-- Posted Monday, 3 January 2011 | | Source: GoldSeek.com
A recent New York Times article is an example of propoganda directed against the baby boomers.
The article is a nasty invitation to intergenerational warfare, beginning with the title:
Boomers Hit New Self-Absorption Milestone: Age 65
Here’s one portion of the article that is particularly telling:
Previous generations were raised to speak only when spoken to, and to endure in self-denying silence. But baby boomers were raised on the more nurturing, child-as-individual teachings …
“It created a sense of entitlement that had not existed before,” Mr. Gillon said….
… In addition to testing the sustainability of entitlement programs like Social Security, this wholesale redefinition of old age may also include a pervading sense that life has been what might technically be called a “bummer.”
… the suicide rate for middle-aged people, notably baby boomers without college degrees, rose from 1999 to 2005. And Paul Taylor, the executive vice president of the Pew Center, summed up a recent survey of his generation this way:
“We’re pretty glum.”
The hidden message here is that 1) Our economic problems have been caused by selfish Baby Boomers and 2) They deserve what is coming to them, namely the dismemberment of Social Security and Medicare.
I call this propaganda because it is clearly designed to direct blame away from the real cause of our troubles, a financial elite who has taken over the government for their own benefit.
I also submit that the agenda here is far more than reduction of entitlement spending. In fact, the responsible Baby Boomers who have saved and trusted the system are about to be wiped out by a wave of inflation, collapsing bond prices and declining inflation adjusted stock prices. Gold, silver and related assets are the only way for those approaching retirement to maintain their wealth. Inflation and hyperinflation, that wipes out debt burdens, helps the young, who have most of their careers ahead of them, but destroys people at the end of their careers. The propaganda is designed to maintain the status quo, to justify what is about to happen.
Look for the New York Times to be a big proponent of money printing as a solution to our problems.
-- Posted Monday, 3 January 2011 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com