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Surmounting Debt & Derivatives Dangers

-- Posted Friday, 5 June 2009 | | Source:




Wealth Preservation         Wealth Enhancement

Financial and Geopolitical Intelligence



“What other central banks have been doing must stop now. I am very skeptical about the extent of the Fed’s actions…


We must return to independent and sensible monetary policies. Otherwise we will be back to where we are now in 10 years’ time.”


    Angela Merkel, German Chancellor

    June 2, 2009


“…the S&P could triple from here if they print enough money…S&P could go to 50,000…stocks could go through unheard of levels, but (it) would be in worthless currency.” (emphasis added)


    Jim Rogers

    June 3, 2009


Chancellor Merkel’s criticism of The Fed is right “on the money”, as it were. She knows what we and a few others have been saying for years: The Fed’s super-loose monetary policies will lead to hyperinflation down the Road.


Encouraged/Required by The Fed, The U.S. Government (i.e. Taxpayers) incurred $6.8 Trillion in New obligations in 2008 alone, bringing the Total owed to $63.8 Trillion.


The aforementioned figures include only the obligations incurred through the end of 2008. That is, they do not include the obligations incurred with the Obama Stimulus Bill, or the various 2009 Bailouts, loans, gifts, and guarantees.


In other words, each U.S. household had incurred a record $546,668 in obligations as of the end of 2008, according to a USA Today analysis reported May 28, 2009.


Couple this Debt with nearly $592 Trillion in Potentially Toxic OTC (Dark) Derivatives outstanding as of December 31, 2009 (according to the Central Bankers’ Bank the B.I.S. – see, Path: Statistics > Derivatives > Table 19) and you have a witches’ brew of potential disasters brewing. See Deepcaster’s “Opportunities & Threats in Derivatives Shocker” (5/29/08) in the ‘Articles by Deepcaster’ cache at


Moreover, Key Statistics continue to be gimmicked by Official Sources much to the detriment of American Citizens and Investors Worldwide.


Indeed, the True State of the Economy is much worse than the Official Figures suggest.


As the Real Numbers mentioned below demonstrate, our ongoing economic and financial crisis is not merely a “normal” business cycle Recession, but a System-Threatening Crisis.  Indeed, we have entered into a Depression. (see below)


It is thus another Naïve and False Assumption that the Official Figures accurately reflect the state of the Economy and Markets - - for example, that the current Recession is merely a normal “business cycle” phenomenon.


In sum, Investors and citizens-at-large are misled by Official Statistics which have been gimmicked, as demonstrates.  All of the following Genuine Numbers are calculated by, which calculates them according to traditional methods used in the 1980s, and early 1990s, before The Political Adjustments currently being utilized began.


Consider the following Real Numbers from shadowstats:


U.S. Consumer Price Inflation (CPI) actually averaged about 11% annualized for much of 2008, rather than the 5% to 6% figures, which have been reported as Official Statistics.  Thus, the consumer must cope with diminished purchasing power in addition to the threat or reality of job loss and wage depression.


Though Official Figures show CPI dropping to 0% in early 2009, the May 15, 2009 Shadowstats report revealed that CPI was still about 7% annualized.


U.S. Unemployment has (according to Official Numbers) been ranging 4% to 6% from 1995 to 2007, spiking “only” to about just under 7% in late 2008 and 8% in early 2009.  In fact, Real U.S. Unemployment is (as of June 5, 2009) about 20% and is still increasing. ( Thus the U.S. consumer (70% of U.S. GDP, we reiterate) is increasingly unemployed, under-employed, and indebted.


Indeed, May, 2009 jobs loss was actually 538,000 (net of biases) rather than the official figure of 345,000, according to Shadowstats’ June 5th, 2009 report.


As well, the Delusion of Economic Growth claimed by Official Statistics is just that - - a Delusion.  Real GDP growth has been negative since 2004.  Indeed, 2009 GDP “growth” is a negative 5% per the May 29, 2009 report. ( Thus the consumer is faced with a deteriorating economy, as well as diminishing job prospects and purchasing power.


Knowing these Real Numbers facilitated Deepcaster’s recommending “Opportunities in the Impending Perfect Storm” - - the title of his early September, 2008 (pre-Crash) Article warning of the impending Crash (available in the Articles Cache at and his making five short (and subsequently quite profitable) recommendations to subscribers at about that time.


Given the aforementioned Massive Monetary Inflation, Chancellor Merkel and legendary Investor Jim Rogers are correct that we likely have hyperinflation in our future, thanks to The Fed.


Indeed, the aforementioned numbers virtually ensure that the current Bear Market Rally, is just that, a Bear Market Rally. We have much lower to go before we bottom. See Deepcaster latest Letter and Alert at


The private for-profit U.S. Federal Reserve is the Main Culprit behind our current crises. See our January 2008 letter “Market Intervention, Data Manipulations, Increasing Risks, the Cartel End Game & Latest Forecast” in “Latest Letters” Cache and our July 3, 2008 “Profit from Fed-Catalyzed Crisis” in the “Articles by Deepcaster” Cache at


Indeed, there is compelling evidence that a Fed-led Cartel* of key Central Banks and their agents, allies and favored financial institutions is regularly involved in Overt and Covert Manipulation of a Variety of Markets (and especially the Precious Metals, Equities, and Strategic Commodities Markets) and Key Statistics.


*We encourage those who doubt the scope and power of Intervention by a Fed-led Cartel of Key Central Bankers and favored financial institutions to read Deepcaster’s December, 2008 Letter containing a summary overview of Overt and Covert Intervention entitled “A Strategy for Profiting from the Cartel’s Dark Interventions & Evolving Techniques” and Deepcaster’s July, 2008 Letter entitled “Market Intervention, Data Manipulation - - Increasing Risks, The Cartel End Game, and Latest Forecast” at Also consider the substantial evidence collected by the Gold AntiTrust Action Committee at for information on precious metals price manipulation. Virtually all of the evidence for Intervention has been gleaned from publicly available records. Deepcaster’s profitable recommendations displayed at have been facilitated by attention to these “Interventionals.”


There is, however, a Solution to several ongoing crises, which would genuinely be stimulative, coupled with other measures.   That Solution, which also provides investor opportunities for profit, is as:


The Solution and Opportunities

Practicality dictates that we outline only the key necessary conditions for this Solution. Of course these need to be fleshed out to provide a complete and workable proposal. While in normal times we would not approve of certain components of the following plan, they are forced upon us by the destructive Policies of The private-for-profit Fed.

When one is in a deep hole into which one has been pushed, one must temporarily cast aside one’s ground-level ideology and exit as best one can. [The maxim, “when you’re in a hole, quit digging,” is regretfully and temporarily set aside.]

A Genuine Stimulus Plan:  Unique Targeted Tax Rebate

The Initial and Ongoing Catalyst for the current Financial and Economic Crisis, credit freeze-up, and toxic waste creation, is the ongoing and increasing numbers of delinquencies and defaults on mortgages and other credit obligations by mortgage holders and other borrowers.  We have not even seen the end of the beginning of this mortgage crisis. The next two years will see record numbers of “Pick N Pay” Mortgage interest rate resets.

It is clear that The private-for-profit Fed instigated this crisis by its easy credit and massive monetary inflation policies in recent years. See the “The Fox Wants More of Our Chickens” and the July, 2008 Letter referred to above in the “Articles by Deepcaster” Cache at  But as investors, taxpayers and citizens we must cope with the consequences.

We reiterate that there is one fundamental problem, which must be solved, or no long-term Solution is possible. The financial system and economic crises will not and can not be solved until (the 70% of the US economy which is represented by) the typically Middle Class U.S. taxpayer/consumer is in a healthier financial condition and is thus able to service their debt and pay their taxes while simultaneously resuming some reasonable level of saving and spending.

Until the Main Street Middle Class Sector returns to a healthy state, there will continue to be foreclosures, bankruptcies, and delinquencies, which will in turn continue to create ever more toxic waste for lenders, with ensuing counterparty failures continuing to ripple through the system.

Moreover, the ongoing counterparty failures (which will likely accelerate because the large numbers of interest rate resets in the next two years) will magnify the continuing defaults on increasing numbers of those $592 trillion in dark OTC Derivatives The Bank for International Settlements (The Central Bankers’ Bank) reports as outstanding as of December, 2008.  (per; Path:  Statistics>Derivatives>Table 19ff.)

No number of Wall Street bailouts, “at the top,” of major banks or other Fed-favored institutions will solve Main Street’s problem. A lasting solution requires genuine and substantial assistance at the ground level for the typical Middle Class obligor (e.g. on a home mortgage).  The recent Obama Stimulus Bill does NOT adequately provide such assistance, as the worsening plight of the U.S. Taxpayer/Consumer indicates.

Thus Deepcaster reiterates that the Stimulus Bill and Bailouts etc. likely will not work in the long-term (except perhaps insofar as they continue to enrich private financial institutions favored by The Fed, and the owners of The private-for-profit Fed).  We earlier said so, along with others, including Robert McHugh of McHugh’s Daily Briefing. McHugh states the primary cause of the Bailouts’ failure succinctly and, to his credit, articulates The Core Necessary Condition for a Solution:

“…The reason is that it fails to address the source of the problem, the consumer’s lack of income due to asset depreciation, job loss, declining investment yields, rising real estate taxes, and a rising cost of living. Buying today’s bad assets fails to prevent tomorrow’s bad assets from showing up as a new batch of consumers fail to make loan payments, giving birth to the next round of fresh toxic assets, sure as death and Obama raising taxes on the “rich.”

The solution is simple: Rebate the past 5 to 10 years of [household] income taxes, up to $10 trillion worth, requiring half the rebate to pay off the debt. If households don’t have debt, they get to keep all the rebate. This will metamorphose current and future bad assets (loans and loan securities) into good assets. This gets the household back on their feet, heals both household and corporate balance sheets, and jump starts the economy with a boom that could last decades. Sure, the Dollar would take a hit, maybe a 50 percent hit, but debts will be eliminated, a depression will be averted, and everyone gets a fresh start….”

McHugh’s core proposal is not only excellent; it is necessary. Since If the basis of 70% of US GDP (the taxpaying, consuming but increasingly stressed U.S. Middle Class) is increasingly financially unhealthy, no enduring economic or financial system recovery is possible, regardless of past, present, or future bailouts “at the top”.

Though this is an excellent core proposal it needs elaboration. For example, only individual and small business taxpayers should be eligible, and only those who are out-of-pocket on taxes. That is, this proposal is not intended as a transfer payment to those who receive negative income tax credits. Any checks received from the government over the period would be deducted from the amount of the tax rebate. As well, a temporary suspension of the payroll tax could be enacted as a complement to a less generous tax rebate.

The plan also needs refinements and conditions. For example, even a massive Tax Rebate would not be sufficient to bring some of the weakest borrowers and the most egregious loans current. These should be allowed to go into default and foreclosure because they will have been the most marginal loans in any event and the lenders deserve to be stuck with the losses on these loans, which they never should have made.

In sum, neither the continuing taxpayer-funded bailouts “at the top” nor the buttressing of the Social Safety Net for the poor will work to change the dismal Fundamentals, unfreeze credit, etc.

Indeed, to help at all the bailouts, guarantees, etc. should be coupled with “required loan quotas” for lenders. There should be “cram-through”, to use the slang term. The Obama Administration’s Rule should be if you don’t lend (i.e. pass through your U.S. Taxpayer provided aid) to businesses and consumers, you don’t get bailed out. But that has not happened. Thus, the foregoing Solution is proposed.

As well, other changes are needed to effect a lasting Economic Recovery.  For example - - Enact a Fair Trade Policy for Industry and Job Protection Immediately as well as a Zero-Net-Immigration Moratorium.

The United States has foolishly been led (by Democratic & Republican Administrations alike, in concert with The Fed) down the Globalist (as opposed to Internationalist) path, which has resulted in the destruction of American industry and American jobs via so-called “free trade” agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA. Unfortunately, this Job and Manufacturing Sector Jobs destruction has only just begun.

Appeal to the nineteenth century Ricardo’s Theory of Trade is usually spurious because modern interpreters confuse “Relative” advantage with “Absolute” advantage. Absolute advantage envisions moving capital across national borders in order to benefit from lower wages in second country. Ricardo espoused free trade only to the extent that it maximized relative advantage. He never considered that British capital might be moved to, say, Burma, in order to manufacture goods more cheaply than these same goods could be manufactured in Great Britain.

Today’s “free trade” agreements entail moving capital across national borders and, thus, inevitably impoverishing the domestic manufacturing base. Some decades ago, it was estimated that a $150,000 investment was needed to create one well-paying job in the United States. The Middle Class suffers when jobs are created offshore rather than in the United States. Capital should be encouraged to stay mostly at home.

Not even Tax Rebates can save the U.S. economy or the World’s Reserve Currency (the U.S. Dollar) without a durable strengthening of the U.S. manufacturing and broader business base.

Neither can the United States, nor for that matter most of the rest of advanced economies of the world, compete with the wage rates paid in Vietnam, for example. In the long run this fact represents doom for the advanced industrial economies unless the U.S. and other advanced economies enact multiple bilateral agreements with tariffs that require an approximate balance of imports and exports with each trading partner. That “Fair Trade” approach would generate sufficient competition to keep domestic industries on their toes, but create sufficient protection so that domestic industries of all major advanced countries and their employees could prosper, and so at the same time emerging economies would benefit from a continuation of Fair Trade not “Free” Trade, which is often nothing more than welfare for giant globalist businesses.

Of course, a necessary condition for success of this particular policy would also be to dramatically reduce mass immigration into advanced industrial countries like the United States via a multiyear zero-net-immigration moratorium. Mass legal and illegal immigration results in importing poverty, depressing wages, losing jobs, and in a net increase in health care, education and other costs usually born by local and State taxpayers while a few employers get the benefits of paying low wages to (mainly) low-skilled workers.

Consequently the taxpayers at large (including other employers!) pay far more net in taxes to support health care, education, infrastructure and other needs of the (mainly) low-skilled immigrants and their families than these immigrants pay in taxes. (The U.S. population, for example, is increased by about 2 million legal, and 2 million illegal, immigrants and their offspring annually. See the nonprofit for more information on the consequences of Mass Immigration.)

The result of a moratorium would be relief of other burdens as well, such as on the retirement system. The average age of immigrants entering the United States is four years greater than that of the average native born as a Center for Immigration Studies study demonstrated.  As demonstrated above Stimulus jobs should be limited to Native Born and long-term resident immigrants only. Needless to say the Illegal Alien Amnesty now contemplated by the Obama Administration would be a disaster for the U.S. economy.

Remove The Fundamental Cause of Our Systemic Crisis - - The Private For-Profit U.S. Federal Reserve - - The U.S. Treasury Should Serve as Our National Bank Instead

The Root of the Problem is both deeper and broader than just Taxpayer-funded (i.e. Debt Funded) Bailouts. The root of The Problem is the structure, functioning, and very existence of that very entity which in large measure created and catalyzed the Financial Systemic Crises to begin with - - the private, for-profit U.S. Federal Reserve.

Just as The Crisis began with The Federal Reserve’s easy-credit and Massive Monetary increase policies and the malinvestment these enabled, the key to its solution is relatively simple. Consider first Jim Rogers on the March, 2008 Bear Stearns Bailout:

“If the system is so fragile that the collapse of the fifth-largest investment bank in America could bring the whole thing down, what's going to happen in a few years when the No. 2 or No. 1 banks go bad...What's Bernanke going to do, get in his helicopter and fly around the country repossessing cars and houses? This is insane."

Jim Rogers, June 25, 2008,

Thus, Jim Rogers helps make a compelling case that those “insane” Fed policies (easy credit and massive monetary inflation) of the past few years have brought the Financial System to the Brink of Meltdown. Were that NOT the case, the Fed would not have seen it necessary to intervene to resolve the Bear Stearns (and Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, AIG, and….?) crises. Bear Stearns was only the fifth largest investment bank in the United States.

Deepcaster, former Presidential Candidate Representative Ron Paul (R – TX), and Jim Rogers all recommend the same Solution to The Crises catalyzed by the private, for-profit, U.S. Federal Reserve: Abolish it.

Indeed, a few months before he was killed, President Kennedy signed Executive Order 11110 which would have de facto abolished the Federal Reserve by gradually replacing Federal Reserve Notes (today’s Fiat U.S. Dollar) with U.S. Treasury Notes. Executive Order 11110 has never been revoked.

The currency-creation function of the private for-profit Fed should be replaced by the U.S. Treasury operating as a de facto U.S. National Bank as authorized by the U.S. Constitution. The Treasury could then Re-link the U.S. Dollar to Gold and Silver as constitutionally authorized. This could prospectively avoid the massive Fed-catalyzed monetary and credit excesses which are The Fundamental Cause of our current Financial Crises.  It would certainly halt the U.S. Taxpayers having to pay “interest” to The Fed on money The Fed prints for free.

Interest rate manipulation, which The Fed has apparently been conducting (doubtless resulting in their shareholders Great Private Profit!) for decades, should not ever be a government function because it undermines the pillars of a free market.

Fed abolition is necessary because Fed policies perennially risk Systemic Collapse while facilitating massive profits for favored Globalist Financial Institutions.  For more details on a workable Solution see “The Financial Crisis Solution” in the “Articles by Deepcaster” Cache at


Opportunities & Conclusion - - The Silver Lining and Profit Opportunities


Even given the Foregoing, there is a Silver Lining to the Stimulus Plan and Various Bailouts of which investors and traders should be able to take advantage.  The Stimulus Plan and Bailouts have already created an increasing need for taxpayer borrowings from the private for-profit U.S. Federal Reserve.  Given that the U.S. Budget Deficit is around $10 Trillion already (and downstream unfunded liabilities are over $60 Trillion), this tremendous injection of liquidity into the economy makes hundreds of billions of dollars available for purchase of equities when investor confidence starts to return and when The Cartel* allows the equity markets to rise. 


This vast infusion of liquidity already has, and will continue to create, excellent potential for rallies in Key Sectors of the Equities Markets.  While in the long term these rallies are probably not sustainable, they should nonetheless be a way to recoup losses especially in certain Sectors.  Deepcaster has identified certain of those high-potential Sectors in his recent Alerts. 


Of course, Gold and Silver are the ultimate Safe Haven refuge in times such as these, and were it not for ongoing Cartel* intervention, the prices of Gold and Silver would be much much higher.


However, Deepcaster has designed a Strategy for profiting from Cartel intervention and building a core position of Gold and Silver at the same time.  We invite you to consider The Strategy laid out in our “Defeating the Cartel…with Profit” article of March, 2008 in the “Articles by Deepcaster” Cache.


While there is a Silver Lining to the Stimulus Plan, Bailouts, etc. overall, for the long run, they will, unfortunately, be a failure with which we Realists expect to be coping, but profiting along the way, for a long time. A major goal thus must be to realize Profits which (in purchasing power terms) exceed the loss of purchasing power resulting from continuing Fiat currency depreciation and inflation.




June 5, 2009








Wealth Preservation         Wealth Enhancement

-- Posted Friday, 5 June 2009 | Digg This Article | Source:


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