-- Posted Monday, 20 April 2009 | | Source: GoldSeek.com
By R. D. Bradshaw
While the Rothschild Cabal plutocrats are busy planning their Amero or some other regional currency for the Americas (to lead the way to a one world currency), Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and his colleagues are moving forward with their own plans for a regional currency to replace the US dollar. Chavez made the announcement on Apr 16, 2009 in Caracas.
The Sucre
In a story on “Venezuela and Leftist Allies Create Regional Currency,” by Patricia Rondon, Reuters reported it as follows: “An alliance of Latin American and Caribbean governments led by Venezuela will create a regional electronic currency that is expected to circulate by 2010, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Thursday.
“The leftist Chavez, who has called the global financial crisis the end of capitalism, has frequently urged allies to stop storing currency reserves in dollars and recently proposed creating an international currency backed by oil reserve/ es.”
Per the story, the new currency will be called the sucre. It is to be built around the ALBA trade bloc of nations. The word sucre is the Sistema Único de Compensación Regional, which can be translated to English to mean the “Unique System for Regional Compensation”. Sucre as the name of the currency honors Antonio Jose de Sucre, a South American independence hero.
The idea of a regional monetary zone with the Sucre as its currency unit was first proposed by Chavez at the Third Extraordinary Summit of ALBA in Caracas on Nov. 26, 2008 in order to reduce the dependence on the U.S. dollar in the world economy.
With Raul Castro from Cuba at his side, Chavez said on Apr 16, 2009: “In September, we should be ready to begin some pilot projects for exchange with that virtual currency ... by the first of January of 2010 we should have the system functioning.” Per Reuters, he did not offer more details on how the new currency will work. As a minimum, it is expected to become in time a physical currency to be used by the people on the streets.
Chavez has also championed the use of alternative "social currencies" used in barter-style markets of small Venezuelan communities as part of his self-styled socialist revolution he calls an alternative to global capitalism.
The ALBA nations are a trade group based on the Bolivian Alternative for the Americas. ALBA includes Bolivia, Cuba, Dominica, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. It is a regional organization founded in 2004 under the initiative of Venezuela and Cuba to counter the U.S.-led Free Trade Area of the Americas. Besides the six ALBA nations, Ecuador, Paraguay, St, Vincent-Grenadines and Grenada and possibly Haiti will also participate in the new Sucre money system. There is hope other Latin American and Caribbean states will also join in the new system.
Corporate Foreign Policy quoted David Harris on the new currency who said that Chavez “expressed the desire to initiate new projects in the currency... This will further the leftist aims of Chavez, who views the global economic downturn as the end of the western, capitalistic system, and who seeks to weaken the influence of the United States by eliminating dollar reserves and currency dependency (in) his region’s markets.”
China’s Xinhua Business quoted Bolivian President Evo Morales as saying, "We, Latin Americans, are obliged to have a regional currency. We are here to boost this currency."
Wise Up Journal noted that Chavez said previous proposals for economic cooperation, such as his plan for a South American development bank called the Bank of the South, have been held up because countries in the region don’t believe in them. Chavez added that “What happened with the Bank of the South? It’s frozen… There are countries that don’t want the Bank of the South.”
Wise Up added that Venezuela is willing to contribute at least $500 million of its international reserves immediately to create a “common monetary fund” for Latin American countries, and Chavez asked other countries to contribute a portion of their own reserves.
Venezuela continues to strengthen its ties with Russia. Chavez recently met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to discuss energy deals. A fleet of Russian naval ships just arrived in Venezuela to conduct exercises with the Venezuelan navy that coincide with Medvedev’s visit.
Venezuelannews.com also had a report from Venezuela on “ALBA Summit Ratifies Regional currency” which reported: “Latin America's most progressive governments met in Cumaná, Venezuela on Thursday for the seventh summit of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, ALBA.” Those present included presidents of the ALBA nations plus the leaders of Paraguay, Ecuador, and Grenada (and others—ed). There they prepared their positions for this weekend's Summit of the Americas in Trinidad, and all eleven reportedly signed the decree for a new South American currency, the Sucre.
Per this source, Chavez said: "I sincerely believe that this initiative is writing a new page in history," as the eleven leaders took turns signing the official order. Chavez added "Here in ALBA, we came to take action to confront the economic and social crisis."
This news report said that “The progressive ALBA leaders say the Sucre is necessary to help defray the regional effects of the world economic crisis by substituting their trade in dollars with this new alternative currency. The ALBA countries and their allies plan to begin using the virtual Sucre by early next year, with future plans to convert it into a hard currency…
According to Chavez, per the Venezuelan news, the Sucre system will have four branches: The Regional Monetary Council, The Sucre currency itself, the Central Clearing House, and a regional reserve and emergency fund. Chavez said “This will help us to overthrow the dictatorship of the dollar, imposed on us from over there, from Bretton Woods.”
Paraguay's new President Fernando Lugo was at this meeting. He asked if “someone at the UN or the Organization of American States (OAS) gave the United States the power to elect itself as the judge of the democratic people of Latin America. We are in a new moment in Latin America. And we are the true authors of our own destiny, and there is no nation in the world that can judge us, over who is more democratic or not. We each have our own unique process of democratization.”
The news also quoted Bolivian President Evo Morales who said “The United States doesn't have any authority to speak about democracy, because from over there they install coup d'etats, like these civil coups now in Bolivia.” He proposed that the ALBA nations present a resolution at the Trinidad Summit to ask the United States to end its embargo on Cuba and to cease intervening in Latin American affairs.
Morales added: “Cuba has the support of everyone in the world, except the United States and Israel. So if Obama wants the whole world's support, he's going to have to lift the embargo on Cuba.” The Bolivian president said that Cuba should be re-admitted in to the OAS, because the reason for Cuba's expulsion from the organization in 1962 is that it was Marxist, Leninist, and Communist. Now with numerous Latin American countries openly in support of Socialism, Morales joked that either Cuba should be readmitted, or they should all be kicked out.
The Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, or ALBA was founded five years ago between Cuba and Venezuela as an alternative to the US-backed Free Trade Area of the Americas. The Venezuelan news noted that since its founding, the ALBA nations have implemented numerous social program and cooperation agreements.
Among those is the recently founded ALBA bank that Chavez announced on Thursday will be taking over the funding of a number of Nicaraguan projects that were dropped by Millennium funding from the United States and Europe. Chavez said “We don't need the gringo money with these undignified conditions to continue exploiting the people. You can take your millions. We have the means to resolve our problems. We have the how, and we know how.”
To Sum Up
The Organization of the American States was established by David Rockefeller some years ago under guidance from the Rothschild Cabal to form a new regional power structure (like the EU and African States) which can be a transitional organization to pave the way for ultimate world government.
Most/many of the Latin American and Caribbean countries participating are there to get cash, payoffs, bribes and support from the Rothschild Cabal. In other words, if they support the Cabal’s plans for world government and allow the Cabal to steal most of their countries, the US and Europe will give them tax payer monies, complements of the Rothschild Cabal. This practice goes on all over the world. That’s why foreign aide from the US, Britain and Europe to the Third World is so important.
The World Affairs Brief had a report which said: “Cuba, the only country excluded from the Fifth Summit of the Americas that opened in Port of Spain on Friday (Apr 17, 2009), received strong backing for its demand for unconditional talks with the United States from eight governments of the region who met in the northeastern Venezuelan city of Cumaná.
“Chavez also said a new organization of Latin American and Caribbean nations should be created to replace the Organization of American States (OAS), a desire shared by Presidents Evo Morales of Bolivia and Raúl Castro of Cuba.
“Summits of the 34 OAS member states, including every country in the Americas except Cuba, have been held since 1994 to foster a new agenda between the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean. But their main project, the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), collapsed at the fourth summit, held in Mar del Plata, Argentina in 2005.
“The new U.S. President, Barack Obama, wrote in an op-ed in the Miami Herald on Thursday: ‘This Summit offers the opportunity of a new beginning. Advancing prosperity, security and liberty for the people of the Americas depends upon 21st century partnerships, freed from the posturing of the past.’”
But like the Venezuelan news reported, the South Americans don’t really want to submit to the Gringo power (which is led by the Rothschilds). This new currency involving some eleven nations in the region could be the start of open rebellion by the Latinos from Rothschild money and domination.
In terms of the move to regional currencies, as also being espoused by Russia and China, this could be a major development. While something like the Amero may eventually fly in North America, for sure much of Latin America and the Caribbean may abandon the dollar completely and create their own regional currency. There was no talk of gold backing but such an option should not be ruled out since they want the Sucre to be a hard currency. After all, there is some gold mining in Venezuela, Bolivia and otherwise.
For this Sucre thing to fly, there probably is a need for participation by Brazil. But this is not out of the question. Like almost all of Latin America, Marxism/Socialism is very popular South of the Rio Grande. Probably if the election had not been won in Mexico by the Calderon forces thru alleged fraud, Mexico would have installed an open Marxist government. I have said long ago that Latin America is going Communist (the Liberation theology movement has promoted it there for the last 40 years).
The Latin American ties to Russia and Communist China are growing. With Brazil already linked to Russia and China in the BRIC economic forum (along with India), we may soon see where this combine comes together to challenge Rothschild supremacy in the world. And by all means, this combine appears to be coming together to help fuel WWIII when Russia, China and the Muslim and Third World states in Africa, Asia and South America meet the US, Britain and a few other Rothschild powers for WWIII. This will be tragic for Americans, because as I have written before, we lose.
A Postscript on the Summit
By the way, in the vein of a postscript on the Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago on Apr 18, 2009, Drudge had a headline on Apr 19, 2009 which said: “Latin American leaders railed against the USA.” The story, on “Obama Gets History Lesson From Latin American Leaders,” by Helen Murphy and Joshua Goodman, came from Bloomberg.
It said: “Latin American leaders railed against the U.S. during President Barack Obama’s first trip to the region, turning what was intended to mark a new direction in relations into a history lesson that chastised ‘Yankee troop’ interventions and U.S.-dictated economic policies. Obama arrived at the Fifth Summit of the Americas in Trinidad and Tobago yesterday promising to ‘listen and learn’ from regional leaders. He got an earful.
“In the weekend’s first speeches, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega and Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner voiced grievances on issues ranging from the U.S. drug war to American support for counterinsurgency movements of the 1980s. Both urged Obama to end the 47-year-old trade embargo against Cuba, the only country in the Americas excluded from the 34-nation summit.”
Bloomberg said that Obama is trying to revive U.S. influence in Latin America that waned under President Bush as the war on terror diverted attention to the Middle East and the South American and Caribbean region expanded economic and diplomatic ties with U.S. rivals such as Russia and China.
For sure, it is correct to say that the US is in trouble in Marxist Latin America. The new friends South of the Border are the Russians and Chinese. The new Sucre currency will give the Rothschild Amero or whatever a run for its money. The Amero may end up just being a currency for the US and Canada.
The Bottom Line
It doesn’t matter one iota whether Americans, right wingers, gold advocates or whatever like or dislike these Marxists South of the US border. Right now, they and their new Sucre currency have the momentum. The Rothschild Cabal power, which has ruled the US, Britain and Europe for much of the last 250 years, is being challenged. Those nations are breaking free of the Cabal. Ultimately, this movement will help gold, hurt the dollar and delay the coming of a one-world, Rothschild Cabal currency.
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-- Posted Monday, 20 April 2009 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com