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The Goldsmiths—Part LXXVI

-- Posted Friday, 1 May 2009 | | Source:

By R. D. Bradshaw


As many students of financial history now know, Mayer Amschel Rothschild said long ago to permit him to control a nation’s money and he cared not who wrote its laws.  While the truth of this statement should be obvious to anyone with brains above the single digit, many people never come to an understanding of exactly what old Mayer had in mind.  Friend, it is clear that once you control a nation’s money, you control the nation. 


As a minimum, this reality came into being in America, in1913, if not earlier, when the United States turned its money over to the Rothschild Cabal of super rich money changers.  If the Cabal didn’t already control America, before 1913, it clearly took over then or soon thereafter. 


How the Cabal Took Over the US


Benjamin H. Freedman was born in New York City in 1890 and witnessed first hand the Cabal take over of America in the early 20th century.  He was involved with, a colleague of, and knew personally leading Cabal players in the US--like Bernard Baruch, Jacob Schiff, Henry Morganthau, Samuel Untemeyer, the Warburgs and others.  Benjamin not only knew these secret rulers of America but he knew both Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt personally.  He knew precisely how the Cabal worked.  He later wrote about it and described its take over of America in detail. 


In his books on “Facts are Facts,” Hidden Tyranny, and other subjects, Freedman laid out how the Cabal successfully stole America and engineered the Federal Reserve Bank and WWI and WWII.  He wrote that in 1905, the Cabal took over the US Democrat party and installed its headquarters in New York.  Benjamin gave the complete details on this take over. 


After the Federal Reserve Act became law in 1913, the Cabal took action in the 1920s to also take over the Republican Party.  To be sure that the Cabal’s rule would never be challenged, the Cabal leadership has acted to keep third party candidates off of the ballots.  This has meant that essentially only the Democrats and Republicans are actually presented to the American voters. 


For years, in the old USSR, the state had a law that citizens had to vote by law.  Of course, there was only one party and one set of candidates, but the Soviets could claim that its citizens voted for that one party and its chosen candidates.  The US has operated along the same line—but with two parties which are almost identical.  The Rothschild Cabal controls both parties and chooses the candidates.  Thus, American voters get to choose which of the Cabal candidates to vote for at election time. 


Freedman’s later revelations also disclosed another little fact of history which few people have understood.  The Cabal increased its efforts to buy up newspapers across America in the early 20th century.  The players already owned the big papers on the Eastern seaboard.  But they went further into the South and West and even commenced buying small hometown papers.  They did the same thing in European countries—even in Germany in the post WWI years. 


With their focus on the media, it was only logical that they would also acquire control of the new movie industry and radio and TV forces which came into being before and after WWII.  Today, almost all of the large Hollywood operations and radio and TV networks and stations are owned or controlled by the Rothschild Cabal.  With this control, they “educate” and “teach” our people what they want us to know and believe.  Actually, what they have done is create a zombie and/or robot society which is completely mesmerized by their controlled and deceptive media reports/spins/brainwashing. 


For sure, the Cabal control over politics is enhanced with this media control.  Thus, when some non-Rothschild player, like George Wallace or Ron Paul, comes along and tries to run in the prevailing Democrat or Republican primaries/elections, he is either ignored or attacked in the Rothschild controlled media.  A perfect illustration of how they ignore non-approved candidates is the matter of debates.  Unapproved candidates are simply not allowed to participate in the debates or important media discussion programs.  They are, as a minimum, ignored and given no media coverage or just bad press. 


But the control of a nation’s money, its political structure and politicians is only part of the Cabal’s formula.  They also control almost everything else of relevance in the financial markets.  Thus, they own or control the exchanges (which they themselves organized and set up) and their own privately owned banks, insurance companies, etc to absolutely dominate the entire financial market system.  Of course, this extensive control has meant that they control the central banks and the government regulatory agencies. 


In short, they control virtually all of it.  Being in control, they have molded and shaped the entities being controlled to work for and serve them—the plutocratic Rothschild Cabal players.  And, if someone should publicly write about or reveal the secret work of the Rothschilds or their Cabal, as I have done in the Goldsmiths, then he will be accused of being an anti-Semite, racist and/or White Supremacist. 


But What Can Happen


There is no denying the situation we are in today—in that the Cabal is in control of our financial markets and the very prices which it allows the American people to use in their commercial acts of trade.  Yes, it is the Cabal which decides upon the price of gold, silver, wheat, cattle, cotton, lumber and you name it.  There is absolutely nothing any of us, the individual people, can do about this situation since our nation is now owned and controlled by the Rothschild combine. 


So, will gold, silver, wheat, corn or orange juice be going up or down?  Well, it depends upon what the Cabal wants at a given moment in time in order to make the most profits and rip the people off the most. 


Under this present arrangement, there is only one thing which can interfere in the Cabal’s control over the US and its trade and commerce.  It is--if something should happen to cause the Cabal to lose control in an extended set of circumstances over some extended period of time.  Thus, in saying this, I allow that from time to time, the Cabal can lose temporary control for a short period.  But I am convinced that when this happens they work quickly to restore their control.  So any such loss is very temporary.  Thus, what I am talking about here is a greater loss of control that lasts many days and not just a few hours. 


As for as gold, I long ago concluded that the price of gold will go where it should go if and when the Rothschilds either have it all/almost all or they lose control.  When one or the other happens, gold will literally explode into the ceiling. 


Actually the most logical and practical thing, which can happen to help the financial markets and most of us (who are trying to save some money/wealth for the long pull), is for the Rothschild Cabal to lose control.  Frankly, I see no other alternative which can cause commodities, gold, silver and hard currencies to go up as they should go at present. 


Previous issues of the Goldsmiths have discussed the prospects for loss of Rothschild Cabal control over the markets.  Of course, there are perhaps thousands of things which can go wrong for the Rothschild team.  Most of these things could potentially explode up to cause the Cabal serious problems.  I don’t propose trying to address all or even many of these possibilities except for a few of the more probable ones. 




The fist big one has to be China and its holding of US IOUs.  I have already discussed this one in previous Goldsmiths.  But I would like to take note of a news item around Apr 17, 2009 from the London Telegraph by Ambrose Evans Pritchard on “A Copper Standard for the world’s currency system?  Hard money enthusiasts have long watched for signs that China is switching its foreign reserves from US Treasury bonds into gold bullion.  They may be eyeing the wrong metal.” 


Pritchard quoted three sources on what this trend means.  First, Nobu Su, head of Taiwan's TMT group, which ships commodities to China, said Beijing is trying to extricate itself from dollar dependency as fast as it can.  China has woken up. The West is a black hole with all this money being printed.  The Chinese are buying raw materials because it is a much better way to use their $1.9 trillion of reserves.


Next, Jim Lennon, head of commodities at Macquarie Bank, said “They are definitely buying metals to diversify out of US Treasuries and dollar holdings.”   


Zhou Xiaochuan, the central bank governor, caught the interest of metal buffs last month by calling for a world currency modeled on the “Bancor”, floated by John Maynard Keynes at Bretton Woods in 1944.  The Bancor was to be anchored on 30 commodities - a broader base than the Gold Standard, which allegedly had caused so much grief in the 1930s.  Zhou said such a currency would prevent the sort of “credit-based” excess that has brought global finance to its knees.


Of course, gold advocates have hoped that the Chinese would start buying gold, as brought up by Pritchard.  And they may well do so before this game is over.  On Apr 24, 2009, Adrian Ash, of Bullion Vault, had a report on that indeed China has been increasing its gold reserves.  Ash wrote:  Hu Xiaolian, head of Beijing's State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), today told the Xinhua news agency that her country's gold hoard has risen by 75% to 1,054 tonnes since the last official statement in 2003.” 


Ash added that China is now number five in gold hoards with gold accounting for 1.6% of its foreign exchange assets (which is actually down from 1.9% of five years ago).  Besides buying its own production, China has apparently been buying from other nations.  The reported sale of IMF gold may give China another buy opportunity. 


But regardless, if the Chinese start spending their money, as they appear to now be doing, this thing is going to cause some inflation in America and could bring about a loss of Rothschild control over the financial markets. 


Loss of Confidence or Anarchy and/or Revolution from the American People


In the Goldsmiths, I have previously written about the possibility of a loss of Rothschild control if things get out of hand and the American people lose confidence or revolt.  This is generally unlikely as long as the government is able to dole out food stamps.  But either a crop loss or a money fall could bring on a significant backlash from the population which could get out of hand and cause the Rothschild Cabal enormous problems. 


Otherwise, just recently, on April 15, 2009, we have seen a surge of tax protests across America.  As the Rothschild Cabal imposed deflationary fall proceeds, tax revenues will indeed be collapsing.  But government spending levels are not going to give up without a fight.  As I have said before, taxes are going up.  Government at all levels will tax more and more items and will increase tax rates for things now being taxed. 


Loss of Confidence Internationally


Just like a huge loss of confidence is underway in America, the same thing is happening on a global scale.  While many Americans and people in Europe and the White British Commonwealth (Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc) don’t have much perception about what the plutocratic masters are doing, there is more comprehension in other parts of the world. 


True, the Germans and Japanese were defeated in WWII and have little or no chance for independent thinking, but there are some nations out there which do have some perception and obvious concern over the huge amount of IOUs that they have been taking from America over the years.  Here I can cite Southeast Asia, parts of Latin America and much of the Middle Eastern oil exporting nations in addition to China. 


If there is a spreading of the loss of confidence in America and China, as discussed above, it could have a rolling effect whereby other nations will begin to look for ways to get out from under their huge inventories of US IOUs.  Suppose these nations start dumping the dollar or US treasuries.  This thing could spread and cause the Cabal enormous trouble. 


A Drought or Significant Crop Loss


America has benefited for ages now with good farm land and relatively good weather.  But suppose these benefits end one day.  A huge drought or big crop loss would spell out not only trouble for the average American but it could be catastrophic for the exercise of control by the Rothschild Cabal.


Since the market manipulators are now busy selling futures on the weather in the financial markets, we can be sure that they are involved in weather manipulations.  For years now, we have had the controlled government forces  (like DARPA) busy blasting the heavens with HAARP, spraying everything possible with chem-trails, seeding clouds and you name it. 


Regardless of whether they know what they are doing or not, the stage is being set for a horrible drought or other upset of the weather or climate cycle—perhaps even in a change of the seasonal growing patterns.  Almost anything could cause a huge crop loss.  This would really upset the Cabal plans and manipulations. 


I submit that we have had it too good for too many years.  Therefore, trouble is due this nation in what little food production there is that is still extant.  A big drought, bug invasion or food loss for whatever reason could easily transition into a loss of Cabal control. 


Serious Disease Epidemic(s)


The flap over swine flu the last several days has shown how vulnerable the world is in terms of a pandemic disease outbreak which could be catastrophic.  If one strikes, it could cause the Cabal to lose control. Even now, we are not yet out of the woods on this recent flu thing.  Many of the global stock markets have already suffered but the US markets were obviously propped up by the Plunge Protection Team. 


The Complete Abandonment of the Dollar Internationally


There are several important motions underway internationally for various foreign nations to completely abandon the US dollar.  When this happens, it will be catastrophic for America and indeed for its secret plutocratic Rothschild Cabal masters.  I have already discussed and described some of these movements in several Goldsmiths by a Persian Gulf group, the Sucre group in Latin America, BRIC, Russia and China.  Don’t think for a minute that one of all of these motions won’t ultimately succeed for a time.  The handwriting is on the wall. 


As for as the Rothschild Cabal, its main concern now has to be its hope of getting an alternative currency in effect before some of these international moves become reality.  Of course, the Cabal would surely like to have a new one world currency under its thumb.  But somehow, I don’t see how this can happen short of WWIII.  So that’s why WWIII is so crucial for the Cabal. 


In the meantime, I am convinced that the Cabal will settle for a transitional currency on the order of an Amero or something similar to take the place of the falling US dollar.  For such a move, I can envision why the Cabal wants Canada to be the suckers to put up their better currency and gold and silver wealth to back a new North American currency.  If this thing happens, it could be that it will be partially gold backed to be more respected internationally and to compete with one of the alternative regional currencies involved in Latin America, in the Persian Gulf, BARIC or wherever. 




Let us not forget the powerful effect of a serious war.  It could be a Cabal planned and US executed attack on Iran or it could be a Cabal planned and US led WWIII.  But when this thing comes off, it is going to present a real challenge to the ability of the Cabal to control things.  As a minimum, gold, silver and harder currencies (like the Swiss Franc) will go in to the sky as the US dollar becomes toast. 


The Bottom Line


I don’t propose to know for sure which of the above options is most likely.  Perhaps it may work out that two or more of them will occur in the same time frame.  I am convinced however that something is coming to upset the present Rothschild control over world nations, peoples and events.  I am sorry to say though that any such loss of Rothschild Cabal control will not be permanent.  It may last longer than a few days.  But ultimately the Cabal will successfully reassert itself. 


This is not to say that the day will never come where/when the Rothschilds are put out of business permanently.  But it will not happen soon.  In fact, WWIII will see the establishment of world government and in time a reassertion of Rothschild power and control over the nations with the Cabal working from Europe instead of Britain and the US.  For a discussion on this option, please see Understanding Money and War—XII at 



Back issues of the Goldsmiths, by the editor of the Analysis of News, can be accessed from a Google or Yahoo search engine by typing in “R. D. Bradshaw” Goldsmiths.  Several hundred web sites can be found with the back issues and with translations to Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese and other foreign languages. has most of the back issues of the Goldsmiths.  Finally, the “Archives-Goldsmiths” of this website ( ) has all of the Goldsmith articles issued to date. 


Besides the revelations contained in the Goldsmiths’ articles, the work of the plutocratic financial market manipulators to conspiratorially manipulate and control the financial markets (to make more profits and install a world government under their management) is also addressed at length in the periodic analysis of the news and in other articles produced at  This website has an article of interest to any person interested in understanding the market Manipulators.  It is the Hidden Secret of the Manipulators, why they succeed and how to follow their manipulations. 


Readers of the above articles are invited to visit and become a subscriber to regularly read some of the material from the world of information which will further reveal how extensive the manipulation, control and dishonesty realities are in the financial, currency and commodity markets, not only in the US but indeed around the world.  To go to the home page of this website, please click at the link here: 

-- Posted Friday, 1 May 2009 | Digg This Article | Source:


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