-- Posted Friday, 19 November 2010 | | Source: GoldSeek.com
By R. D. Bradshaw
According to the Rothschild plan to make money and rule the world, as described in Understanding Money and War XIV (at www.analysis-news.com), the Rothschild banking cabal will use its powers over nations to bring on periods of national prosperity and inflation and then alternating periodic periods of contraction, deflation and depression. Like the Rothschilds declared long ago—“We Cause Depressions.”
Well, they have successfully done this in the US many times over. The classic move was inflation in the 1920s as followed by Rothschild imposed deflation in the 1930s. With the coming of WWII, in 1939, they switched to the Rothschild planned and directed prosperity and inflation. Post WWII saw a period of prosperity and inflation. And now, since about 2006-2007, they have switched to a period of deflation, contraction and depression which gets worse and worse with the passing days.
While they are trying to repeat the depression of the 1930s, I don’t think that they purposely want things to get as bad as they were in 1932 for fear that the dumb sheep people may wake up and understand who is behind their troubles and might choose to arrest and prosecute them for their years of murderous wars and thefts of national wealth. If that ever happens, bankers like the Rothschilds may have to get in their fast moving jets and escape to some other country which will grant them dual citizenship and safety and protection from the stupid, dumb cattle in the US and Europe (the favorite Rothschild Cabal term for non-related people it exploits out in the world is goyim; which can mean stupid, dumb cattle as the Rothschilds use the term in disrespect, derision and contempt).
Clearly, the Rothschilds have this motion of periodic inflation, deflation and wars on tap in all nations where they gain control with their takeover of the nations’ money. This process is described in detail in Understanding Money and War XIV (at www.analysis-news.com).
I have said all along for the last many months since Aug 2008 (when the Goldsmiths first started publication) that the Rothschild Cabal is in full economic, monetary and political control of the United States, the White British Commonwealth (UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand), most of Europe and even much of the rest of the world. In the present Rothschild Cabal imposed depression, the Cabal has followed the normal Rothschild model—a real estate collapse, stock and commodity market falls, and then war.
They did this in the 1930s and they have had the same motion underway now since they imposed the crash in Sep 2008 and may have started another hard fall on Nov 12, 2010 which has continued off and on till today. Only I submit that this time they may have problems with their manipulations.
The Current Melt Down Moves
In terms of the current melt down, which has taken a toll on gold, silver and most commodities, let me note that I had been predicting one for some time. But always, timing is a very difficult proposition and one hard to predict. But on the matter of a coming hard fall this fall, here’s what was cited in the Goldsmiths:
In the Goldsmiths CLIII, first published on Aug 5, 2010, I wrote: “My take is that the deteriorating global situation and the calls by non-Rothschild Cabal controlled nations (like in South America, the Middle East, Asia and Russia) will force a new international meeting and agreement on currencies and international finance. To touch it off, I would suggest that the Cabal snakes may initiate another hard fall like they did in Sep 2008. This could come this fall or next year, depending on what happens with their planned attack on Iran or some natural disaster or alleged terrorist attack in the US.”
This same theme was followed up in the Goldsmiths CLXII, published on Oct 7, 2010, when I wrote: “The Cabal master crooks and criminals made so much money off of us, the suckers, in Sep 2008, that I have believed for some time now that they would try again to repeat that scenario for more huge profits. Hence, we are long overdue for another hard fall and one which will wipe out more stocks and real estate and hurt commodities (though not for long on the commodities as they should soon rebound).
“Whether we have such a hard fall or not won’t change anything because increasingly more and more Americans are at the poverty level (perhaps 50 to 60 million are there now). We are moving to be a nation with a few well off Haves and many Have-nots living on social security, unemployment benefits, food stamps and other so-called welfare. Many Americans are now living on the streets, out of cars, on side-walks, in public welfare facilities, in tent cities and wherever they can squat. In this environment, the Haves have money to buy goods and services while the Have-nots are at best restricted to food, taxes and minimum needs…”
The Motion Since Nov 12
We had a very hard fall across the board on Friday, Nov 12, 2010. There have been off and on moves this past week which looked like the fall started on Nov 12 would continue and intensify. So far, it has been an off and on thing. Whether this fall will pick up again with some steam is on the question block in this Goldsmiths (at least Nov 18 was an up day for whatever that is worth).
But the Goldsmiths have not been the only source allowing for a hard fall this fall season. I have even seen Cabal linked brokers opening the door for another hard fall similar to the one in Sep 2008. As I have often said, the Cabal gained so much in profits and gain and the movement toward world government that another hard fall makes perfect sense.
There is another possibility in this current Cabal imposed cat and mouse game since Nov 12. In the Goldsmiths CLXVI (as published on Nov 4), I noted that the Cabal had been creating huge up and down days which could not be justified by either fundamentals or technicals. As a minimum, these huge up and down days were opening the door for the Cabal to pick up some futures that they may want on the cheap from stop loss selling and the reality of margin calls for investors lacking resources to fight them.
Since Nov 12, these Cabal imposed up and down days have gone across the board to almost all commodities with the falls being harder and more pronounced than heretofore. My first impression was that the Cabal snakes were indeed setting the stage for another big melt down like the one in Sep 2008. But too, one must appreciate how big the Cabal inventory is on many shorts—like with gold and silver. Surely, the Cabal masters would welcome an opportunity to take down at least gold, silver and even oil hard to cover some shorts.
Exactly what the Cabal masters have underway is not altogether clear at this moment in time. As a minimum, since Nov 12, they are in the process of following an alternating pattern of up and down days. This allows them to pick up some items on the cheap to cover short positions. Too, when they allow the uptick days, there is always Cabal hope and anticipation that the suckers will come back on board so that they can be hit again by the Cabal master manipulators.
The Bottom Line
For sure, this very rapidly changing market environment is cause for one to be very, very careful till a definite trend is established. Inflation is building up steam and the planning of a US attack on Iran proceeds rapidly. These two courses certainly are not encouraging for many downside moves in the mid and long term directions for commodities like gold or silver.
Back issues of the Goldsmiths, by the editor of the Analysis of News, can be accessed from a Google or Yahoo search engine by typing in “R. D. Bradshaw” Goldsmiths. Several hundred web sites can be found with the back issues and with translations to Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Chinese and other foreign languages. Finally, the “Archives-Goldsmiths” of this website (www.analysis-news.com ) has all of the Goldsmith articles issued to date.
Besides the revelations contained in the Goldsmiths’ articles, the work of the plutocratic financial market manipulators to conspiratorially manipulate and control the financial markets (to make more profits and install a world government under their management) is also addressed at length in the periodic analysis of the news and in other articles produced at www.analysis-news.com. This website has an article of interest to any person interested in understanding the market Manipulators. It is the Hidden Secret of the Manipulators, why they succeed and how to follow their manipulations.
Readers of the above articles are invited to visit www.analysis-news.com and become a subscriber to regularly read some of the material from the world of information which will further reveal how extensive the manipulation, control and dishonesty realities are in the financial, currency and commodity markets, not only in the US but indeed around the world.
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-- Posted Friday, 19 November 2010 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com