-- Posted Friday, 13 February 2009 | | Source: GoldSeek.com
Analysis of News—www.analysis-news.com
Of Interest to Investors, Survivalists and Others Concerned About Their
Economic and Financial Futures
With a focus on the Plutocrats, Goldsmiths, Super-Rich Insiders, and their Allies and
what they are conspiratorially doing to manipulate the financial markets, make more
profits, rip us off and install a world government under their control
By R. D. Bradshaw
Perhaps the number one issue among gold advocates and proponents today is trying to ascertain the future for gold in 2009 and indeed into 2010. This issue of the Goldsmiths will address that concern and offer some possibilities/probabilities.
Actually, I have already written an article on that prospect with a forecast for gold, silver and other metals. It is at my website www.analysis-news.com. Without attempting to merely repeat what has already been written, this Goldsmiths will focus here more on specifics for the year 2009. To begin to appreciate the present price moves in gold, silver, etc, it is crucial that the reader examines the power structure which manipulates and controls the gold market in today’s world.
The Rothschilds and Their Power Base
Despite a history of changing the family name and moving around, sometimes like nomads, the Rothschilds are a perennial family which has been around for vast centuries doing what they do best of all—making money from the rest of us. In the ancient days, of 2000 years ago, the Rothschild ancestors were known as money changers. By the Middle Ages, they came to be called Goldsmiths (because gold was where their expertise was recognized). Today, they are international bankers.
In making their move to wealth, prosperity and fame, the Rothschilds have had close ties to a number of similar money changing/goldsmithing families which also have become quite rich and powerful in their own rights (although not as much as the Rothschilds who are believed to now control up to one-half of the wealth of the world). Most or all of these linked money changers are actually Rothschild relatives/cousins. Because of the gene tie, and the fact that this Cabal has the same appreciation for money, they have collectively been very successful over the ages.
Today, the Rothschilds and their relatives, cousins, and colleagues own or control most of the wealth and assets on planet earth. Obviously, this ownership and control of money has made this combine the plutocratic rulers of much of Western Christianity—particularly in Europe and in North America.
While much of the Third World puts up with this combine, because of the Cabal’s power over money (principally the US dollar which is their primary currency), some of the people in the Third World nations are now or will be soon looking for ways to break the money yoke which the Rothschild Cabal holds over them. This backdrop will have a profound impact on gold as will be demonstrated in comments to follow in this Goldsmiths.
With its power over money, and therefore over politicians who need money to win elections, the Rothschild Cabal has come to literally control most or all of the Western Christian civilization found in Europe, North America and the White British Commonwealth. With this control, and the Cabal’s ownership of the international banks in the West, it has meant that the Cabal has owned and controlled all of the central banks in these countries. Yes, the Rothschild Cabal owns the Bank of England, the Bank of France, the ECU, the Swiss National Bank, the Federal Reserve and so forth.
This ownership, plus the fact that the bosses and leaders at these banks are often Rothschild cousins/relatives, has meant that the Cabal issues orders and instructions to the central banks. Hence, people like Ben Bernanke actually work for and serve the Rothschild team. The same is true with the financial market exchanges and most of the big brokerage houses. They are all linked together under the Rothschild umbrella.
With a background in gold, it is a historic fact for the past centuries that the Rothschilds and their cousins/relatives/colleagues have controlled gold and pretty well have determined its price or value in the financial markets. Therefore, it is safe to say that the Rothschild combine controls and/or owns most of the gold in the world today. Of course, some might argue that nations and central banks own much gold. But it must be understood that even here the control of that gold rests with the Rothschild Cabal (since the Cabal controls the central banks and political leaders in the democratic Western Christian civilization).
In my years of watching and studying the Rothschild combine and gold, I have long ago concluded that the price of gold will explode up--either when the Rothschilds and their allies control it all or when they lose control of it. I am not absolutely sure which of these courses will come first. But I am certain that both motions are underway right now.
Along with their lust and appreciation for gold, it is interesting that this Cabal of bankers introduced and promoted paper money over the past 200 years (which has turned out to be fiat money thru the irresponsible spending habits of the nations and central banks involved). What a paradox this whole thing has come to be because the Cabal has had to suppress the price and value of gold in order to keep up public acceptance and use of fiat paper money.
In any case, the Cabal has actively suppressed the value of gold for many years now. So here, one might ask if this conflicting paradox of gold versus fiat paper money will ever end? Hence, the answer must devolve to my position stated above—that the price and value of gold will explode up when the Rothschilds and their relatives/cousins/colleagues either own it all/almost all or lose control of it in the markets. With this backdrop, the situation for gold ultimately comes down to if and when the Cabal has it all or loses control. This Goldsmiths will broach these possibilities for 2009.
My Best Guess on this Future
Presently, my best speculation of this paradox of options is that we are entering the stage where the Cabal will lose control of the financial situation and the value and price of gold. This is not to say that we are there yet. No, there will be transitional days involved where the Cabal maintains control most of time but loses it on occasion. The periods of loss of control will probably speed up over time. In other words, perhaps the Rothschild team loses control one day a month. Maybe later, the losses will increase to two days a month. From there, the lost days vis-à-vis control days may steadily increase.
Like a snowball that starts down a mountain side, the control dilemma will intensify and become larger and faster as the days progress. At some point in time, it is probable that intelligent observers will be able to conclude that the Rothschild team no longer controls the price and value of gold. At last we could then say that the value of gold is not determined by the conspiratorial manipulations of the Cabal, but rather by the free market.
The Third World Factor
I mentioned above the likelihood of people in the Third World having a role to play in dismantling some of the power and influence of the Rothschild Cabal. While the people are totally docile, dumb sheep in the Christian West (called sheeple for years now by Michael Savage on his radio program the Savage Nation), some of the people in the so-called Third World are beginning to wake up and address other options, rather than following the Rothschilds.
Of course, this reality was precisely what happened with Saddam Hussein and Iraq. Once Saddam rejected fiat, worthless, US dollars and opted for gold and other stronger currencies, he was a dead man. And that’s precisely what happened. Now, Iran has followed the same path. She has tried to abandon the dollar for gold and harder currencies. Accordingly, all the controlled media can talk about now is how bad Iran is and when should she be attacked.
By the way, that when is still on the drawing board. At some point in time, we will attack Iran. And regardless of all the pap we will be fed by the controlled media, the primary reason for the attack will be money. In fact, in history, most wars have been fought precisely over money.
Malaysia is another nation which has actually been bold enough to question the money power of the Rothschild combine. Someway and somehow, we have not yet declared war on Malaysia. Frankly, I am surprised that the fat cats have by-passed that option.
With the introduction of the Socialist welfare state in the Christian West (by the Rothschild Cabal, so that we all could be more addicted to paper money and so that the process for world government could be speeded up), many people in the West (and especially in the US and Britain) have begun to be quite lazy. To feed the consuming society, nations like the US have turned to outsourcing and the importation of goods from producing countries—primarily in the Third World, like China, India, Malaysia, etc.
In this process, many Third World nations have gained huge stacks of US dollars, bonds and notes. While these countries have willingly accepted this increasingly fiat money, the handwriting is now on the wall that those days are about to end. When we reach that point, the reaction seems clear enough.
Those so-called Third World nations are first of all going to say—no more worthless fiat dollars. Now while we wiped Iraq off the map for this attitude, and while we have plans to knock off Iran for this thinking, we are not in much of a position to attack the world and particularly nations like China and Russia. The rejection of fiat, worthless, US dollars will be a normal and logical move by many nations in the coming days in 2009.
So what will the thinking Chinese, Indians and Malaysians do with their hoards of dollars and dollar instruments when they wake up and say no more dollars? Well, they are going to have to start spending that money for whatever it may still buy. I am convinced that they will commence a program of buying gold.
One of the developments in 2008, spurred on by goldseek.com and silverseek.com and some of their contributing writers, has been a move to encourage people to start buying gold futures for delivery from COMEX. Wouldn’t it be great if the wealthy Chinese were to do this in 2009? They have the dollars and could do it easily enough as long as gold is suppressed and the dollar has value.
Numismaster.com had a Feb 10, 2009 report by Patrick A Heller which noted that “In an interview on www.commodityonline.com released Monday, Marc Gugeri, the Fund Manager and Advisor to both Gold 2000 Ltd and the Julius Baer Gold Equity Fund, was asked about the price of gold. He stated, ‘The majority of investors purchase Paper-(Gold)-Futures at the COMEX. The sellers or counterparties of those Gold-Futures are just a few dominant players. Some of them have an in-official close link to the U.S. government. So far most of the investors didn't exercise the gold futures and have accepted cash instead of physical settlement. This is about to change. I believe that the COMEX will default and the entire paper gold market will 'crash' and gold could rise very quickly to 2,000 [or] 3,000 U.S. dollars. When this happens it will be too late to exercise or to try purchasing physical gold.’
“It normally is rare to find such doom-and-gloom commentary appearing in general financial circles. It is even more uncommon for commentators to reveal that some of the dominant players in the gold market have a close link to the U.S. government or that the price of gold could soon double or triple. Lately, mainstream financial analysts have been much more willing to talk about gold, to recommend owning gold for having better appreciation prospects than other assets, and to specifically recommend purchasing physical gold rather than shares in gold exchange traded funds or gold ‘certificates.’
“The tide has been turning toward gold for the past eight years, partly because it has been one of the top performing of all asset classes. Still, the proportion of Americans who own gold is minuscule - estimates I have seen range from only 3-9 percent of all U.S. investors. There is much more room for future appreciation despite how far prices have already climbed this decade.
“The money supply of all of the world's major currencies is now increasing by 10-30 percent annually. With the gold supply increasing by less than 2 percent annually, it is a virtual certainty that all currencies will fall in value against gold. In the past several weeks, several investment advisors have become more positive about gold because of the relative strength in the price of silver! In the past, silver has led the way for higher precious metals prices, which is just what has been happening so far this year. Late last year, the gold/silver ratio was over 80. Now it is under 70 and falling. I like the prospects for both silver and gold (though I continue to expect silver's price to outperform gold).
“Perhaps most telling of all, the February 2009 COMEX gold contract fell into backwardation against the March 2009 contract on Feb. 6 and again on Feb. 9. Last Friday, the February contract price closed at $913.90, while the March contract ended at $913.80. On Monday, the February contract finished at $892.40, while March closed at $892.30.
“The last time that the COMEX gold contract went into backwardation, where the spot month traded at a higher price than future months, was in 1980. Being only 10 cents higher and only being higher then just the following month may not seem significant, but the fact that this has not occurred since 1980, as the price of gold exploded, could be the clearest sign that gold is due for a major rise soon. (For full disclosure, I note that the less active New York Stock Exchange LIFFE contract for 100 oz of gold closed Feb. 9 at $892.20 for the February contract and $892.30 for the March contract.)”
A Possibility on When
In my forecast article on gold and silver at www.analysis-news.com, I have already outlined my forecast for the price of gold and silver in 2009. Thus, I need not address that course in this article. I also touched upon the timing in that forecast story. But I will now revisit the timing question and offer a few more comments.
I am of the opinion that the Cabal will allow gold to go up this year—perhaps in the vein that the Cabal is slowly losing control and price hikes seem inevitable. The big issue now is when will the Cabal do it?
Besides the above March 2009 prediction from Numismaster.com, my web site at www.analysis-news.com has had a recent story on a possible turn date in the markets. This one involves a report by La Lettre Confidentielle de LEAP/E2020 (apparently a European advisory service) in its GEAB Number 30 which gives a “New tipping-point in March 2009” or as LEAP says “When the world becomes aware that this crisis is worse than the 1930s crisis.”
It anticipates that “the unfolding global systemic crisis will experience in March 2009 a new tipping point of similar magnitude to the September 2008 one.” LEAP says that in March 2009 the general public will become aware of three major destabilizing processes at work in the global economy--the length of the crisis, the explosion of unemployment worldwide, and the risk of sudden collapse of all capital-based pension systems.
Per LEAP, “…National governments and international institutions only have three months left to prepare themselves to the next blow, one that could go along severe risks of social chaos. The countries which are not properly equipped to cope with a surge in unemployment and major risks on pensions will be seriously destabilized by this new public awareness.”
LEAP then concludes: “The crisis will last at least until the end of 2010;” but then adds that “the minimum duration of the decanting phase of the crisis is 3 years (1). It shall be finished neither in spring 2009, nor in summer 2009, nor at the beginning of 2010. It is only towards the end of 2010 that the situation will start stabilizing again and improving a little in some regions of the world, i.e. Asia and the Eurozone, as well as in countries producing energy, mineral and food commodities (2). Elsewhere, it will continue; in particular in the US and UK, and in all the countries depending on their economy, were the duration could approximate a decade. In fact these countries should not expect any real return to growth before 2018.”
The article involved projects that pension funds in North America, Europe and Japan have lost 4,000 billion USD through 2008 which will become known in March 2009 when pension fund managers, pensioners and governments will become aware of the crisis they face and that the markets will not resume their 2007 levels until many years later. LEAP notes that “chaos will flood this sector and governments will reach the moment when they will be compelled to nationalize all these funds.”
For this report, my analysis noted that LEAP concluded that the next turn date in the financial markets will occur in March 2009 when pension fund managers, pensioners and governments learn that pension funds have lost 4 trillion dollars by 2008. This revelation will create chaos which will prevail until at least through 2010 for much of the world with even a longer period of time of trouble for the US and the UK.
The point on nationalization of pension funds is a good one—certainly for the US and UK. Without a doubt, Washington will ultimately bail out US pension funds through nationalization and government take-overs.
Your editor of Analysis of News cannot confirm the $4 trillion in pension fund losses thru 2008; but the losses have been great. Since the stock market has not fallen as far as it will likely fall, we must anticipate that pension fund losses will be even greater in 2009. Surely, whenever these losses dawn on people, there will be major concern and a resulting crisis of incredible proportions.
LEAP’s prediction of these revelations in March 2009 are interesting because if LEAP has it right March 2009 would be a major turning point in the financial markets. Actually, the next major turning point has already been determined by the plutocratic market manipulators and money changers. The turn date that the Cabal seems to now be using is addressed in this News service in its Forecast—The Cabal.
I mention this report from LEAP because the projected March turn date is very close to Passover, which is one of the traditional times when the Rothschild Cabal likes to turn things. Passover comes in early April 2009. In any case, this backdrop opens the door to the possibility that gold could turn around about this time and start a new trend line up.
Here, let me also note that these past few weeks have seen a nice recovery in gold. Surely, many people have looked at this spike up as being the result of a turn point in Dec 2008 and Jan 2009. I know several analysts and brokers have had favorable comments on this upturn.
But frankly, I must say I don’t think that the recent upticks are communicating any real loss of Rothschild control. Here, I must mention that Nadeem Walayat, publisher and editor of the marketoracle.co.uk, passed an email note to me suggesting that JPMorgan-Chase derivatives carry some $50 billion plus in gold shorts--perhaps mainly on COMEX. JPMorgan-Chase is a Rothschild bank. That means that the Rothschilds still expect to be able to take gold down in the next 35 days or so.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line on this dissertation is that we may begin to see some loss of Rothschild control over gold, silver and other commodities in 2009. While several things could work together to cause the manipulating Cabal problems, it is clear that the Chinese and others in the so-called Third World are not totally stupid. This year, they are going to have to take a hard look at their stacks of US IOU dollars, bonds, notes, etc. My guess is that they may start buying some gold in earnest.
There is still one more key point about gold and the certainty that it will literally explode up at some point in time. While many of us look forward to such a move, there is a downside. Whenever that time arrives on the stage, we can bank on it that the US government will make a call on gold. Yes, the government will confiscate it.
The only people who will benefit in a big price tick-up will be those who have moved their gold to a place of safety in a secure foreign country—like perhaps Switzerland. In short, the plutocrat rulers of the US are not going to sit back and allow the general people of the US to profit from any big explosions up in gold.
Back issues of the Goldsmiths, by the editor of the Analysis of News, can be accessed from a Google or Yahoo search engine by typing in “The Goldsmiths” and Bradshaw. Several hundred web sites can be found with the back issues and with translations to Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese and other foreign languages. The goldseek.com archives have the first 28 Goldsmiths. Finally, the “Archives-Goldsmiths” of this website (www.analysis-news.com ) has all of the Goldsmith articles issued to date.
Besides the revelations contained in the Goldsmiths’ articles, the work of the plutocratic financial market manipulators to conspiratorially manipulate and control the financial markets (to make more profits and install a world government under their management) is also addressed at length in the periodic analysis of the news and in other articles produced at www.analysis-news.com. This website has an article of interest to any person interested in understanding the market Manipulators. It is the Hidden Secret of the Manipulators, why they succeed and how to follow their manipulations.
Readers of the above articles are invited to visit www.analysis-news.com and become a subscriber to regularly read some of the material from the world of information which will further reveal how extensive the manipulation, control and dishonesty realities are in the financial, currency and commodity markets, not only in the US but indeed around the world.
To go to this related website, please click at the link here: www.analysis-news.com.
-- Posted Friday, 13 February 2009 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com