-- Posted Friday, 28 August 2009 | | Source: GoldSeek.com
By Robert Singer
Having trouble understanding the events since the October 2008 financial crisis?
Any of this sound familiar:
· Banks hoarding their TARP funds
· Gas prices going up when they should be going down
· Automobile dealerships closed without regard to profitability
· Health Care reform: The Kevorkian is out of jail early
What’s going on?
Bush Sr. said our way of life wasn’t negotiable in 1992 but as of October 2008, it's all over but the weeping and gnashing of teeth.
And in one of those coincidences that don’t happen very often: like all four financial meltdowns in history occurring in October, the October 2008 financial meltdown guaranteed Barack Obama, an unknown senator 4 years ago, would be the 44th president of the United States. [1]
October 2008, to anyone not in denial, marked the last day the men behind the Federal Reserve, all connected to the House of Rothschild, gave up what’s left of their wealth so the huddled middle class can trash the planet.
In 1910 these men already controlled one-sixth of the world’s real wealth—gold, silver and raw materials—not the fiat currency we call money.
Trashing the planet began when the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, one of the most important domestic acts in the nation’s history, took the power to create money from the people and gave it to the swindlers and scoundrels (robber barons) of our filtered history for profit.
One of the more absurd notions that found its way into the writings of economic experts, is that the Federal reserve took away the peoples right to create money so they could make a “profit.”
If exchanging $500 trillion of real wealth: raw materials, commodities, copper, iron ore, petroleum, lead, silver and gold for fiat currency so the middle class (former members of the Third Estate i.e. serfs and slaves) could have houses, cars, RVs, TVs and DVDs—is profitable, then Econ 101 is for dummies and the robber barons are now Robinhood Barons. [2]
During the last 100 years those swindlers were able to distort the structure of relative prices; generate misallocations of labor and capital throughout the economy; rationalize new governmental interventions in the face of the market "instability" manipulate the patterns of and the profits from international trade which resulted in the Industrial Revolution, the Great Depression, the stagflation of the 1970’s, the dot-com and the housing market bubbles…all of which created unprecedented prosperity for the middle class, $500 trillion of Monopoly money for the House of Rothschild and ecocide for the Planet. [3]
Banks Don’t Make Loans To People Living In Tent Cities
The Robinhood Barons are now making generous interest payments to the banks for “parking” their TARP and other government taxpayer bailout money instead of making loans to struggling Americans living in their cars and in tent cities. [4]
Oil prices are on the rise, which is driving up prices at the pump. Economics for dummies would dictate they should be falling. [5]
Out-of-work, out-of-hope homeless people living in Bushvilles no longer need cheap gasoline to go shopping for all that affordable “stuff” the Fed financed so we could trash the planet.
And those Americans who are still employed will find it harder to get that sweet deal on a new car because auto dealers won’t be competing with each other now that Brian Deese, special assistant to president Obama for economic policy made the decision (not the Chrysler bankruptcy judge), to close dealerships without regard to profitability.
Deese, age 31, in his first government position, shuffles back and forth from the West Wing to the Treasury Department dismantling the US Auto Industry and rewriting the rules of American “capitalism”. [6]
Deese’s first rule: Withdraw Credit and Liquidity.
Result – Catch 22:
The pullback in spending causes companies to cut back on inventory and staff - Creating unemployment.
Which causes spending to fall and companies to cut back on inventory and staff -Creating more unemployment.
Causing spending to fall even further, forcing companies to cut back on inventory and staff - Creating even more unemployment…
Unemployed Americans Don’t Need Healthcare (Euthanasia should be a Right not a Privilege)
Elizabeth McCaughey, former lieutenant governor of New York said older Americans should be worried about Page 425 of the Health Care Bill, which she claims has the government sponsoring suicide education.
Her claim that Congress would make it mandatory that every five years, people in Medicare have a required counseling session that will tell them “how to end their life sooner, how to decline nutrition, how to decline being hydrated, how to go into hospice care," got her a "pants on fire" rating. The claim has nonetheless spread like wildfire, being repeated not just on blogs and radio shows but by Republican members of Congress because as Committee Chairman Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI), pointed out "this provision may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia if enacted into law."
Why can’t we go down the “Right and Dignity to Die” path? [7]
Opponents of "death with dignity with their slippery slope argument make about as much sense as the Pro life (really pro fetus) movement in denying a woman the choice to give birth.
A compassionate society would never withhold "the ultimate civil right," from a mentally competent, terminally ill person who chooses to avoid unnecessary suffering.
Now that our way of life (trashing the planet) is over there is no need to feed, clothe and “car” all these humans but euthanasia is way too inefficient at population reduction.
What is the Best Way to Depopulate? Top 2 Wiki Answers
Armageddon and The Flu Could eliminate 200 million of the masses.
Let’s say one of those radical Christian or Jewish groups plotting to blow up the Dome of the Rock, that magnificent golden domed mosque built on the site of Solomon’s Temple, is successful. Islam’s third holiest shrine stands directly over the most holy Jewish place and is preventing the Messiah from returning to Earth.
According to biblical prophecy, the temple must be rebuilt and sacrifice reinstated before Jesus can come back to earth; the first time for the Jews; the second time for the Christians. No temple = no Messiah.
What would happen if the Dome were to be demolished?
Well for the first time in history, thanks to Saddam Hussein who drained 60 percent of the wetlands, 200 million people could cross the Euphrates for a holy war in Jerusalem also known as Armageddon. [8]
Or remember the last Bird (now Swine) Flu hoax where the public stampeded to get their worthless dose of Tamiflu and were convinced it was a scare tactic to make Rumsfeld millions.
Well, at the first sign of an epidemic, even without the forced immunization clause in the Patriot Act, the fools will rush down to get their shot.
Immunization which will be based on Genome sequencing–a biotechnology that allows doctors to tailor medical treatments to an individual’s genetic profile:
“Here for your shot?”
“Worried about the Bird Flu, oh of course sit here, roll up your sleeve, oops, sorry you died.”
“Well I guess it was too late for you; next time, get here sooner!” [9]
The Illuminati, they say, need only 500 million of us when they take over the world.
Either of these events would get us started on a slow, but orderly road to a population of slaves.
New World order conspiracy theorists expect a depopulation event to eliminate 5 billion useless eaters.
I don’t know for sure what is behind Obamacare but it certainly isn’t depopulation.
Robert Singer is an Entrepreneur and the author of a forthcoming book on the Federal Reserve. His articles cover politics and the financial and environmental implications of our consumer society. The articles have been main headlined and can be found on numerous popular websites: Marketoracle, Silverseek, Silver Bear Café, Goldseek, Daylife, LAprogressive, Canadafreepress, Opednews, Daily.pk and many of the Wordpress sites. Richard Daughty, The Mogambo Guru, proclaimed him a Junior Mogambo Ranger (JMR).
Dem Bones is Connected To De Debt Bone by Robert Singer, an analysis of the Federal Reserve, can be found on numerous popular websites including G. Edward Griffin’s Unfiltered News. Edward Griffin is the author of the definitive work on the Federal Reserve, The Creature from Jekyll Island.
Meat, Milk and Motors: The New China Syndrome by Robert Singer, an essay about China first released in February 2009 has been widely posted and read on the Internet. Quotes from the article can be found in The Wall Street Journal Digital Network and was the Top World Story on the Pakistan Daily website for over a week.
[1] Black Monday 10/28/1929, Black Monday 10/18/1987, Soviet Union Black Friday 10/18/1991 and Black Tuesday 10/29/2008. “In September, when the Obama campaign seemed to be slumping and their candidate's long-standing lead in the polls had evaporated, the senator's supporters openly worried that a potential victory might be slipping away. Then providence joined the campaign: the failure of the giant investment bank Lehman Brothers followed by a global financial meltdown.”, from “I had a dream. It was 2008 and Barack Obama was elected the 44th President of the United States, By Robert Singer
[2] Robert Singer, Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité – Providence, Miracle or What Really Happened
[3] Ted Lang, The Zionist Connection - An Unholy Tripartite
[4] Kucinich: the Federal Reserve is paying banks NOT to make loans to struggling Americans! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkf8VG3HL_8
[5] “Why oil prices are rising again”, Marketplace Money Report, August 11, 2009
[6] David E. Sanger, The 31-Year-Old in Charge of Dismantling G.M., The New York Times: May 31, 2009
[7] Wisconsin State Representative Lloyd Barbee of Milwaukee introduced an act "relating to establishing a right to die" on October 22, 1975. If passed, the measure would have made an exception in the state's homicide law for killing upon request and it would have abolished the crime of assisting suicide.
[8] In 1994, 60 percent of the wetlands were destroyed by Saddam Hussein's regime. They were drained to permit military access and greater political control of the native Marsh Arabs.
[9] Patricia A. Doyle, Do Note Take a Swine Flu Vaccine!, April 26, 2009.
“Several world-acclaimed Microbiologists researchers specializing in DNA (Genome) sequencing have been found dead or have gone missing.” Ian Gurney, The Very Mysterious Deaths Of Five Microbiologists, December 20, 2001
-- Posted Friday, 28 August 2009 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com