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G7 Governments are the Henchmen for the Financial Elite

-- Posted Wednesday, 29 April 2009 | | Source:

By Eric Pratt

I woke up in the middle of the night with sweat soaking my sheets. I had this crazy nightmare that I was sitting in a room at a table with my hands and legs shackled, and on the other side of the table were the leaders of the world’s G7 governments. Obama, Brown, Harper, Wen Jiabao and the rest of them. They were staring at me expecting some answer. Behind them, a large pane of one way glass obscured observers who I knew to be representatives from banking, auto manufacturing, insurance – all the industries I’d been criticizing vehemently since 2004 when I first became aware of the duplicitous incest between business and government.


In the dream, I had been detained by government security agents and taken to this underground prison deep in the Mojave desert. The government needed to start cracking down on dissidents who were agitating in the press sufficiently that riots and lootings of major corporate outlets were taking place. The citizens were pissed.


When I awoke and realized it was all a dream, I started laughing. Its great to start a day off laughing – especially at yourself.


I’ve been thinking heavily on the themes for a film I am working on called Crime of the Century.  The central theme of it is that government has been incrementally compromised by elite financial interests during the last century to the point where an invisible influential group coordinates governments and global events to maximize Revenue per Consumer (RPC) for these many-faceted corporate conglomerates.


The problem is that there is plenty of anecdotal and circumstantial evidence in press archives and various market historical trading patterns to demonstrate some of the key theses that point to a centralized global shadow government that exists solely to extract every last shred of value out of the earth by agglomerating all the assets ever created through boom and bust economic cycles.


But there is no identifying the culprits at the top. Sure, you could point to Greenspan, Summers, Bush. But don’t they just look like the perpetrators were meant to see? Under the guise of democracy and government?


When you control everything its easy to become invisible.


Critics of this line of thinking point to the fact that the elite families and ultra-rich don’t appear as board members or in controlling positions of more than a tiny handful of major global conglomerates. But what is little understood is that owning or controlling 9.9% controlling interests in holding companies themselves controlled by “blind trusts” in offshore jurisdictions provide the mantle of anonymity required to mask such coordinated control activity.


Apart from the fact that I am fully aware that this sounds awfully close to paranoid delusional conspiracy theory, I can’t help but feel there are growing number of otherwise respectable and well credentialed people out there who feel the same way. Democratic government has been hijacked by financially omniscient private interests, and pressed into the service of same.


This is as classic a case of good versus evil as there has ever been. I’m not interested in pursuing the biblical connotations of this fight. I am interested in exposing the assault on the global majority by the pervasive and sinister minority that has resulted in the invisible bonds of financial control enforcing a bizarre new manifestation of slavery upon society. Financial cannibalism.


Let’s look at the hard evidence we can see that suggests, at the very least, that something is fishy, to say the least.


  1. The record setting concerted trading activity in options and stock of Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers prior to their implosions are highly indicative of coordinated insider activity and knowledge, never mind influence, of what the outcomes were going to be. The fact that the S.E.C. is completely mum on the subject only strengthens the appearance of, if not complicity, then at least the presence of influences sufficient to preclude an investigation.
  2. The path of interconnected relationships among senior government officials and the top banks and universities and elite families suggests a standardized career path designed to groom the top graduates from the top schools born of the top families for admission to the bank-university-government matrix that provides succession strategy and continuity of control. The world is run by a crime syndicate of loosely affiliated rich families.
  3. The historical and increasingly documented manipulation of currency and bullion markets to undermine the culturally universal aversion to paper money, and instinctive appreciation for precious metal monetary instruments, is a glaring daily occurrence of collusion and manipulation by central banks and governments. The outcry for an audit of U.S. and other G7 central bank gold holdings that could be so simply silenced with such a properly structured third party audit, and the refusal of government to undertake one, confirms the existence of a duplicitous relationship among banking and government.
  4. The incomprehensible policy of G7 governments that takes money out of the already financially anemic taxpayer’s pocket in gargantuan sums, and awards them to the banks and other financial institutions who obviously occupy an inner circle of “too big to fail” institutions is again, evidence of complicity and fiduciary responsibility abdication among government and special financial interests. The remarkable absence of accountability accompanying such windfall bailouts further strengthens the theory.
  5. Two years into this crisis, there has still been no actual systemic improvements to the number one cause of over-leveraging – the absence of transparency in holdings and trading activity by the largest financial institutions in asset classes such as options, currencies, bullion and credit with their associated derivatives – points to either complicity, unwillingness, or inability due to some overriding influence of government to implement such policies. The derivates market, with an inconceivable US$684 trillion in ‘notional’ value, remains unaccounted for and unregulated.

Nightmares aside – the thing that keeps me up at night is a sense of foreboding that there is some sinister end-game that’s already been drafted and approved.


Do you think it’s a coincidence that Somali pirates and Sri Lankan rebels and Hamas guerillas and Mexican drug lords and American gangsters all have ready cheap access to an arsenal that Kublai Khan could only dream of? If you wanted to end the murderous violence that permeates every corner of the planet, wouldn’t you just confiscate the weapons?


Or is it within the interests of those in the ivory towers, private islands and gated mansions to see that the global population is uniformly armed? Say, in the event that a global civil war would facilitate a rapid population contraction that might diminish competition for resources?


The stuff of nightmares and daily reality are on a collision course. The mass media message is designed as a general anesthetic for the general population. Everything is fine. Remain calm. Go inside, and wait for further instructions.


This place is giving me the creeps.


Eric Pratt

-- Posted Wednesday, 29 April 2009 | Digg This Article | Source:


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