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The Goldsmiths—Part CXIV

-- Posted Friday, 27 November 2009 | | Source:

By R. D. Bradshaw


My parents lived through the roaring twenties and the great depression of the 1930s.  Like so many others, they blamed the fall guy, Herbert Hoover, for the Great Depression; and voted for Franklin Rosenfeldt/Roosevelt as the great savior of the United States.  As a child of Rosenfeldt’s supporters, I grew up thinking that he was the greatest American leader of all time.  I remember wearing his campaign buttons at voting times as my parents would dutifully go to the polls to vote for the alleged great American hero. 


My Ignorance about the Real World


In the Goldsmiths 103, I related how I grew up and reached manhood without the foggiest notion about how the US financial, monetary and economic systems really worked.  In that Goldsmiths, I related that though I had been educated at a large respected university, I knew as little about the workings of the US financial markets and US monetary and economic systems as some of the important leading gold analysts of today. 


I actually believed that our financial markets were regulated by supply and demand, and operated freely without any intervention from government or the supposedly independent Federal Reserve Bank.  Of course, while I thought I knew a lot about finance, the truth was that I was pathetically ignorant about the real world around me.  And it is this precise environment which breeds and promotes devilish pride and vanity.  We all become infected with it.  We think we know so much; when in fact, we know so little. 


In those days, I stupidly knew nothing about people named Rothschild or a place in London called the City which houses some 560 banks.  I didn’t have the foggiest notion about any manipulation and control of the price of gold and most stocks, currencies and commodities in the financial markets (though the Cabal had been in this game since 1913; on this, see Understanding Money and War—I-XIV at  Yet, I ignorantly thought I knew a lot about the US financial and economic systems (when, in fact, I knew very little—like many of the modern financial analysts). 


But, as I said before, I did have brains enough to realize and recognize one profoundly important piece of truth which very few people in America have had any understanding on at all.  Somehow, by the time I was in college, I came to understand that the irresponsible deficit spending by our government was wrong and would in time cause an absolute crash of our monetary system.  At that time, I didn’t fully appreciate the inflation problem; but very soon, it came home to my understanding (as I discuss the seriousness of it at length in the Goldsmiths, Part 102). 


Just like I was grossly ignorant about the real world out there, as I grew up, I am sorry to have to say that my parents were in the same boat.  They didn’t have a clue about a group of powerful plutocratic rulers/bankers (connected by bloodlines, genes and philosophy) ruling the world.  They were both dedicated to FDR because he allegedly saved America.  But they had no perception at all of his great evil. 


However, I am suspicious that Rosenfeldt’s tremendous charm, charisma and persuasiveness may have influenced my parents more than a knowledge and understanding of the true American financial, monetary and economic systems as manipulated, controlled and managed by a team of powerful plutocratic masters (the Rothschild Cabal bosses in London).  Like others, my parents were lost on the real world out there. 


I grew up in this environment and eventually went to college to be educated by people who were just as ignorant about the real world of finance as my parents were.  Yes, it is sad to say that people with degrees and honor and esteem as college professors at large universities could be totally and completely brainwashed and lost on the real world out there in terms of finance.  I was in my late thirties and early forties before I began to have a clue about the secret behind-the-scenes manipulators who were in total charge of America and particularly of the US economy, money and finance. 


I mention this backdrop because the situation of the roaring twenties and the depression realities, brought on by the powerful Rothschild Cabal plutocrats in London, is repeating itself in an almost 100% replay today.  I have long held that the Cabal’s inflicted crash and depression almost brought on a revolution in the US in 1932.  If the Rosenfeldt charm and charisma had not arrived on stage to defuse things, the Cabal relatives, insiders and colleagues would have had to get on board fast moving boats/ships to flee to safety in some other land. 


But Rosenfeldt’s abilities, coupled with the Cabal’s planned WWII in 1939, changed things and the explosive situation was defused.  I don’t believe that the Cabal bosses for a minute want the present situation in our time to reach the critical stage of anarchy and revolution; so that they will have to get in their fast moving jets (now its jets, while in the 1930s it was boats/ships) and flee.  Another difference is that the Cabal insiders have arranged for themselves to have dual citizenship and protection from extradition in at least one key friendly country in the world. 


By the time I was about 40 years old, and thereafter, I began to more seriously look at history.  As I discovered how we had been lied to and deceived, my research eventually took me to the Rothschild Cabal of Europe and a very ancient document reportedly prepared by the Rothschild progenitor, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, in the 18th century, which maps out the banking Cabal’s plans to make money and rule the world (on this, see Understanding Money and War, part XIV at 


This banker’s plan or blueprint to make money and rule the world shows that old man Rothschild had nothing but contempt for the average European person he ruled over and exploited for profit and gain.  Repeatedly, the document lays out how stupid and gullible we all are; and how smart, crafty and clever the Cabal bankers are.  Rothschild makes it plain that we are so stupid that it is an easy task for him and his banking relatives and colleagues to continuously alter the money supply/credit in inflation and deflation (depression) and then make wars for them to become unimaginably wealthy (as Paul Volcker put it sometime ago—see the Goldsmiths 102). 


The Thinking of our Leaders


This backdrop on the thinking in the Rothschild document (called by me--the Mickey Mouse writings in the Goldsmiths 106 and 107) brings to mind the wisdom and clever thinking of the people running the world in the 1930s and 1940s.  While it has never been established that Franklin Rosenfeldt ever publicly stated some of his personal thinking about the credulity of the typical American, I am fully convinced that in his heart he believed it. 


One of FDR’s closest aides was his administrative assistant named Harry L. Hopkins (known among many persons as the Deputy President since he made many or most of the decisions for FDR).  While I have never found any racial connection that Harry personally had with the Rothschild Cabal (of course, he may have been a Rothschild relative himself--with a deceptive name change), his wife was a Rothschild cousin. 


Furthermore, Harry came to FDR in Washington from the banking cartel on Wall Street.  So he had some more of the ties that would count with the Cabal.  Too, I’m sure that all of them were Luciferians or at least atheists in philosophy and thinking (though publicly pretending to be Christians and Jews; to more easily deceive and cheat the suckers being ripped off) which gave them another powerful linkage. 


One of the most famous pieces of wisdom from Harry Hopkins was his assessment of the IQ of the average American.  Per numerous reports, on his wisdom and sayings (from different sources and from entries in the Congressional Record), Harry has been quoted as describing the FDR New Deal philosophy as being:  “Tax and tax, spend and spend, elect and elect, the people are too damn dumb to know the difference.” 


I don’t know that Harry ever publicly stated that philosophy to the ignorant Americans.  But I am convinced that he, Rosenfeldt, and the Rosenfeldt people all believed that thinking and privately exchanged that idea among themselves and laughed about how dumb the American people were in politics and in money. 


I mention this cite from Harry Hopkins because it so closely parallels the thinking in the Mickey Mouse document (in Understanding Money and War Part XIV at, as alleged to have been created directly or indirectly by old man Rothschild, back in the 18th century.  The Mickey Mouse document, over and over, condemns the European peoples for being stupid, dumb cattle—easy to be exploited, cheated and defrauded.  We Europeans are so dumb that smart, clever Rothschild agents/relatives can make waves of inflation and then deflation to continuously rip us off and steal everything we have.  And we never know the difference. 


War to Make Really Big Bucks


And when it comes time to make some really big bucks, the Cabal calls upon its controlled media powers to create a war.  Surely, people with brains above the idiot level realize that far more profits are to be made in war than in peace time.  Thus, the Mickey Mouse document reveals the power of the Cabal bankers to create wars with the aid and assistance of the Cabal media powers.  And, as the Mickey Mouse writings confirm, the Cabal loves to make wars against any and all people who refuse to submit to its ruler ship over the world. 


Consequently, it is clear why we invaded and conquered Afghanistan and Iraq; and why Iran and Syria are on tap for attacks (these attacks will surely boost gold much higher than it is right now).  While these four nations would not submit to Rothschild Cabal rule, the US conquests will help insure that the Cabal can completely take over the wealth of the Middle East and rule it like the Cabal rules Europe and North America.  And that is one of the big things happening right now in global politics and economics--the Rothschild Cabal’s conquest of the Middle East for profits and gain. 



Back issues of the Goldsmiths, by the editor of the Analysis of News, can be accessed from a Google or Yahoo search engine by typing in “R. D. Bradshaw” Goldsmiths.  Several hundred web sites can be found with the back issues and with translations to Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Chinese and other foreign languages.  Finally, the “Archives-Goldsmiths” of this website ( ) has all of the Goldsmith articles issued to date. 


Besides the revelations contained in the Goldsmiths’ articles, the work of the plutocratic financial market manipulators to conspiratorially manipulate and control the financial markets (to make more profits and install a world government under their management) is also addressed at length in the periodic analysis of the news and in other articles produced at  This website has an article of interest to any person interested in understanding the market Manipulators.  It is the Hidden Secret of the Manipulators, why they succeed and how to follow their manipulations. 


Readers of the above articles are invited to visit and become a subscriber to regularly read some of the material from the world of information which will further reveal how extensive the manipulation, control and dishonesty realities are in the financial, currency and commodity markets, not only in the US but indeed around the world.  To go to the Home Page of this web site, click here:

-- Posted Friday, 27 November 2009 | Digg This Article | Source:


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