-- Posted Friday, 19 September 2008 | Digg This Article
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Financial and Geopolitical Intelligence
“I just loaned $283 to AIG…I and every other American. And…no one asked our permission. The Federal Reserve simply took our money…”
Eric J. Fry, Agora Financial, September 17, 2008
“There is $6.84 trillion on deposit in U.S. banks, but U.S. banks have only
$273.7 billion cash on hand. The banks cannot possibly pay back depositors…”
“Investing in Chaos, The Storm is Here”
Darryl Robert Schoon, September 17, 2008
The U.S. Taxpayer Bailouts of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Bear Stearns, and AIG - - catalyzed by the U.S. Federal Reserve and Treasury - - are only four of many symptoms that something is structurally rotten and dangerous, and very costly, to U.S. Taxpayers, about the U.S. Financial System.
Indeed, the Fannie and Freddie Bailouts alone are likely to cost American Taxpayers at least One Trillion Dollars, and probably more. See “The Trillion-Dollar Lie and the End of the U.S. Dollar As We Know It” by P. Heller, Liberty Coin Service, September 8, 2008.
Frankly, when any Taxpayer-funded Government makes a policy of bailing out private obligations gone bad (and with no corresponding participation in the earlier profits of the bailees) it has more than a whiff of fascism about it.
“Fascism - - a system of government…that exercises a dictatorship typically through the merging of state and business leadership…”
American Heritage Dictionary
Terry Keenan has done an excellent job in revealing how the “Bailout Game” works - - who benefits, and who loses.
“Explain the logic of this? The Bank of Bernanke takes $29 billion in Bear’s toxic real estate debts, but lets Bear Stearns’ skyscraper go to JP Morgan for a song? Why didn’t the Fed take control of Bear’s one real asset and rent it out to JP Morgan with the proceeds going back into Federal coffers?….American taxpayers are potentially on the hook for $29 billion….yes, $29 billion…”
“$66 billion. That is the record amount of money Wall Street’s top five firms…paid out in compensation and bonuses last year to their 186,000 employees…”
“At Merrill Lynch, they paid out $15,9 billion in compensation last year just weeks before the firm went hat-in-hand to secure a $6 billion lifeline investment…”
“Two weeks after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke masterminded the purchase of Bear by JP Morgan Chase, one thing is crystal clear: JP Morgan shareholders are richer to the tune of $25 billion, Bear shareholders are several billion dollars better off than if the firm went totally bust, and American taxpayers are potentially on the hook for $29 billion…”
Terry Keenan, NY Post, March 30, 2008
But the Root of the Problem is both deeper and broader than just Taxpayer-funded Bailouts. The root of The Problem is the structure, functioning, and very existence of that very entity which in large measure created and catalyzed the Financial Systemic Crises to begin with - - the private, for-profit U.S. Federal Reserve.
Yet the key to its solution is relatively simple. Consider first Jim Rogers on the Bear Stearns Bailout:
“If the system is so fragile that the collapse of the fifth-largest investment bank in America could bring the whole thing down, what's going to happen in a few years when the No. 2 or No. 1 banks go bad...What's Bernanke going to do, get in his helicopter and fly around the country repossessing cars and houses? This is insane."
Jim Rogers, June 25, 2008, Moneynews.com
Thus, Jim Rogers (and Terry Keenan) helps make a compelling case those “insane” Fed policies of the past few years have brought the Financial System to the Brink of Meltdown. Were that NOT the case, the Fed would not have seen it necessary to intervene to resolve the Bear Stearns (and Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, and….?) crisis. Bear Stearns was only the fifth largest investment bank in the United States.
Indeed, Deepcaster, former Presidential Candidate Ron Paul, and Jim Rogers recommend the same Solution to The Crises catalyzed by the private, for-profit, U.S. Federal Reserve: Abolish it.
The private for-profit Fed should be replaced by a U.S. National Bank as authorized by the U.S. Constitution. That Bank could then Re-link the U.S. Dollar to Gold and Silver as constitutionally authorized. This could prospectively avoid the massive Fed-catalyzed monetary and credit excesses which are the main cause of our current Financial Crises.
But why is Fed abolition necessary? Because Fed policy risks Systemic Collapse while facilitating massive profits for favored Financial Institutions. A Number of European Bankers also agree with Deepcaster and Rogers on the matter of Systemic Risk.
“The clash between the European Central Bank and the US Federal Reserve over Monetary Strategy is causing serious strains in the global financial system and could lead to a replay of Europe's exchange rate crisis in the 1990's, a team of bankers has warned. 'We are seeing striking similarities between the transatlantic tensions that built up in the early 1990's and those that are accumulating again today. The outcome of the 1992 deadlock was a major currency crisis and a recession in Europe, said a report by Morgan Stanley's European experts..."
Catastrophic' Event Feared as Fed fights ECB on Rates
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, The Telegraph, London, Monday, June 16, 2008
As well, Fortis Bank, a large international bank and insurer headquartered in Europe:
"Expects a complete collapse of the US financial markets within a few days to weeks...'The situation in the US is much worse than we thought' Fortis expects bankruptcies among 6000 American banks...But also Citigroup, General Motors, there is starting a complete meltdown in the US."
June 29, 2008 Google translation from the Dutch.
In addition, the Asian Clearing Union (ACU) also recently expressed a lack of confidence in the U.S. Federal Reserve. On June 22, 2008 they announced that they had agreed to introduce the Euro alongside the U.S. Dollar for settlement of payment among member countries beginning January, 2009.
This ACU Act puts another Nail in the Coffin of the U.S. Dollar as the World's Reserve Currency.
Consider also that if Crude Oil ceases to be priced solely in U.S. Dollars, and given that the U.S. Dollar/Crude Oil Pricing link is already under serious strain, then the U.S. Financial and Economic Systems (and therefore those of the major nations of the world) will be in even more serious trouble, and even closer to meltdown.
Perhaps most significant, even the Bank for International Settlements (BIS -- The Central Bankers’ Bank) says the global economy could face a deeper downturn than expected.
“In the aftermath of a long credit-driven boom, it would not be surprising to see turmoil in financial markets, slowing real growth and temporarily rising inflation,” the BIS said in its annual report.
“While difficult to predict, their interaction does appear to point to a deeper and more protracted global downturn than the consensus view seems to expect.”
BIS: Global economy could face deeper downturn
George Frey, AP Business Writer, June 30, 2008
In response to these ongoing crises, the International Monetary Fund is undertaking an audit of the U.S. Financial System. The IMF’s Board of Directors has ruled that a Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) is to be carried out in the USA.
Indeed, the Primary Cause the aforementioned crises is U.S. Fed policies of recent years. Specifically, among the many crisis-creating Fed policies have been, and are:
--Expanding the money supply (M3) at a Hyperinflationary Rate, now about 14% per annum, and coupling that with “easy credit,” and
--Thus creating skyrocketing Real Consumer Price Inflation, now nearly 13% annually, and
--Thus catalyzing record-high Real U.S. Unemployment, now over 14% annually. (all according to the quite credible calculations of shadowstats.com)
The Systemic Manifestation of The Fed-Led Cartel’s Outrageously Bad Policies is the creation of the various Bubbles: the Credit Bubble, the Mortgage Market Bubble, the Darkly Liquid OTC Derivatives Bubble, are among the major ones. These are all in the process of Bursting, with quite deleterious consequences
Compounding the ongoing crises, the U.S. Fed-led Cartel* and cooperating Agents and Allies, have also been Intervening in all the Major Markets (e.g. artificially boosting equities and regularly suppressing the price of Gold and Silver) and/or manipulating the Statistics to suit their own purposes, as Deepcaster's July, 2008 Letter “Market Intervention, Data Manipulation Still Accelerating, Increasing Risks, The Cartel End Game,” available at www.deepcaster.com, demonstrates.
*We encourage those who doubt the scope and power of Intervention by a Fed-led Cartel of Central Bankers and Allies to read Deepcaster’s January, 2008 Letter containing a summary overview of Intervention entitled “Market Intervention, Data Manipulation - - Increasing Risks, The Cartel End Game, and Latest Forecast” at www.deepcaster.com>LatestLetter. Also consider the substantial evidence collected by the Gold AntiTrust Action Committee at www.gata.org for information on precious metals price manipulation. Virtually all of the evidence for Intervention has been gleaned from publicly available records. Deepcaster’s profitable recommendations displayed at www.deepcaster.com have been facilitated by attention to these “Interventionals.”
The bottom line is that the U.S. Fed-led Financial System is systemically toxic and is indeed becoming a threat to democratic governance and free markets. It is essential to understand why this is so in order to understand how to achieve financial “salvation” and profit. Thus, consider - -
“But if you wish to remain slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them create money.”
Joshua Stamp, Director, Bank of England, 1928
Even the most causal student of Economic History knows that the United States’ Federal Reserve system, or “The Fed” as it is called, is not a U.S. government owned or controlled entity.
Various international private banks, several of which are headquartered in Europe, own the “United States” Fed. Moreover, this “United States” Fed leads a Cartel of Central Banks* and their Agents, Allies, and Factota, who collectively intervene in a wide variety of markets, as Deepcaster (see January, 2008 Letter) and others have demonstrated. All this is obviously quite financially incestuous.
These International Bankers, acting through their “U.S.” Fed, make money by creating money out of “thin air” as eloquently described by the Dean of the Newsletter Writers, Richard Russell:
“I still can’t get over the whole Federal Reserve racket.
Consider the following - - let’s take a situation where the U.S. government needs money. The U.S. doesn’t just issue United States Notes, which, of course it could. These notes would be dollars backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. No, the U.S. doesn’t issue dollars straight out of the U.S. Treasury.
This is what the U.S. does - - it issues Treasury Bonds. The U.S. then sells these bonds to the Fed. The Fed buys the bonds. Wait, how does the Fed pay for the bonds? The Fed simply creates money “out of thin air” (book-keeping entry) with which it buys the bonds. The money that the Fed creates from nowhere then goes to the U.S. The Fed holds the U.S. bonds, and the unbelievable irony is that the U.S. then pays interest on the very bonds that the U.S. itself issued. (With great profit to the private owners of The Fed - - Ed. Note) The mind boggles.
The damnable result is that the Fed effectively controls the U.S. money supply. The Fed is …not even a branch of the U.S. government. The Fed is not mentioned in the Constitution of the United States. No Constitutional amendment was ever created or voted on to accept the Fed. The Constitutionality of the Federal Reserve has never come before the Supreme Court. The Fed is a private bank that keeps the U.S. forever in debt - - or I should say in increasing debt along with ever rising interest payments.
How did the Fed get away with this outrage? A tiny secretive group of bankers sneaked through a bill in 1913 at a time when many in Congress were absent. Those who were there and voted for the bill didn’t realize (as so often happens) what they were voting for (shades of the shameful 2002 vote to hand over to President Bush the power to decide on war with Iraq).”
Richard Russell, “Richards Remarks,” dowtheoryletters.com, March 27 2007
After President Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law in 1913, he reportedly said, “I am a most unhappy man, I have unwittingly ruined my country…a great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit…the growth of the nation, therefore, and all of our activities are in the hands of a few men…” Deepcaster thus recommends a compelling expose of The Fed called “The Creature From Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin.
Insightful economic forecaster Ian Gordon notes several negative consequences of the nearly 100-year reign of The Fed, consequences with which we cope today.
“Since its inception in 1913, the Federal Reserve Board has been responsible for almost 95% devaluation of the U.S. Dollar. All this has been achieved through its ability to continually inflate the money supply.
And, between 1985 and 2005, the Federal Reserve Board has increased the money supply by five times. This extraordinary money creation is merely the catalyst for debt creation. In a fiat money system, money is debt…there is absolutely no way this money can ever be repaid except by continued inflation. But, now that the credit bubble is blown up, inflation is no longer an option; bankruptcy looms.”
“The Federal Reserve…What Has It Done For You Lately?”
Ian Gordon, December 29, 2007 (www.axisoflogic.com)
Gordon goes on to conclude that today we are in the “late Autumn” of an inflationary blow-off in the current 50 to 70 year Kondratieff cycle. (The Economist Kondratieff theorized that Central Bankers were instrumental in creating 50 to 70 year long, four phase cycles, with the “Winter Phase” characterized by a deep recession or depression). Indeed, according Kondratieff theory this month, January 2008, we are on the threshold of a Kondratieff “Winter” - - a Deep Recession or Depression. Deepcaster agrees that such a Kondratieff Winter is likely in the next very few years, but for other reasons than just the Kondratieff cycle (see June, 2007 and July, 2008 Deepcaster Letters at www.deepcaster.com).
When the United States has, in recent years, been threatened with recession or depression (e.g. 1987 and 2001), the Greenspan-led Fed responded to each threat by ever more massive fiat money (debt) creation. The problem is that each time the fiat money supply is inflated by an ever-greater amount, more money must be printed in order to stave off recession or depression. One recent calculation has indicated that approximately $6 must now be created (i.e. printed) in order to drive each additional $1 of GDP.
Such profligate printing merely delays financial disaster, but does not avoid it. Such a disaster could be avoided by linking currency to the Monetary Metals – Gold & Silver – but The Cartel strenuously resists that. It would dilute their power and profits.
Monetary inflation reflected in (the now hidden by The Fed) M3 is now increasing at about 14% annualized per year (www.shadowstats.com) - - about a 5-year doubling time. Of course, this reckless Fed-generated Monetary Inflation is gradually translating into Price Inflation, though that price inflationary effect has 1) been temporarily delayed by importing cheap goods and cheap labor into the United States via the de facto Open Borders policy and 2) has been disguised by data manipulation (see section of July, 2008 Deepcaster Letter regarding shadowstats Alternative Government Statistics Calculations at “Latest Letter” at www.deepcaster.com).
Of course, among the negative consequences resulting from rampant monetary inflation and easy credit has been serious wage depression and job quality degradation of American workers, as well as the destruction of much of the United States’ domestic manufacturing capacity.
A major problem with The Fed’s profligate fiat money creation is that as the money supply continues to increase, prices begin to increase at an increasing rate. That rate is beginning to be reflected even in the jiggered U.S. government’s early September data releases showing. Of course, Real Consumer Price Inflation is now about 13% annualized (www.shadowstats.com).
Deepcaster and Richard Russell are of the same mind regarding the consequences of the Fed-created monetary inflation. Regarding the continued inflation of the money supply:
1) The U.S. Dollar will eventually (pushed by Fed policies) self-destruct (though we are at the beginning of a short-term U.S. Dollar “bounce” as Deepcaster has earlier forecast) and
2) “…The system must eventually destroy itself. It is not a matter of whether, it is simply a matter of when and how…” Richards Remarks, March 27, 2007
So if “the system must eventually destroy itself” and The Cartel likely knows this, what has been, and is likely in the future to be, their response?
First, in order to stave off the day or month or year of Reckoning (which, we reiterate, is coming mainly as a consequence of their dramatic monetary inflation and “easy money” policies), the Fed-led Central Bankers Cartel has created, and for the past several years has operated, an extraordinary “financial machine” built on increasing trillions of dollars of OTC Derivatives which allow it to manipulate major markets ranging from Precious Metals to Crude Oil and Energy, to Equities and Strategic Commodities. (See Deepcaster’s January, 2008 article “Market Intervention Accelerating…” at www.deepcaster.com.
But now, finally, the pressures of the Real Economy (e.g. increases in food and energy costs) coupled with this relentless and irresponsible money (debt) creation by The Fed have begun to seriously stress the entire financial system, as the credit freeze-up of August, 2007 and subsequent events show. As we pointed out in our July, 2008 Letter, the credit freeze-up, subprime crisis, toxic derivatives and other threats have not gone away. These threats are latent and growing, waiting to erupt again.
Indeed perhaps the most salient item of evidence that The Central Bankers Market Intervention Regime is becoming less and less effective is that The Cartel requires, and thus creates, an ever-increasing number of derivatives to “manage” all the various markets in which The Cartel intervenes. Indeed, those amounts of derivatives are increasing exponentially. (See Deepcaster’s January, 2008 article “Market Intervention Accelerating…” at www.deepcaster.com).
So what are the Central Bankers to do as their Market Intervention Regime becomes less and less effective? What are they doing?
They surely must want to avoid allowing the financial system to collapse around them (in a manner in which its failure would be linked to them) lest they be subject to the wrath of the populace of the major nations. They must thus develop a solution - - an “End Game” as it were - - for what Deepcaster and Richard Russell view as the inevitable collapse.
Deepcaster has described The Cartel’s apparent End Game is in his June, 2007 Letter “Profiting From the Push to Denationalize Currencies and Deconstruct Nations” posted at www.deepcaster.com in the “Archives” at “Latest Letter” and in his August 13, 2006 Alert “Massive Financial-Geopolitical Scheme Not Reported by Big Media.”
A most compelling rational conclusion from the foregoing is that The Cartel expects (and may even be pushing) the Dollar to go further and further decline, over the medium term, and to continue their other policies, until there is a “No-Salvation, No-Return Systemic Crisis.” (Very short-term, Deepcaster earlier forecast the U.S. Dollar to “bounce” into the 4th quarter of 2008 - - a forecast that is being fulfilled - - but that does not affect the fact that the primary trend for the U.S. Dollar is down.)
It is clear from a variety of substantial evidence that the relentless monetary inflation, toxic derivatives, dark liquidity, et al has put the financial system in such serious jeopardy that it will be difficult or impossible to remedy.
That the U.S. economy is headed in the direction of Serious Stagflation (a Kondratieff Winter) is pretty clear from the shadowstats.com August, 2008 statistics. We reiterate, according to shadowstats, Real Consumer Price Inflation is running in excess of 13% a year and, as we commented above. The Money Supply Growth (M3) is increasing at nearly 14% a year, or a doubling time of about 5 years.
Moreover, U.S. GDP “growth” is a negative number - - a negative 2% according to shadowstats. It would appear that The Cartel-charted-course toward a stagflationary recession/depression is on course.
To be sure, this Fed policy of explosively increasing the money supply (“money from helicopters” to use a phrase associated with Chairman Bernanke) and The Cartel’s massive and increasing use of derivatives to intervene in a wide variety of markets (see www.bis.org - - then follow the path: statistics>derivatives>Tables 19 through 22) is fraught with danger. Deepcaster, Warren Buffett and Jim Sinclair have pointed out the dangers of derivatives. Indeed, Buffett calls them “toxic” and Sinclair has aptly described the financial system as “sitting on a $20 trillion trembling mountain of derivatives…think Weimar Republic.” Unfortunately Deepcaster, Jim Sinclair and Warren Buffett are being proven correct.
In sum, with The Cartel’s increasing use of derivatives comes an increasing risk of a financial meltdown. We had such harbingers of one in August, 2007 with the credit market freeze-up and in March, 2008 (Bear Stearns) and in September, 2008 (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) but The Cartel was able to rescue its major International Bank and Wall Street clients from these.
And so far The Cartel has staved off a systemic meltdown. But, alas, it may well not always be so.
Thus we expect that a (inevitable eventually) “No-Salvation, No-Return Systemic Crisis” will likely, as Deepcaster pointed out in his June, 2007 Letter, at some point provide The Cartel a catalyst to force realization of its “End Game.” Only the timing and details are dark.
The clue to the character of the “End Game” is the Strategic and Prosperity Partnership Agreement signed by Presidents Bush, Fox of Mexico and Martin of Canada in Waco, Texas in March, 2006.
This Agreement was signed without the approval of Congress, or the knowledge of most of the American people.
It is clear from the End Game Plan reflected in this Agreement why the Bush Administration has been so resistant to defending U.S. borders.
It is also clear that a key component of the End Game Plan is the dissolution of the United States Dollar and other currencies into a new currency, the “Amero.” Indeed, two bits of anecdotal evidence that this plan is being taken seriously are:
1) That the “Swiss Portfolio” Investment Advisory Company is already touting the “Amero Alternative” on its website; and
2) The London investment firm Jeffries International Ltd.’s Vice President, Steven Pervis, said that the coming “Amero” will have “a big impact on everybody’s life.”
One clear inference is that if The Cartel is pushing the Amero as the eventual, and their favored, alternative to the U.S. Dollar, The Cartel certainly intends to continue its interventional efforts at suppressing the prices of Gold and Silver in order to prevent their attaining more widely-recognized legitimacy as money.
The foregoing are only a couple of the components of this massive and dramatic End Game Plan, the particulars of which can be found in Deepcaster’s June, 2007 Letter “Profiting From the Push to Denationalize Currencies and Deconstruct Nations” and August, 2006 Alert ”Massive Financial Geopolitical Scheme Not Reported by Big Media” at www.deepcaster.com in the Archives.
In the event of the success (from The Cartel’s perspective) of the implementation of the End Game Plan, doubtless The Fed would transmogrify itself into The (still private and very profitable) Central Bank responsible for issuing the Amero.
Of course, the key question for the long-term is whether The Cartel will be able to pull it off. Certainly they have been instrumental in creating a financial climate which has crisis potential.
The immediate question is whether their massive Cartel Interventional Takedown Machinery will continue to be potent enough to do as they did most recently immediately after the nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - - implement major takedowns of the Gold and Silver prices.
As their recent exponentially increasing derivatives creation shows, The Cartel is having a harder and harder time maintaining their potency.
So it appears that if The Fed is not able to lead its Cartel to success in implementing its “End Game,” the No-Salvation, No-Return Systemic Crisis which its policies will likely create, will clearly and publicly be its responsibility.
In that event, is it not highly likely that The Fed would be unable to continue as a privately owned for-profit entity?
Rather, and as an alternative to The Cartel’s planned End Game, there could then arise genuine a United States National Bank issuing United States Notes (as did President J.F. Kennedy briefly before he was killed) solidly backed by the monetary metals, Gold and Silver.
Fortunately there is a Resolution in the U.S. Congress which reflects opposition to this Threatening Cartel End Game Plan: H.Res.40 (Goode, R-Va).
Fortunately also, Deepcaster has developed a Strategy for both profiting from the attempted implementation of the ‘End Game’ plan, and ultimately defeating The Cartel in its attempt to do so. That Strategy is laid out in its Alert of 12/23/07, "A Strategy for Profiting from Cartel Intervention..." available in the Alerts Cache of www.deepcaster.com.
The essence of The Strategy, as applied to the Gold and Silver markets, is to consider not only the Fundamentals and Technicals but also The Interventionals in making investment decisions. Such a Strategy can allow one to profit on the way down, in Takedowns of Gold and Silver for example, as well as on the way up.
To summarize certain key aspects, the strategy for protection and profit from the bursting of Fed-catalyzed bubbles and the Fed attempted implementation of its’ ‘End Game’:
1) Understand the various Bubbles and the implications of their bursting. This allows one to
2) Pick which Sectors are inflating and those which are deflating, which allows one to
3) Ride the inflating ones up and use short positions of various kinds to ride the deflating sectors down and
4) Recognize that one must regularly consider the Interventionals as well as the Fundamentals and Technicals in order to adequately forecast Market Moves; and
5) Recognize that Gold and Silver are authentic Safe Havens against both inflation and deflation but that their price at any given time is subject to massive distortion by the Fed-led Cartel of Central Bankers through its Interventions and, therefore
6) It is important to implement a Strategy that allows one to build one’s Core Position in Gold and Silver at the bottom of Cartel generated takedowns, but also to profit as Gold and Silver rise, and when they are Taken Down as well.
A major premise of The Strategy is that one can, and should, certainly remain a Hard Assets Partisan while at the same time insulating oneself from future Takedowns. Adopting such a strategy can help to avoid unpleasantness, or even possible financial ruin, in the future, as well as to make profit along the way:
In sum, Investors must recognize that The Cartel is still potent, as difficult as that may be psychologically for Deepcaster and other Hard Assets Partisans to acknowledge. The Cartel is still the Biggest Player in many markets and, if the timing and market context are propitious, the Biggest Player makes Market Price. In addition, The Cartel has the advantage of de facto controlling the structure and regulation of various marketplaces and that is a tremendous advantage; just as the Hunt Brothers years ago discovered much to their dismay and misfortune, when they tried to corner the Silver Market.
However, there will be a time when The Cartel price capping is ineffective and Gold & Silver make record moves upward. The benefit of this Strategy is that one will likely be long in one’s speculative positions when this happens.
Consider also that Hard Assets Partisans have the opportunity to become involved in Political Action to diminish the power of the Central Banker Cartel and return to “Hard Money.” It is truly outrageous that the average unsuspecting citizen, and prospective retiree, can and does put his hard won assets in Tangible Assets Investments only to have those assets effectively de-valued by Cartel Takedowns. This is extremely injurious to many average citizens in many countries who are saving for the rainy day or retirement and have their retirement and/or reserves effectively taken from them. In order to help prevent this and similar outrages, we recommend taking three steps:
a) Become involved in the movement to abolish the U.S. Federal Reserve (a private for-profit Cartel of International Banks) as Deepcaster, former Presidential candidate Rep. Ron Paul, and legendary investor Jim Rogers, among many others, all have advocated.
b) Join the non-profit Gold AntiTrust Action Committee which works to eliminate the manipulation of the Gold and Silver markets (www.gata.org). GATA is a non-profit organization which makes a great contribution by gathering evidence regarding the suppression of prices of Gold, Silver and other commodities.
c) Work to defeat The Cartel “End Game.” Deepcaster has laid out the evidence regarding the Ominous Cartel End Game. Clearly The Cartel is sacrificing the U.S. Dollar and price-capping Gold and Silver, inter alia, to prop up international financial institutions and to maintain its power. But this sacrifice cannot continue forever.
The Starting Point for protection and profit is to determine how much of one’s investable assets one wishes to have in a Core Position of Gold, Silver and other Tangible Assets and then to determine investment vehicles in which to hold them. This Core Position is truly a long-term position and should represent a significant portion of one’s investable assets.
Since the cornerstone of The Cartel’s Power lies in maintaining the legitimacy of their Fiat Currencies and Treasury Securities, the last thing they want is to have Gold, Silver and Tangible Assets held by investors to increasingly be seen as the ultimate measures and stores of value. Thus they will continue Takedown Attempts. Therefore by obtaining, and adding to, one’s own Core Position near the bottom of Cartel-induced Takedowns, one not only can help bolster one’s Core Assets for the future, but also can help defeat The Cartel’s nefarious “End Game” initiative.
“The Treasury Department announced today the initiation of a Temporary Supplementary Financing Program at the request of the Federal Reserve. The program will consist of a series of Treasury Bills, apart from Treasury’s current borrowing program, which will provide cash for use in Federal Reserve Initiatives.”
“Treasury bails out Fed; now who will be bailing out Treasury?” Gold Antitrust Action Committee (per U.S. Treasury Press Release) September 17, 2008.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we need to succeed in our efforts to abolish the Private, For-Profit “U.S.” Federal Reserve, before it “abolishes” us.
September 19, 2008
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Financial and Geopolitical Intelligence
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-- Posted Friday, 19 September 2008 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com