-- Posted Wednesday, 17 September 2008 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com
By R. D. Bradshaw
The Goldsmiths, Part I, cited Proverbs 22:7 which says that the rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. The history of man for the last 6,000 years categorically proves the truthfulness of Proverbs 22:7. Yes, always, the rich rule the poor and borrowers become servants of lenders. That’s the way things work under man’s government of planet earth.
The context for this quote also noted the Golden Rule as applying in the governments of men--he who has the gold does the ruling. The super rich goldsmith/banker Mayer Amschel Rothschild wisely said to permit him to control a nation’s money and he cared not who wrote its laws. Obviously, Mayer knew that once he had control of a nation’s money, he would automatically become the ruler and effective owner of that nation. That’s the way it is. And it can’t be changed under man’s rule.
Now there are people out in the world who will argue against those realities till kingdom come. But their arguments won’t hold up in the real world because the people with money call the shots. Yes, they call the shots in the US as well as in other countries. And this includes calling the shots in all of the US financial markets and their important functions and primary movements.
The Source of Corporate Power
For some time, in the US, many persons blame the fat cat corporations for US troubles. For example, in a June 2000 speech to union leaders in Sioux Falls, SD, Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader railed against the US government “of the Exxons, by the General Motors and for the DuPonts” (June 19, 2000, “Newsweek,” p. 34). While Nader was as good as or far better than the presidential candidates in the two leading parties, he missed or elected to not say what the real problem is in America.
Of course, Exxon, GM and DuPont all have major problems and faults worthy of complaint. But one must realize that these companies are merely pieces of paper with a corporate existence chartered/authorized by one of the US states. As a corporation, they have managers who report to a board of directors chosen by their real source of power—their owners and controllers who are often invisible, secret players behind the scenes.
Thus, my position has been for years that the evils of corporations, whatever they are and however extensive and bad that they might be, must be traced back to their owners/controllers. Admittedly, the real owners of corporations may not always exercise the power that they correctly possess. But they must accept the responsibly for that power whether they exercise it or not.
In most large corporations, the ownership power is often diffused with many diverse stock holders. Many or most of these stock owners are small people with limited holdings. The result is that sometimes the real corporate power/control rests with a few key stockholders who may only own one to ten percent of the stock. But wherever this power block lies, there is some person and/or group of persons that represent the power structure of the corporation.
It is this power structure which is truly responsible for the evil and/or good that the corporation does. We limited humans may choose to not hold them accountable, but rest assured that on judgment day, when they appear before The CREATOR, they will be held accountable for the acts of the corporation which they controlled.
The Rockefeller Dynastic Power
While there are dynastic families owning the controlling blocks of stock in both GM and DuPont, let us focus on Exxon since it is far more influential in today’s world in terms of investors (with the role that energy is playing in the financial markets).
The largest source of corporate power in the US energy field surfaced with old John D. Rockefeller in 19th century America with his Standard Oil Company. In the early 20th century, there was a supposed breakup of the old Standard Oil Co into a number of other eventual oil companies—including Chevron, Sohio, Std Oil KY, Exxon, Ashland, Mobil, evidently Gulf and perhaps a few more.
While the one old Standard Oil was broken up, the Rockefeller family continued to own its proportionate shares of stock in the new surviving oil companies. In other words, the breakup did not alter the Rockefeller ownership and control of the same oil interests.
At some point in time, old John D. began to produce numbers of descendants. A family corporation therefore evolved to control the corporate stock owned by the progenitor. Today, it is this Rockefeller family corporation which owns and controls the Rockefeller oil interests, as well as other interests in the pharmaceutical and banking fields. The family’s banking interest existed with the old Chase Manhattan Bank for ages (before it was merged with the Rothschild Morgan bank).
The wealth of the Rockefeller family holdings is enormous. But the reason that it does not displace Bill Gates and his number one position on Forbes’ list of the biggest fat cats is because the Rockefeller holdings are spread out among many descendants (perhaps now a hundred or more). Likely the same reality exists with the other super rich plutocratic dynasties—like the Rothschilds, Bronfmans, Lazards, etc.
The point of this is that instead of attacking Exxon, Nader should have addressed the Rockefeller family which has the primary ownership/control of Exxon. In other words, the people who really pull the strings with Exxon should be the focus of attention and not just the corporation singularly.
The Federal Reserve Bank
Just as Exxon is a piece of corporate paper, the same is true with the Federal Reserve Bank (affectionately called “The Fed” by much of the US financial world). It is a corporation, chartered by the US government, and reportedly owned by private individuals through their ownership and control of certain US banks.
But there is one key difference between Exxon and the Fed. While the corporate structure of Exxon is closer to the realities of a text book description of a corporation, there are complications and difficulties in trying to understand the actual corporate structure of the Fed. The arising problem areas become confusing because the Fed consists of twelve separate private banks and an overall board of governors appointed by the president.
There are several different classes of stock in the individual Fed banks (reportedly classes A, B, C and perhaps others). Yet it is not clear to me what there is in back of the overall structure, in terms of its corporate realities. Regardless of the overall structure, it is largely symbolic and a figure head operation since the Fed power lies with the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), as discussed in The Goldsmiths, Part I.
Though there is this condition of twelve separate Fed banks, the truth is that the NY bank is the key one since it is a permanent voting member of the FOMC, since it implements all decisions of the FOMC, and since it effectively is the base of operations and management of the whole Federal Reserve System.
The Fed Owners
With the absolute confusion over identifying the Fed owners (remember in Goldsmiths, Part IX, that the plutocrats like to do things in secret and by deception), it is no easy proposition to define them. Nevertheless, some researchers have tackled the problem over the years. I will cite below their findings.
In terms of the powerful NY Fed Bank, Robert Gaylon Ross (in “Who’s Who of the Elite” p. 252) lists its owners as: Chase Manhattan Bank, with 32.35% of the total stock, Citibank owns 20.51%, Morgan Guaranty Trust has 8.87%, Republic National Bank owns 4.60%, Bank of New York owns 4.46%, and other large New York banks own the rest. It is unclear what exact classes of NY Fed stock are owned by these banks—perhaps it is the class C stock.
Chase was the Rockefeller flag ship which is now largely under Rothschild control with the Morgan-Chase merger a few years ago. The Bank of NY is one of the oldest as it was founded by a man from the West Indies named Alexander Levine (who adopted the name Hamilton in the NY colony).
Republic was owned by a man named Edmond Safra who also owned/controlled Switzerland’s Trade Development Bank and American Express (Safra was murdered in Nov 1999; so his interests likely passed to his family). I have heard allegations that Citibank had a Rothschild connection though I am not sure of what it is. I know that former US Secretary of the Treasury Robert Rubin was/is both a large stockholder and manager with Citibank. Rubin came up from Goldman Sachs. So he had Rothschild connections.
Eustace Mullins is one of the great American authors, having written a number of excellent books. Too, he is perhaps one of the best, well-known researchers on the Federal Reserve.
In his years of research on this clandestine institution, Mullins has found that most of the power and effective control of the Fed rests with its Class A stockholders, whose identity is kept secret from the public (per the “Magical Money Machine” video). Mullins does indicate that this list of 12 owners/controllers include family dynasties like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and evidently the Lazards.
I have not seen any mention of the Bronfman family dynasty of Canada but surely this group must fit in with the Fed in some way. The Bronfman clan is one of the most powerful families in the world with its control of the liquor and media businesses. Importantly, it owns controlling interests in Time-Warner, Universal Studios, and CNN (which used to belong to Ted Turner before being taken over by the Bronfmans).
The Bronfman ties to the Fed arise in their connection to the crime syndicate of Maier Suchowjansky (who changed his name to Meyer Lansky, “Final Judgment,” p. 73). Lansky served with Bugsy Siegel and Lucky Luciano in a Mob triumvirate of sorts in the early 1930s. Luciano was a Sicilian, yet his colleagues were not.
But Lansky was the smartest and meanest of the lot. So he took over the US Mafia in 1935 when he double crossed Luciano and had Lucky put away in prison on charges of white slavery and prostitution. Lansky remained the Boss of all Bosses until his death in 1983. If the reader wants a clue on the 1963 murder of JFK, he must take a look at Lansky (on this, see vol XXIII, Politics and Murder, “Ezekiel and YHWH’s Judgment for the Good News People” at ageend.com).
Over the years, the American Free Press has documented the Bronfman family ties to Lansky and the laundering of money in various Swiss banks—many of which were owned or controlled by the Rothschilds. This background is sufficient to allow that indeed the Bronfmans are linked to the Rothschilds and certain large Swiss banks.
This backdrop also explains why the Bank of Switzerland constantly supports the Fed and the US banking plutocrats on the elevation of the US dollar at the expense of the Swiss Franc. The Franc is one of the strongest currencies in the world. Yet the privately owned Bank of Switzerland joins with other Rothschild central banks (like the Bank of England and ECB) to frequently intervene in the currency markets to boost the dollar while depressing the Franc, EURO and Pound.
Yes, the big Rothschild banks in Switzerland seem to control the Swiss Central Bank. Certainly, since the days of the Napoleonic wars, the Rothschilds have controlled the Banks of France and England. We can be sure that today they are in absolute control of the ECB. I would not attempt a position on how they control the Bank of Japan, but I’m sure that they are the bosses over there just like they are in the US and Europe. When Japan and Germany lost WWII, they lost much.
Here, there is a need to mention Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. While he was appointed by Bush, it is a fact that he came up with the New York Fed Bank which is effectively owned by the Rothschilds. Besides being a cousin (relative) of sorts with the Rothschilds, Ben certainly came to power through his years of working for the Rothschilds. You can bank on it, Bernanke is a Rothschild man.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line here is that the Federal Reserve takes orders primarily from the Rothschilds; perhaps with some input from other powerful banking dynasties--like the Rockefellers, Lazards, Oppenheimers, Cecils, etc. And though I cannot define the link, it is a good guess that the Bronfmans are also involved.
As for as the big banks working with the Fed to manipulate the markets, they devolve to essentially the same people who own and control the Fed and the financial markets. Yes, JP Morgan-Case takes orders from the Rothschilds (though it is probable that the Rockefellers have some major stock holdings and do have a voice of sorts with JPMC). Goldman Sachs seems to be run by the Rothschilds exclusively.
The other big player is Citibank. It either has direct Rothschild connections or links to the Rothschilds via Rothschild cousins/relatives.
Also with a Rothschild link, the Cecils are big in England. The Lazards and Oppenheimers are big in Europe. I am not sure how these three influence US interests (unless they are indeed some of the secret owners of the Fed). But it is highly probable. So they deserve some recognition.
N. M. Rothschild and Company in The City (along with the Bank of England, also in The City) is probably the key institution directing the banks and Fed in the US. Therefore, it must be cited here.
With the financial market manipulations coming out of the woods into the plain sight of almost everyone (yes, it is becoming more and more obvious to numbers of people familiar with what’s going on in modern America), it is absolutely amazing that there remains persons who cannot or will not accept the idea that there is a force of some type busy manipulating and controlling the markets.
It is hard to fathom that some people might not be able to look at the charts and price moves and see that there are secret, behind-the-scenes manipulators who are causing the market reactions. Nevertheless, some exist; and yet others are beginning to be suspicious of the Fed and some of the large banks—like JP Morgan-Chase, Citibank, Goldman Sachs and the like.
But the one thing which few people are willing to do is to attribute the manipulations and skullduggery to the super rich fat cats who own and control the Fed, JPMC, Citibank, Goldman Sachs, etc. In general the public loves these fat cat bosses and will never speak bad words about them or what they do.
To my thinking, it is ludicrous to complain about market manipulations from the Fed and the big banks all the while one ignores the owners and controllers of the Fed and big banks. Somehow I just can’t put together the rationale that allows this enigma to surface. Do these people still believe in the tooth fairy? Or as I have heard for much of the last 60 years, are they in the market to buy a bridge in Brooklyn?
For More Reading/Information
For more reading on this issue, the reader may wish to check these sources:
The bestseller: “None Dare Call It Conspiracy,” by Gary Allen and Larry Abraham, first published in 1971, still available on eBay, Amazon and other book outlets.
“Tragedy and Hope,” by Carroll Quigley. At the 1992 Democrat Convention, Bill Clinton’s acceptance speech cited Quigley as Clinton’s mentor.
An Internet presentation on the Plutocrats, at Volume XXII of “Ezekiel and YHWH’s Judgment for the Good People,” at www.AgeEnd.com on the net.
This writer has recommended the above three books on numerous occasions both here in this Goldsmith series as well as otherwise. The reason for the frequent cites is because I believe that these three books best explain how there is a plutocratic conspiracy on-going which controls nations and manipulates financial markets for their own profit and gain purposes.
The author is not involved in the securities or financial market business and has no financial interest in presenting the information herein. Hence, the preceding information on this subject is presented for general information only and not for purposes of investment advise or recommendations. What the reader does on investments is his own personal decision and responsibility.
Finally, the writer of this series is a retired CPA, living in the Idaho Mountains, and still optimistic for the future of gold and silver. He is also a veteran of the Korean and Vietnamese Wars.
-- Posted Wednesday, 17 September 2008 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com