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The Goldsmiths—Part CXXVI

-- Posted Friday, 29 January 2010 | | Source:

By R. D. Bradshaw


The alternative media (mainly on the Internet) was ablaze this past week on a US Supreme Court decision which effectively said that corporations (to include corporate unions) are the same as individual persons in terms of the first amendment on free speech and political activity.  Even some hard line gold analysts took note of this decision and supported the populist position that corporations are not individual people and are not entitled to free speech protection under the first amendment to the Constitution. 


Huffington Post had a Jan 22, 2010 article by Arthur Delaney which addressed the decision in Supreme Court Rolls Back Campaign Finance Restrictions.  As Delaney noted, the split decision rolled back restrictions on corporate spending in federal election campaigns.  Delaney said the decision would “unlesh a torrent of corporate-funded attack ads in upcoming elections.” 


Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority and said:  “Because speech is an essential mechanism of democracy -- it is the means to hold officials accountable to the people -- political speech must prevail against laws that would suppress it by design or inadvertence.” 


In a dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens accused the majority of judicial activism and attacked the use of corporate personhood in the case by saying "The conceit that corporations must be treated identically to natural persons in the political sphere is not only inaccurate but also inadequate to justify the Court's disposition of this case."


Obama’s position was:  “With its ruling today, the Supreme Court has given a green light to a new stampede of special interest money in our politics… It is a major victory for big oil, Wall Street banks, health insurance companies and the other powerful interests that marshal their power every day in Washington to drown out the voices of everyday Americans... That's why I am instructing my Administration to get to work immediately with Congress on this issue.  We are going to talk with bipartisan Congressional leaders to develop a forceful response to this decision.”


Hans von Spakovsky, a legal fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said:  “I think Congress is going to have a very difficult time if they want to pass a law limiting individual expenditures… If you read the decision, the court is deciding on constitutional issues... It will be very difficult to design any kind of new federal statute that reimposes restrictions without it immediately being found unconstitutional again.”


With this backdrop, this Goldsmiths will weigh in to offer some words on the bad points of the decision and some of the fallout from it and how it will go over with the Rothschild Cabal money changers at the City in London. 


The Biggest Bad Point


In the US Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, the opening sentence spoke of the necessity of “one People” to dissolve its political bands and establish something different.  It then launched into the self evident truth that all men are created equal by The CREATOR with certain unalienable rights like Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  This document thereafter frequently mentions the rights of we the people to do certain things.  It concludes by saying that “We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.”  The Declaration does not mention corporations or even acknowledge that they exist. 


The US Constitution, written by Jefferson’s colleague James Madison, started off in its preamble by saying that “We the People” do the following.  Like the Declaration, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights frequently refer to we the people as natural born citizens of the United States.  Nowhere is there any mention of corporations created by legislative acts. 


In fact, in the late 18th century in the colonies, there were few if any corporations in the US.  To whatever extent they existed, it was a state matter and nothing for the Federal government.  It was apparently as late as 1819 before the US government, in the form of the Supreme Court, took any action to legitimatize generic corporations.  The court did so by recognizing them as artificial persons, and then only in a very limited way to grant them some limited powers similar to what natural, individual people possessed (as Andy Sutton wrote in “My Two Cents” in his article on Jan 22, 2010 at 


But from a reading of the basic documents establishing the US (the Declaration and Constitution), it is manifestly clear that the issues involved in this new nation addressed We the People in the vein of them being individual persons with inalienable rights.  The 14th amendment addresses persons and protects their right of life, liberty and property. 


Yet, the Court’s recent decision specifically addressed the first amendment which specifies the rights of the people.  Unbelievably, the Court’s decision said that we the people with these unalienable rights now include corporations.  It is unfathomable how in the world that the Court would dare foist such an absolute absurdity on this nation.  But yet it happened.  And as Hans von Spakovsky said—it will likely stand. 


The above Huffington Post article quotes Justice Stevens who had the brains and integrity enough to dissent and say:  "The conceit that corporations must be treated identically to natural persons in the political sphere is not only inaccurate but also inadequate to justify the Court's disposition of this case."


The likely Rothschild Cabal Reaction


While gold advocates and investors have become aware of the evils of the Fed and a number of big corporation banks and financial institutions (like JP Morgan Chase and Goldman Sachs), most people will never attempt to address the “natural persons” who own or control these big corporations.  The Goldsmiths have done this by focusing on the Rothschild Cabal players and insiders who really own or control almost all of the major corporations in the world today and especially those respecting money and financial markets and activities.  These people are the classic money changers of olden times. 


There is an ancient document allegedly prepared by or for old man Mayer Amschel Rothschild some 250 years ago which purports to lay out the details of his plan to gain profits from we the people and achieve world government under his control or the control of his descendants, other relatives and colleagues (it is at Understanding Money and War XIV at


While this document apparently did not discuss corporations, per se, it did refer to the secret organization(s) run by old man Rothschild to gain profits and rule the world.  It is not difficult to put two and two together and perceive that the Rothschild Cabal’s plans intend to make use of corporations extensively and likely in the context of the mentioned secret organization(s).  After all, corporations are the classic method of hiding the real people involved in skullduggery and dishonesty to rip off and steal from others. 


The Rothschild Cabal masters have made extensive use of corporations from day one.  Since the Cabal is dedicated to secrecy (to better fool, deceive and rip off the gullible public), corporations have played precisely into their hands.  When people get mad and cuss out Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan Chase, how many of those people would dare use the name Rothschild, Warburg or Rockefeller/Roggenfelder in their verbal attacks.  Corporate owners are almost always insulated from the public which they can and often do exploit and abuse.  Certainly, the allowance for government created corporations has been a panacea to bandits and crooks that run our modern financial institutions. 


There is absolutely no question about it.  The Rothschild Cabal players in London and on Wall Street have to be elated and happy beyond imagination over this recent Supreme Court decision because it means that their corporations now enjoy all of the benefits available to individual, natural people; but without many of the limitations (crooked corporate owners and officers often hide behind corporations in order to steal and exploit the people.  Not only can these individuals often or at least sometimes avoid prosecution for their illegal acts but traditionally they have enjoyed limited liability on a personal level). 


Importantly, as many critics have noted over this decision, it will open the floodgates for massive corporate spending on political campaigns and public policy.  Actually, the Rothschild Cabal took over media corporations long ago.  For ages, these giant corporations have enjoyed first amendment protection for freedom of the press (and they have fully used that theoretical benefit, though I would argue that since the first amendment applied to individual persons, freedom of the press should never have been given to corporate media powers). 


Besides the powers of corporate media companies to influence and control elections, corporations have also been financing candidates and political activities over the years.  But in doing so, they have faced legislative restrictions in giving and they have usually worked in secret from behind the scenes.  The Court’s decision will essentially allow corporations to come out in the open and use their big bucks for media advertising to push their agendas—which will allow support of both candidates and ideas and thinking. 


But the Decision will open the Door for Far More Abuse


The above issues are bad enough.  But there will be more terrible fallouts of this stupidity and work of evil.  Now that the Court has made the decision of calling corporations individual people or persons under the first amendment, the Courts will now apply that thinking to everything else possible.  This means that the Anglo Saxon Common Law, which has guaranteed rights to the people for ages, will likely now be interpreted to include corporations.  In fact, almost all legislative laws in the states and at the Federal level granting benefits to individual people will be interpreted to include corporations. 


But there is more to come on this.  Huffington Post of Jan 22, 2010 also had this by Jason Linkins on Supreme Court’s Decision is Terrifying.  Linkins wrote:  “In one swoop, the court did away with nearly everything in federal campaign finance law, allowing corporations free reign to inject as much money as they jolly well please into federal campaigns.  The decision completes what Slate's Dahlia Lithwick calls ‘The Pinocchio Project,’ in which the Court transforms ‘a corporation into a real live boy,’ complete with personhood, free-speech rights and the unfettered opportunity to drown the body politic in a tidal wave of perverse incentives.”


Going on, Linkins added:  “A very large percentage of U.S. corporations are owned by foreign persons or entities. In 2006, USA Today reported: ‘Nearly one in five U.S. oil refineries is owned by foreign companies. Foreign companies also have a sizable presence in running power plants, chemical factories and water treatment facilities in the United States.’ It was also reported that, ‘Roads and bridges built by U.S. taxpayers are starting to be sold off, and so far foreign-owned companies are doing the buying.’  In 2008, it was reported that foreign ownership of U.S. companies ‘more than doubled’ between 1996 and 2005. To get a fix on the spending power, consider this: ‘The total receipts of foreign-owned companies were $1.7 trillion in 1996 and just $39 billion in 1971.’  


“I'm not trying to stoke zero-sum xenophobia, here. The idea of foreign persons or entities seizing -- by judicial fiat -- such a dramatic advantage in terms of influence over the American people seems to me to be, as they say, less than ideal.” 


There is still another terrible aspect of this decision.  Almost daily, has one or more articles on the lies, fraud and actual criminal works of evil emanating from our government and the big corporate giants which run roughshod over the American people.  The problem is that it is endemic and growing by leaps and bounds. 


When Bill “Slick” Clinton came out and deliberately lied in a US Court and got away with it, it opened the door for massive lying, cheating and defrauding people almost at will and at random.  The people and their supposed representatives in Congress should have raised up and demanded that Clinton be removed.  But the apathy and don’t care were so great that almost nothing was done about it. 


When this Clinton thing unraveled, I remember briefly noting it to a neighbor husband and wife.  This couple said that they didn’t see anything wrong with it.  The woman worked at a local Exxon gasoline service station in a small town in NE Washington State.  I asked her what would happen in that town and with that company if the local manager at her station was caught having a young girl employee down on her knees sodomizing him during working hours in his office while customers were out front in his store. 


Of course, the woman replied that he would be fired—immediately on the spot and the company would have worked overtime to hide the event from the public.  If he was not fired and word leaked out, we can bank on it that the people in the small town would have raised up and demanded that he be fired and maybe prosecuted under some legal provision. 


And this is right and should have happened with Slick.  He not only should have been impeached, but he should have went down the tubes with removal.  And in time, the Arkansas state bar exonerated him when they refused to remove his legal attorney status in the State of Arkansas.  He beat it all and today he is almost as popular as he ever was. 


People need to wake up and realize what has been happening to America.  We now openly run torture prisons where persons (often children) are rounded up and openly tortured while our leaders argue over a definition of what is torture (they argue because the Constitution prohibits it and they don’t want a later flap to jeopardize their next election or retirement benefits).  Manifestly, the crooks and bandits have been getting away with murder and almost no one cares because the apathy is so great out there. 


And now, with the Supreme Court placing artificial corporations created with a piece of paper (including foreign ones as well as domestic ones) on an equal footing with the natural people of the US, it spells ultimate disaster for this nation.  This outlook is not good for investors who are investing for the future of America. 


The Bottom Line


If we thought American politics was dirty and distasteful before, just wait.  The skullduggery, lies and cheating in politics and in government will only accelerate from here on out.  Things are going to get much worse and not better.  The Court has ruled against the people in support of big money interests with corporations owned and controlled by the super rich plutocrats who have been manipulating, cheating, defrauding and screwing “we the people” for ages.  Things will now get worse. 



Back issues of the Goldsmiths, by the editor of the Analysis of News, can be accessed from a Google or Yahoo search engine by typing in “R. D. Bradshaw” Goldsmiths.  Several hundred web sites can be found with the back issues and with translations to Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Chinese and other foreign languages.  Finally, the “Archives-Goldsmiths” of this website ( ) has all of the Goldsmith articles issued to date. 


Besides the revelations contained in the Goldsmiths’ articles, the work of the plutocratic financial market manipulators to conspiratorially manipulate and control the financial markets (to make more profits and install a world government under their management) is also addressed at length in the periodic analysis of the news and in other articles produced at  This website has an article of interest to any person interested in understanding the market Manipulators.  It is the Hidden Secret of the Manipulators, why they succeed and how to follow their manipulations. 


Readers of the above articles are invited to visit and become a subscriber to regularly read some of the material from the world of information which will further reveal how extensive the manipulation, control and dishonesty realities are in the financial, currency and commodity markets, not only in the US but indeed around the world.

-- Posted Friday, 29 January 2010 | Digg This Article | Source:


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