-- Posted Friday, 4 February 2011 | | Source: GoldSeek.com
By R. D. Bradshaw
As discussed in prior Goldsmiths, the Rothschild Cabal money changers are the very people who have created oscillating, up and down, financial markets. While this can be argued as plausible in stocks, because of the great diversity in businesses and the periodic changing circumstances, it makes no sense to me at all for items that should have some stability based on fundamentals—like with currencies and most commodities (to certainly include gold and silver).
Along with creating short term accordion moves to make profits, the Cabal masters manipulating and running the markets long ago defined the concept of long term trend lines in especially the medium and long term perspectives. While these long term trend lines make more sense than the short term oscillating up and down moves, I am convinced and can argue that the Cabal manipulators often manipulate and produce these trend lines for their own profit purposes. This has been especially true in the gold and silver markets where sharp oscillating moves are totally illogical in any assessment of precious metals from a perspective of true fundamentals and without regard to manipulations. Thus, with a stable gold-backed currency (as we once had), instead of a fiat currency, the value of gold would not be changing frequently.
In any case, we are stuck with the reality of medium and long term trend lines for various commodities and currencies, whether justified or not. And this backdrop brings up something that the technical analysts make great use of—moving averages. This indicator has to be one of the more important ones used by most analysts.
Like all facets of the operation of a given financial market, the Rothschild Cabal masters over the years created various oscillating changes so that they could make profits in both short term and longer term considerations. In terms of the medium and long term trends, the Cabal masters always plan these moves long in advance so that they can take full advantage of their advance knowledge of what is coming down the pike. This allows them to make some huge profits along the way as they cheat, defraud and screw the dumb sheep.
An Example
For a good example of how this longer term game is played, there was a report by Ricard Pendelbury in late May 2010 from the London Mail on Line that British tycoon and super rich banker Nathan Rothschild in Jan 2005 used his private jet to fly British Lord Peter Mandelson (his racial cousin, who was British Business Secretary and EU Trade Commissioner at the time and who Rothschild arranged to enter Moscow without a visa) and Alcoa CEO Alain Belder (another Rothschild relative) and other Rothschild cousin bosses at Alcoa to Moscow to secretly meet for dinner with Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska (another Rothschild relative) who had reportedly cornered the Russian aluminum production sources. Rothschild brokered a 500 million pound deal at the meeting whereby Alcoa gained a huge investment in two big Russian Rusal aluminum factories/mines.
Per the Mail article, the Rothschild entourage to Moscow that day included Peter Munk, CEO of Barrick Gold Mines of Canada (who is another likely Rothschild cousin). Reportedly, Munk sits on Rusal’s international advisory board and Rothschild is on the board at Barrick Gold. Thus, the meeting involved a group of super rich cousins who sat around a table and decided on how they would rip off and screw the uninformed public.
As EU Trade Commissioner, Mandelson was in a position to influence EU import tariff issues. Since neither of the parties involved in the aluminum sale were EU companies, Mail on Line asked: “Whose interests were Peter Mandelson representing that night?” Anyway, the EU Trade Commission, under Mandelson, lowered the duty on Rusal imports of unwrought aluminum from 7.5% to 6% and from 7.5% to 4.5% on rolled aluminum. With Rothschild oversight, we can be sure that Rothschild was heavily invested at the time in aluminum.
So, the next several years transition to 2011 when anyone with brains above the idiot level can look up at the sky at the almost daily spraying of the heavens with aluminum and some other poisonous metals and see that the investment in aluminum paid off big to the Rothschild Cabal manipulators as they manipulated the value of aluminum and the other relevant metals up high to sell to the EU and to the US DARPA to spray the heavens almost daily.
In a way, the case can be made that this almost daily spraying of the heavens produced trend lines on the metals involved in this effort. Of course, the Cabal masters, who ran the whole program, were positioned from day one to profit from the game. And they have done so. And that then takes us up to the moving averages which supposedly tell us about the trend line in place for a given item.
The Moving Average and Variations
On the subject of the moving average, Wikipedia tells us: “In statistics, a moving average, also called rolling average, rolling mean or running average, is a type of finite impulse response filter used to analyze a set of data points by creating a series of averages of different subsets of the full data set. Given a series of numbers and a fixed subset size, the moving average can be obtained by first taking the average of the first subset. The fixed subset size is then shifted forward, creating a new subset of numbers, which is averaged. This process is repeated over the entire data series. The plot line connecting all the (fixed) averages is the moving average. Thus, a moving average is not a single number, but it is a set of numbers, each of which is the average of the corresponding subset of a larger set of data points. A moving average may also use unequal weights for each data value in the subset to emphasize particular values in the subset.
“A moving average is commonly used with time series data to smooth out short-term fluctuations and highlight longer-term trends or cycles. The threshold between short-term and long-term depends on the application, and the parameters of the moving average will be set accordingly. For example, it is often used in technical analysis of financial data, like stock prices, returns or trading volumes. It is also used in economics to examine gross domestic product, employment or other macroeconomic time series. Mathematically, a moving average is a type of convolution and so it is also similar to the low-pass filter used in signal processing. When used with non-time series data, a moving average simply acts as a generic smoothing operation without any specific connection to time, although typically some kind of ordering is implied.”
In short, the moving average is the average (usually mean) of a series of consecutive daily numbers for a period of time. It moves in that each new day the data for that day is added in while the data for the earlier expiring day is dropped. Thus, say for a ten day moving average, the average is calculated based on the last and most current ten day period. It changes daily with the addition of the new day and the dropping of the oldest day in the calculation.
With this backdrop, analysts over the years developed what might be called the simple moving average of a defined duration (like 10 days, 20 days, 30 days, 200 days, etc) and some related variations. Here are some of the variations cited by Wikipedia:
Cumulative moving average
Weighted moving average
Exponential moving average or exponentially weighted moving average
Modified moving average or smoothed moving average
As another indicator, Investopedia had these remarks for a moving average variation in something called a Moving Average Convergence Divergence – MACD which means “A trend-following momentum indicator that shows the relationship between two moving averages of prices. The MACD is calculated by subtracting the 26-day exponential moving average (EMA) from the 12-day EMA. A nine-day MA of the MACD, called the ‘signal line’, is then plotted on top of the MACD, functioning as a trigger for buy and sell signals.”
The Manipulators enter the Game to Make Money
Since the moving average is so popular with so called analysts, it is clear that the Cabal bosses often uses this tool to make their profits in the longer term perspective. Specifically, my take is that they typically break the trend when they want a stock or commodity to fall or go up medium or long term. By breaking the trend for one to three days or so, they introduce a move up or down, however they desire. Thus, analysts will jump all over this situation when the trend line is broken for a period of time.
So how do the manipulators use this fact to their advantage? Man, it’s simple. When they are ready for a change in the trend, they introduce some trades (either legitimate or fake trades to fool the suckers) to break the trend line. Of course, analysts can be expected to detect the change and publicize it at once to induce numbers of investors to react in the pre-planned mode (making investors either buy or sell depending on how the trend line change occurs). Once the manipulators introduce the change, the momentum begins to pick up and all kinds of people jump on the bandwagon. This then brings on panic buying or selling as the momentum accelerates. The Cabal can also use their media and government powers to feed the dumb sheep some so called news to help accelerate the momentum. This news manipulation can be true or lies. Either way, the suckers can be counted upon to believe what the Cabal media reports and publicizes.
The market manipulators know precisely what they are doing. They perfectly well know that they can break a trend and introduce a new direction very easily. They know market analysts/followers will jump all over the up or down tick(s) making the new trend and cause it to accelerate in the desired direction. And tragically for innocent investors, unacquainted on how the Cabal operates, the Cabal oscillates the trend lines up and down just like they oscillate the very short term moves. Thus, they can move the trend line up for a while (to make profits) and then move it down (to also make profits). Of course, they count on the analysts to move investors into the motion to accelerate it and increase their profits.
The Bottom Line
While it is true that the Rothschild masters and their cousin insiders can and do sometimes introduce new trend lines on various items by manipulating breaks in the moving averages, there could be other Cabal tricks under way when they break the trend. As I have come to accept over the years, these snakes are not exactly stupid as some other observers want to believe.
Just as the manipulating crooks can easily break a trend line to start a new trend, they can also introduce some volatile/sharp up and down moves within a trend to take out some stops and/or force investors to face a margin call. With a few other changes (perhaps in volume or something else), if needed, these moves just as easily break the trend line temporarily and cause unsuspecting analysts to conclude a new trend when in fact the manipulators are merely breaking the trend for a few days to take out some stops and pick up some items on the cheap (as discussed in the Goldsmiths 168, 175 and 176).
We have particularly seen these sharp moves with a short time frame several times in the last couple of months and not necessarily to create a new trend. Since I don’t customarily follow the various analysts as they try to analyze the markets, I won’t try to suggest how analysts cover their bad mistakes/tracks when they are later proven wrong in the real world.
Thus, in my years of watching the Rothschild Cabal snakes, it appears that they use different tricks and methodology to really rake off big profits from the suckers as they introduce changes to the trend line through manipulating the moving averages or some variation. All of these big moves are pre-planned long in advance and carefully implemented to maximize Cabal profits.
In the last forty years, I would suggest that the Cabal masters have used this practice on more than one occasion to really lay it to the unsuspecting, investing public. Of course, when they introduce this tactic, they can gather in their counting houses and laugh at the credulous stupidly of the suckers that they are ripping off. And they get away with it because they control both the Western governments and media powers; and there are few people with the guts to stand up and report on their works of evil for fear of being called racists, White supremacists and anti-Semites.
Back issues of the Goldsmiths, by the editor of the Analysis of News, can be accessed from a Google or Yahoo search engine by typing in “R. D. Bradshaw” Goldsmiths. Several hundred web sites can be found with the back issues and with translations to Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Serbian, and other foreign languages. Finally, the “Archives-Goldsmiths” of this website (www.analysis-news.com ) has all of the Goldsmith articles issued to date.
Besides the revelations contained in the Goldsmiths’ articles, the work of the plutocratic financial market manipulators to conspiratorially manipulate and control the financial markets (to make more profits and install a world government under their management) is also addressed at length in the periodic analysis of the news and in other articles produced at www.analysis-news.com. This website has an article of interest to any person interested in understanding the market Manipulators. It is the Hidden Secret of the Manipulators, why they succeed and how to follow their manipulations.
Readers of the above articles are invited to visit www.analysis-news.com and become a subscriber to regularly read some of the material from the world of information which will further reveal how extensive the manipulation, control and dishonesty realities are in the financial, currency and commodity markets, not only in the US but indeed around the world. To go to the Home Page of this web site, click here: www.analysis-news.com.
-- Posted Friday, 4 February 2011 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com