson, the word did leak out and today we have information on him which we would have never known otherwise.
But this single incident and a few more rare reports are the extent of news coverage on the Rockefellers. As is true with the other plutocratic dynasties/families, the media is careful to not report on them. And they like that way.
Yet while the plutocrats are busy stealing almost everything from most of us, they are not so proud and arrogant that their names and activities have to be blasted all over their media outlets as they rip-off and steal from us. When they enter the financial markets to rip us off, you can be sure that their work will not be reported on CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN or Bloomberg. There is always a complete black-out on their efforts at manipulating and controlling the financial markets.
It’s too bad but there are a lot of people out in the world who are at the single digit level with their IQs. Such persons are so gullible that if they don’t see something on the nightly TV news then it could not be true. Well, such persons simply cannot possibly understand how the plutocrats have been stealing from them and cheating them all of their lives.
In their mentality and thinking, stories about the manipulation and control of financial markets are impossible. Thus, they won’t listen or be persuaded. It’s indeed sad that the apathy and don’t care are so great in modern America.
An Early Sample from Mayer Rothschild, Revisited
The Goldsmiths, Part V, in this series, discussed the Illuminati and the Sabbatians. The attitude on secrecy, for those involved, was cited in that discussion.
William Guy Carr broached the story on Mayer’s organization of the Illuminati in “Pawns in the Game.” As I noted earlier from Carr, Mayer Rothschild first conceived of the Illuminati, as early as 1771, when he met with twelve other, powerful, rich men to map out a plan of action for them to rule the world. He outlined some 25 detailed steps on how they could achieve world rule through an organization to be called the Illuminati.
As cited earlier, in point number six, Rothschild told the assembled plutocrats that “the power of our resources must remain invisible until the very moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning or force can undermine it.”
Yes, Mayer instructed his colleagues on how they were to accomplish their quest for world government, in terms of publicity and the resulting pride. Their MO was to carry out their work in secret so that it would be invisible to the gullible public. In other words, the general public won’t even know about it until it is in full force upon them. Then, the public may wake up; but it will be too late.
The Nathan Rothschild Story, Revisited
In the Goldsmiths, Part II, I pointed out how the shrewd, cunning, clever Nathan Rothschild bought the British Empire with a little deceit and treachery. In the Napoleonic war with Britain, he had a clever pigeon communications method so that his brother in Paris (who was a confidante of Napoleon and the French government) could keep him abreast of developments on the Continent and particularly in the British war on-going there.
When Nathan was ready to bring the suckers on board to sell the pound and make it fall, he did work to publicize his false and deceptive move to make the suckers believe that there was bad news from Waterloo. He knew that the public was just stupid and/or ignorant enough to follow his lead on what to do. And they did so once the publicity was out there to influence them (in those 19th century days in Britain, is it not totally likely that Rothschild then owned much of the British media and was able to get his deceitful message out to the public thru his own privately owned media sources?).
Once Nathan brought the suckers on board to help him collapse the pound, he personally reversed course and “secretly” began buying the pound. We can appreciate that on his switch, the move was totally done confidentially with no media participation. It was a Rothschild swindle to screw Britain and the British investors. And it worked. He cleaned up in the scam.
It must be said that his descendants, relatives and colleagues ever since have followed the same MO to constantly screw Britain, the British Commonwealth and the British cousins in the US.
These plutocrats know precisely what steps are needed to bring the suckers on board and then dump on them to cheat them out of every last pence/penny. After all, this group of manipulators has been at their game for almost 4,000 years. They are experts at it. And they show no mercy or let up in the rip off of the suckers. They are tenacious and never quit.
The 1913 Federal Reserve Bank, Revisited
The Goldsmiths, Part I, offered a summarized review of the attributes and qualities of the Federal Reserve Bank. I don’t want to repeat that material here. But there is one facet of that organization which is totally relevant. It is the matter of secrecy.
While Paris Hilton is running hard to have her picture and activities all over the media and while most all politicians generally have the same obsession, the Fed operates in an entirely different mode. For the Fed and its conspiratorial owners, insiders and workers, almost everything is done in secret. Simply stated, this outfit doesn’t want publicity on its activities.
As an example of their secrecy, take the situation with the periodic FOMC meetings. These things involve private people planning the future destiny of the United States. Yet, they meet in secret and even the minutes of their secret meetings are held in secrecy until several weeks later before they are released to the public (de facto, after their plans are already made and in effect).
True, the FOMC does make a statement on interest rates just after their meetings are concluded. But they say little or northing beyond this revelation.
So, what are the private bankers doing in terms of their plans for the US? Well, that information is largely secret and the public will never know it. Since the Fed is never audited, checked or verified and since the only thing we know about them is what they are willing to tell us, how can we be sure of exactly what they are doing?
The Deepcaster Speculator newsletter suggests that the repurchase agreements depicted on the Fed’s balance sheet (as they choose to reveal and publish them) is the Fed’s method of financing the PPT activities in the markets. This is an interesting suggestion and it has merit for study and analysis.
Yet, with my background in accounting I have wanted to have a look at the Fed’s income statement which should reflect all of the interest income that they received from the US taxpayers and what they did with that income. For sure, they pay their salaries and operating expenses. But what else did they spend that money for?
And we know that any left over, unspent monies are returned to the Treasury at the end of the year. But I am not interested in whether money is returned or not. What I want to know is what benefits the Fed received in exchange for the monies spent during the year.
Allegations persist that in financing the work of the PPT the Fed and US taxpayers absorb any losses that the participating brokers incur (this reality has been discussed at length in the old Spotlight paper and in the now American Free Press). Such losses or expenditures would likely show up on a Fed income statement. I would like to look at these numbers. But where has the Fed hid them?
I have made a genuine effort to locate income statement(s) from the Fed or its NY bank. But I have been totally unsuccessful. I mention this situation to demonstrate how clandestine and secret the Fed is in its operations. They are not in any mood to let the public know how they spend money or what they spend money for.
David Rockefeller on World Government
While Rockefeller brothers Nelson and Winthorp Rockefeller have been active in politics, brother David has placed his focus on the business world and on the dynasty plans and objectives for world rule.
Thus, the argument can be made that David evolved as the most powerful of the Rockefeller clan. He became the family’s president or chairman of the board (though he was younger than his better known brothers).
Being involved in the Rockefeller’s quest for profits and world rule, he has maintained a much lower profile than the other Rockefeller siblings. Yet, from time to time, some words have leaked out on his so-called wisdom and plutocratic plans for the world.
David Rockefeller has been one of the leaders of several conspiratorial motions going on since WWII to establish world government.
Often, former President George H. W. Bush referred to this coming world government as the New World Order. But since this term frightened people, the politicians and plutocrats changed their tactics by referring to it as globalism. The ignorant masses don’t get excited over globalism as they did with the New World Order.
One of the secret conspiratorial organizations which David Rockefeller has been intimately involved in is called the Bilderbergs or Bilderbergers, from the name of the hotel where the group had their first secret conspiratorial meeting.
In 1991, David Rockefeller attended the secret Bilderberg meeting at Baden-Baden, Germany. He spoke in reference to the watching eyes of the media powers and said: “It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government” (evidently, these 1991 remarks were made in reference to the early years in the push for world government--immediately after WWII).
Though David is now very elderly (he is around 90 years old), his name and plans do surface from time to time in some of the politically incorrect, alternative, media sources (like the American Free Press).
The Nov 18, 2002, “American Free Press” (p. 10-11) had an extensive report by Michael Collins Piper on David and his current thinking (in a story on “Mattoid David Rockefeller Lauds Internationalism, Decries Nationalism, Populism in his ‘Memoirs’”).
Piper quoted David Rockefeller as writing: “Some even believe we (the Rockefellers) are a part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will.” Going on, Rockefeller adds that “If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”
Since David Rockefeller has admitted the charge, there no longer remains any question about its validity. Manifestly, it is the real world out there--as Rockefeller himself has stated it.
Secret Societies in General
Since the plutocratic financial market manipulators function in a low profile and in a clandestine and secret manner, they have elected to use that same MO in carrying out their plans for world government and world rule over the ages. They go out of their way to be sure that their efforts in this regard are hid from the public.
While they have manipulated and controlled the collective society so much that many people today are nothing but walking zombies and robots, there is always the chance that there are some persons out in the world capable of thinking and understanding their diabolical, evil plans for world rule. Thus, they have to continue their low profile and maintenance of absolute secrecy on their activities for the time being, lest they get exposed.
There is no intent to begin to address the multitude of secret organizations that they have spun over the years. Suffice to say, there have been many of them. The Goldsmiths, Part V, by this writer, cites several of the more important ones—like the Illuminati, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Skull and Bones Society, and the Sabbatian groups. The above comments mention the Bilderberg group.
The unique thing about these various groups is that they all seem to be obsessed with secrecy in their operations and functioning. Though they each have played and do play a profound role in world history, it is hard to find out many specifics on them and what they do to influence world events. They love secrecy.
With their devotion to secrecy and clandestine conspiratorial operations, one would suppose that maybe they are less proud and more humble than the rest of the society where pride and vanity prevail.
But this is all fiction because the fat cats running these secret groups are all some of the most proud, arrogant and mean-spirited people living on planet earth. This may seem like a paradox of sorts. Yet it is not!
The Bottom Line
My favorite description of this process on how the plutocrats manipulate the financial markets to screw and cheat us is to say that they get up early in the mornings and start making their plans daily on how they are doing to defraud and cheat us (while the rest of us are still asleep in bed).
An acquaintance of mine put it slightly different by saying that whenever we enter into a financial transaction with one of these persons, we lose. And that tells the tale. If a person like me tries to play on the field with the Rothschilds, JP Morgan-Chase or Goldman Sachs, there is about a 99.9% chance that they win and I lose.
For More Reading/Information
For more reading on this issue, the reader may wish to check these sources:
The bestseller: “None Dare Call It Conspiracy,” by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham, first published in 1971, still available on eBay, Amazon and other book outlets.
“Tragedy and Hope,” by Carroll Quigley. At the 1992 Democrat Convention, Bill Clinton’s acceptance speech cited Quigley as Clinton’s mentor.
An Internet presentation on the Plutocrats, at Volume XXII of “Ezekiel and YHWH’s Judgment for the Good People,” at www.AgeEnd.com on the net.
The author is not involved in the securities or financial market business and has no financial interest in presenting the information herein. Thus, the preceding information on this subject is presented for general information only and not for purposes of investment advise or recommendations. What the reader does on investments is his own personal decision and responsibility.
Next, this article cites the problem I have had in trying to locate an income statement from the Fed and/or its NY bank. If any reader has information on how such a statement can be accessed, I would appreciate it much if he/she would drop me a note via my email at rd.idaho@gmail.com on the net. This information would be extremely valuable to me in trying to follow the evil activities of the plutocrats. At a first opportunity, I would pass this information along to readers of this series.
And, importantly, as I would receive it freely from you, I (and Goldseek.com or whosoever else publishes it) would share it with others also on a free basis. In other words, we (you, me, goldseek, etc) would be blessed people in that we could help other persons and not do it for financial gain or to collect money from them. Believe me, this is a departure from how most things work in today’s corrupt world.
Finally, the writer of this series is a retired CPA, living in the Idaho Mountains, and still optimistic for the future of gold and silver. He is also a veteran of the Korean and Vietnamese Wars.
-- Posted Tuesday, 9 September 2008 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com