-- Posted Friday, 7 January 2011 | | Source: GoldSeek.com
By R. D. Bradshaw
There is much talk and concern presently in the gold and silver businesses over the fact that the big bank manipulators have been selling huge quantities of both gold and silver futures and call option contracts short (actually naked shorts). Certainly, there are more silver short contracts held by the big Cabal banks than there is available silver in the world. Rothschild linked JP Morgan Chase in particular has captured the attention of many people with its huge short position in silver. It even prompted much publicity from a London newspaper with a story entitled—Want to crash JP Morgan Chase? Buy Silver.
Of course, this short issue is a problem but it is not THE PROBLEM that many believe. I want to suggest in this Goldsmiths that there is a far bigger problem in both the gold and silver markets than just the short positions in the big banks. Here, let me say if there is something called THE PROBLEM, it is not the short positions. Rather it is in the outright manipulation and fraud present in both the gold and silver markets as manifested by the big banks to justify and make their short positions profitable. Being short to me is no big deal; but it is a big deal when the big Cabal banks use conspiracy, collusion, fraud and dishonesty to routinely convert those shorts to big profits.
While the various traders are operating on the premise of a simultaneous off-setting long and short, I do not fault the traders necessarily in this matter for usually being short. In a true free market situation, unaffected by fraud, conspiracy and market manipulation, I fail to see the current, big focus on the banks’ short positions. In other words, in a free market, so what? Yet, there is a problem here. But it is more attributable to the Rothschild cousins and agents with the exchanges and government regulators which allow such huge short positions to reach the absurd levels where they are at today. COMEX and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission are the villains here more so than the persons and institutions creating the shorts.
The Big Problem
Yes, THE BIG PROBLEM which I would suggest is not so much with the shorts; but it is on the presence of conspiracy, collusion and manipulation in not only the gold and silver markets but in all of the commodity and currency markets by the Rothschild Cabal’s big banks, institutions and insiders. They are the real villains (but not for the shorts) as I will establish herein below.
The way the Cabal handles their shorts is that periodically they use their money and connections/conspiracy/collusion among themselves and with their cousins at the Presidential Working Group on Financial Stability (the Plunge Protection Team or PPT) and various central banks around the world under control of the Rothschild masters to manipulate the markets down at strategic times to take out some longs on the cheap to cover their shorts. I would suggest that the big fall in gold and silver on Jan 4-5, 2011 was just one recent example of the Cabal at work to cheat precious metals’ buyers.
In the Goldsmiths VII, published in Sep 2008, I discussed at length some of the key dates the Cabal follows for its hit or down days on certain commodities—like gold, silver and the others. Thereafter, on various occasions, the Goldsmiths have outlined the different methods of operandi (MO) followed by the Cabal to fraudulently rip-off investors in the futures’ markets.
For example, the Goldsmiths CLXVI, published Nov 4, 2010, and later Goldsmiths CLXVIII, CLXX, CLXXI and CLXXII broached the volatility of the markets and how the Cabal banks (short silver, gold or whatever) could enter the markets and force down a hard fall to take out some stops and/or force some investors out with limited funding to a margin call. These volatile moves take out hostile longs which could cause the Cabal trouble with their excessive shorts. Some few trades down at a low price can move the market down.
And the way the market conspiracy and collusion works, it is possible for the conspirators to even use fake trades through a connected broker to take the market down. There are many tricks which the manipulators can use to take out hostile longs which can cause them trouble. Yes, it is possible to make some big money in the futures’ markets when you sell gold short at 1422 and a day later cover your shorts at 1363 as happened on Jan 4-5, 2011. Many gold analysts will start mumbling something about technicals and fundamentals to account for this 59 point change in a matter of a day. But I call it manipulation, pure and simple. To whatever extent that the chart pattern had an allowance for a fall on Jan 4, it is because the Cabal manipulators created it that way and used it in the Rothschild media to justify their move.
Too, the Goldsmiths CLXXIII addressed the role of the various futures’ exchanges to set futures prices with so-called closing settlement prices on far out contracts. The work of the exchanges to manipulate the markets and prices on behalf of the big Rothschild Cabal gang of conspirators and to also help the manipulators take out hostile longs is increasingly well known and reported upon by more and more analysts as time goes along. When I started my program of revealing the work of the manipulators in Aug 2008, few people (and even so called market analysts) had any perception at all about the fraud and corruption in the commodity and currency markets. Today, more and more people are waking up to the real world.
The Bottom Line
Of course, the excessive short positions do go to demonstrate the stupidity/absurdity of the markets and how plainly the exchanges and government regulators are failing to do their jobs. There is no denying that reality. But I think that while this is a problem, it is not THE PROBLEM. The problem is that instead of a free market determining prices and events, we have a fraudulent, conspiratorial, manipulated market controlling events and prices. The control of events is made possible through the media, central banks and governments also controlled by the Rothschild Cabal masters. As far as regulators and exchanges, they are complicit in that they join in the conspiracy to defraud commodity and currency investors.
I would argue that if we could eliminate the fraud, conspiracy and corruption in the markets, the short problem would either vanish or be on little or no consequence. The big issue is the fraudulent markets being run by, juggled by and manipulated by the Rothschild Cabal of big banks, in collusion with their cousins at the Rothschild controlled central banks and with the Rothschild controlled government regulators.
Back issues of the Goldsmiths, by the editor of the Analysis of News, can be accessed from a Google or Yahoo search engine by typing in “R. D. Bradshaw” Goldsmiths. Several hundred web sites can be found with the back issues and with translations to Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Serbian, and other foreign languages. Finally, the “Archives-Goldsmiths” of this website (www.analysis-news.com ) has all of the Goldsmith articles issued to date.
Besides the revelations contained in the Goldsmiths’ articles, the work of the plutocratic financial market manipulators to conspiratorially manipulate and control the financial markets (to make more profits and install a world government under their management) is also addressed at length in the periodic analysis of the news and in other articles produced at www.analysis-news.com. This website has an article of interest to any person interested in understanding the market Manipulators. It is the Hidden Secret of the Manipulators, why they succeed and how to follow their manipulations.
Readers of the above articles are invited to visit www.analysis-news.com and become a subscriber to regularly read some of the material from the world of information which will further reveal how extensive the manipulation, control and dishonesty realities are in the financial, currency and commodity markets, not only in the US but indeed around the world. To go to the Home Page of this web site, click here: www.analysis-news.com.
-- Posted Friday, 7 January 2011 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com