-- Posted Sunday, 8 November 2009 | | Source: GoldSeek.com
By R. D. Bradshaw
Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the progenitor of the super rich Rothschild family, said to permit him to control a nation’s money and he cared not who wrote its laws. Question—did Rothschild know what he was talking about?
The Rothschild Cabal of money manipulators took over United States money and effectively the United States in late 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. Over the years, they instituted three practices which have made the Cabal banks unimaginably wealthy, as Paul Volcker put it some weeks ago (as discussed in the Goldsmiths 102).
Besides these three practices, to make gobs and gobs of money for the Cabal banks, they added still one more practice (a fourth one) to tip off certain Cabal relatives and colleagues on a personal level of coming events to allow them to also become incredibly wealthy.
The Inflation Racket
The first big move that the Cabal undertook was the introduction of massive inflation on the American monetary and economic systems. With a citation of the work of Peter J. Ritter, the Goldsmiths 102 described how gold was a brake on the actions of bankers to create wealth through their manipulation of money. Of course, by 1933, the Cabal had successfully removed all evidence of the gold brake as fiat money was ushered in to completely dominate American philosophy and thinking.
Yet, actually, the inflation problem broke out almost immediately with the creation of the Federal Reserve Banking system in 1913; as I reported in a news item in the Sep 20, 2009 www.analysis-news.com which cited a study by George Ure at www.urbansurvival.com on CPI and Keynesian Myth: Inflation. In this September study, Ure noted that goods costing $100 in 1913 had went up to $72.73 by 1928. This 73% inflation in 15 years certainly was recognizable in the roaring twenties as many of us acknowledge (except for the Civil War years, this 73% compares with little or no inflation in the prior 150-year history of the US). Ure then went on to report that prices then reversed themselves and fell some 27.6% from 1929 to 1934.
So, while the fall or contraction was large at 27.6% in four years, it did not begin to correct the excesses of 72.73% in the preceding 15 years. The point is that depression prices in the 1930s never began to fall to the pre-Fed levels of 1913. Thus, the Fed introduced, maintained and supported a huge inflationary spike up before reversing itself to bring on the depression of 1929-1934. As discussed in the Goldsmiths 106 and 107, the Cabal owned/controlled Fed is in the envious position of being able to create so-called prosperity through inflation and depressions/recessions/poverty with a contraction of money and credit to bring on deflation (on this, see paragraphs 7 and 8 of Section 6 and paragraph 20 of section 20 of the study at Understanding Money and War XIV at www.analysis-news.com).
With insider knowledge of what was coming down the pike, the Cabal owned banks all easily positioned themselves to make barrels of money with incredibly high inflation off and on since 1934. The coming of FDR and his so-called New Deal of recovery helped the Cabal work on profits really take off. The inflation characteristics went to the sky as covered in the Goldsmiths 102. As many economists now admit, today’s dollar is worth about four cents as compared with the 1913 dollar (and this is using the manipulated inflation statistics which have been grossly understated, as discussed in the Goldsmiths 29, 87 and 95).
The Second Practice--Deflation
So, along with the periods of Fed promoted inflation, the Rothschild Cabal used its power to create the second practice—that of bringing on recessions/depressions (as noted above and as discussed in the Goldsmiths 106 and 107). Rothschild agent and relative Bernanke has already admitted that the Fed caused the great depression of the 1930s by tightening money which is the classic method of Rothschild manipulations of the markets to cause periodic depressions (on this, see paragraph 20 of Section 20 of the study at Understanding Money and War XIV at www.analysis-news.com where the bankers admit that they cause depressions).
Wikipedia gives these periodic recessions/depressions since 1913:
Jan 1913 to Dec 1914
Aug 1918 to Mar 1919
Jan 1920 to Jul 1921
May 1923 to Jun 1924
Oct 1926 to Nov 1927
Aug 1929 to Mar 1933
May 1937 to Jun 1938
Feb 1945 to Oct 1945
Nov 1948 to Oct 1949
Jul 1953 to May 1954
Aug 1957 to Apr 1958
Apr 1960 to Feb 1961
Dec 1969 to Nov 1970
Nov 1973 to Mar 1975
Jan 1980 to Jul 1980
Jul 1981 to Nov 1982
Jul 1990 to Mar 1991
Mar 2001 to Nov 2001
Dec 2007 to date
Some reporters give one big US depression from 1929 till 1939 and the start of WWII. In the above list from Wikipedia, two separate ones are covered in those years. Regardless, it is clear that the Cabal has used its powers to create inflation and also periodic depressions/recessions many times over since 1913.
In checking comments of various students of these 19 recessions/depressions, the consensus is that the Fed caused most or all of them. The role of the Fed in creating the Great Depression of the 1930s is certainly not in dispute by informed people. Sometimes, some economists try to blame a few of them on some other cause—like the Arab oil embargo in the 1970s. But the Fed remains as the number one culprit by almost all informed persons.
Thus, when the United States stupidly turned its money over the Rothschild Cabal, two motions were set in play—massive inflation to create fiat money and periodic alternating depressions/recessions to reign in the aggressive inflation before it got out of hand to bring on hyperinflation.
Over the past 96 years, since 1913, this oscillating motion of inflation and periodic deflation has made the Cabal banks and their insider relatives and colleagues extremely wealthy (or as Paul Volcker put it—unimaginably wealthy). It must be said that people armed with money and with the foreknowledge of coming inflation/deflation can become unimaginably wealthy.
Please note that all of this wealth coming to the Cabal banks came about because of the above cited two practices introduced in 1913 by the Fed. These two were a program of regular and consistent inflation and periodic periods of recession/depression/deflation to reign in the inflation excesses.
I think it would have to be people with extremely limited IQs who can’t see the advantages in having pre-knowledge of coming inflation or deflation for a given period of time. Armed with this pre-knowledge, intelligent persons can position themselves in the various markets to take full advantage of the inflation and deflation trend lines as they evolve. Even today, in our time in 2009-2010, pre-knowledge of what lies ahead on inflation/deflation can make a person unimaginably wealthy as Paul Volcker put it.
A Third New Practice
And now, in the last several years, the Cabal introduced another practice to allow the Cabal banks and insiders more golden opportunities to really fleece the dumb sheep. This practice involves the creation, expansion and use of derivatives to bet on anything and everything possible and particularly to work the futures markets. The repeal of the 1933 Glass-Steagle Act in 1998 helped this motion along; but it was underway for many other reasons before then.
I have discussed the derivative problem extensively in the Goldsmiths 80, 82, 91, 92 and 98. There is no need to get into any details on it here. But it must be cited as a banker’s innovation to make still more money from the gullible public. Effectively, it allows the bankers and their colleagues/relatives to get away with grand larceny.
The derivative problem is huge. US banks are involved to the tune of $200 trillion and other US financial institutions are on the hook for at least another $100 trillion. This $300 trillion compares with perhaps $600 trillion worldwide (per the BIS). So it is big business. And as is the Rothschild Cabal MO and expertise, the Rothschilds are masters at it and are making most of the money.
The Fourth Practice
Of course, since the Cabal is a tightly run ship, which depends extensively upon the goodwill and support of numbers of relatives and colleagues throughout society, the Cabal consistently tips off and informs some of these relatives and colleagues on what is going to happen. These tip offs allow relatives and colleagues of the Cabal bankers to also share in the rape and plunder of the gullible, sucker people in Europe and North America.
The Bottom Line
Thus, the Cabal banks have made big bucks over the years; and have also tipped off individual persons who also made big bucks. Many of these bankers and their insider colleagues and relatives became unimaginably wealthy as Paul Volcker stated it. And who has lost money to offset the big gains by the bankers and insiders? Why, almost all of society has lost and paid a terrible price, as I detailed in the Goldsmiths 102.
Back issues of the Goldsmiths, by the editor of the Analysis of News, can be accessed from a Google or Yahoo search engine by typing in “R. D. Bradshaw” Goldsmiths. Several hundred web sites can be found with the back issues and with translations to Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Chinese and other foreign languages. Finally, the “Archives-Goldsmiths” of this website (www.analysis-news.com ) has all of the Goldsmith articles issued to date.
Besides the revelations contained in the Goldsmiths’ articles, the work of the plutocratic financial market manipulators to conspiratorially manipulate and control the financial markets (to make more profits and install a world government under their management) is also addressed at length in the periodic analysis of the news and in other articles produced at www.analysis-news.com. This website has an article of interest to any person interested in understanding the market Manipulators. It is the Hidden Secret of the Manipulators, why they succeed and how to follow their manipulations.
Readers of the above articles are invited to visit www.analysis-news.com and become a subscriber to regularly read some of the material from the world of information which will further reveal how extensive the manipulation, control and dishonesty realities are in the financial, currency and commodity markets, not only in the US but indeed around the world. To return to the Home Page of this web site, click here: www.analysis-news.com.
-- Posted Sunday, 8 November 2009 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com