Colossus Minerals Announces Results of AGM and Expiry of Warrants - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Uranerz Energy Corporation: NRC Determines No Major Environmental Impacts Preclude Licensing of Nichols Ranch ISR Uranium Project - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Cameco Provides Date for Q4 Results and Conference Call - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Laurentian Goldfields Ltd. Engages Humbercrest Capital Inc. to Provide Investor Relations Services - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Yale Summarizes a Successful 2010 - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
White Canyon Uranium Ltd.: Daneros Milling Yields 204,450 Pounds of U308 - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Lions Gate Metals Commences Poplar Project Drill Program - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Sulliden Receives Proceeds of Approx. $22.8 Million from Accelerated Expiry of Warrants - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Minera Andes Reminds Warrant Holders of Accelerated Expiry on January 31, 2011 at 5 pm (EST) - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Redhill Receives AUD$1,558,192 from Mutiny Gold for Gullewa Option - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Golden Dawn Minerals Inc. Intersects 55.7 M Grading 0.39G/T Gold, 0.04% Copper Within Broad Gold-Copper Zone, Greenwood Mining District, Bc, Canada. - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Quantum Research Report Updated - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
First Gold Intersects 1.15% Li2O, 173 ppm Ta2O5, 507 ppm BeO, 2,317 ppm Rb and 71 ppm Ga Over 11.6 Metres on the JR Showing - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Vantex Receives $489,000 From Warrants Exercised - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Molycorp Announces Approval of Phase 2 Expansion at Mountain Pass, a Proposed Mandatory Convertible Preferred Offering by the Company and Proposed Secondary - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Minera IRL Announces Exercise of Options and Total Voting Rights - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Wolverine Expands Dawson Range Holdings - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Nevado Acquires Mining Claims in Fermont - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Threegold Resources Inc.: Exploration Resumes on Adanac Project, Quebec, and South Bay Project Update - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Great Western Minerals Group Acquires 70.2% of Rareco Shares to Date - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Goldrush Trenching Expands Mineralized Zone to the Northeast at Ronguen Gold Deposit, Burkina Faso; RAB Drilling Discovers New Zone at Pouni Artisanal Site - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Corazon Gold Completes Initial Mapping of the Santo Domingo Concession in Nicaragua, and Samples Up to 55 g/t Au - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Goldstone Appoints Langstaff Senior Project Geologist - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Ditem Explorations: 6.2 Meter Highly Altered Hydrothermal Zone Intersected - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Macusani Yellowcake Inc. Announces the Significant Possible Extension of the Lower Level "B" at Chilcuno on the Kihitian Property, Peru: 4.0 Metres at 0.5327% - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Condor Resources Inc.: Permits Granted and Drill Contract Signed for Pucamayo West - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Golden Predator Acquires Harlan Property, Yukon - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Pelangio Exploration Intersects 1.50 g/t Gold Over 51 Metres at Pokukrom East on the Manfo Property - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
United Reef Mobilizes Drilling Program on Nixon Bartleman Property, West Timmins Area - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Latin American Minerals Orders Bulk Sampling Plant for Paraguay Gold Project Following Property Acquisition - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Tiex Inc. Management and Board Changes - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Argentex commences 17,000-meter drill program at Pinguino, Santa Cruz, Argentina - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Atna Reports Increased Gold Production and Lower Costs at Briggs Mine - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Redox Battery Inventor, Professor Maria Skyllas-Kazacos, Joins Apella's Advisory Board - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Mill City Files Form 20-F Registration Statement With the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Extorre Gold Mines Limited: Cerro Moro Infill Drilling for Pre-Feasibility Study Completed- Drilling Now Focussed Entirely on New Veins and Extensions - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
GoviEx Uranium Appoints International Business Executive Jean Lamarre as New Chairman of the Board - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Teryl Resources Receives 2010 Gil Joint Venture Annual Report From Kinross Gold Corporation - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Central Resources Reports Geochemical Results from the Selwyn Creek Project ("O" Claims) White Gold District, Yukon - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Ironwood Gold Corp. Announces Appointment of Anton Borozdin to Board of Directors - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Explorator Announces Highlights From the 2011 El Espino Updated Preliminary Economic Assessment-NPV of US$529 Million and IRR of 24.4% - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Queensland Minerals Shares to Resume Trading - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Vena Resources Files Preliminary Prospectus Supplement and Announces Strategic Review of Uranium Assets - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Cadillac Ventures Inc.: Third Thierry Hole Contains 2.02% Cu Over 21.98 Feet - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Midlands' New Kilindi-Tamota Licence on Strike With Major Gold Discovery in Handeni Area, Tanzania - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
B2Gold Corp. Reports on Fourth Quarter 2010 Gold Production and Guidance for 2011 Production and Exploration Plans and Budget - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Continental Nickel Intersects More High Grade Sulphides Grading 2.28% Nickel and 0.57% Copper Over 17.25 Metres at the Sleeping Giant Zone - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Geovic Announces New Senior Management Appointments - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Abacus Completes Major Definition and Infill Drill Program at Ajax as Part of Ongoing Feasibility Study - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Pretivm Exercises Option to Acquire Property Interests - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Stroud Announces Final Closing of Placement-Drilling to Re-Commence on Santo Domingo Silver Project - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Quadra FNX Announces Fourth Quarter and 2010 Production Results and Provides Guidance for 2011 - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Xtra-Gold Resources Inc. Intersects Gold Mineralization in Several Holes - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Mustang Minerals Corp.: Drilling Begins at Mayville Property - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Mercer Gold Appoints James M. Stonehouse as Director - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Evolving Gold - Nevada Exploration Update - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Lara Exploration Ltd.: Additional Royalty Negotiated for the Curionopolis Iron Ore Project - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
U3O8 Corp. Outlines 2011 Exploration Program Aimed at Rapidly Expanding Its NI 43-101 Resource Portfolio in South America - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
39 feet Averaging 0.201 opt Au Encountered in Underground Exploration Drilling at Jerritt Canyon, Nevada - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Lions Gate Receives Results of ROK Coyote Exploration Project - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Bellhaven Drills 73 Meters of 0.50 g/t Au and 0.25% Cu (0.92 g/t AuEq) at the La Mina Porphyry Gold-(Copper) Project, Colombia - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Earth Dragon Resources Enters Into Gold Venture in Tanzania - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Caledonia Mining Corporation: January 2011 Shareholder Update - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Minera IRL Announces Strong 2010 Results From The Corihuarmi Gold Mine, Peru - More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Randgold Resources -- Partnership in Progress Keeps Kibali on Fast Track - "All key pre-production targets set for 2010 have been met by the Kibali development team and the giant gold project is on track for the start-up of construction by the middle of the year, six months earlier than originally scheduled." More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Fronteer Gold Reports Objectives, Work Plan and Budget for 2011 - "Fronteer Gold (TSX:FRG - News)(AMEX:FRG - News) reports its 2011 objectives, activities and budgets for Long Canyon, Northumberland and Sandman, the key Nevada gold deposits that form the company's near-term production platform. The company also summarizes plans for Halilaga, its joint-venture, copper-gold porphyry project in northwestern Turkey." More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Vista Gold Corp. Comments on Concordia Gold Project Permitting Process - "Vista Gold Corp. ("Vista" or the "Company") (TSX & NYSE Amex Equities: VGZ), in response to what it believes to be misleading media coverage in Baja California Sur, Mexico ("BCS"), today provided an interim update on the permitting process for its Concordia gold project in BCS. Vista is proceeding with Concordia's development in accordance with federal mining and environmental laws and continues to be in compliance with all statutory obligations and responsibilities in BCS." More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Allied Nevada Reports Final Drill Results from Its 2010 Exploration Program at Hycroft Including 134 Meters of 2.63 g/t Gold Equivalent - "Allied Nevada Gold Corp. ("Allied Nevada" or the "Company") (TSX:ANV - News)(AMEX:ANV - News) is pleased to announce the final drill results from the 2010 exploration program at its wholly owned Hycroft mine located near Winnemucca, Nevada. Highlights from the remaining holes include Vortex infill hole 3461 with an interval of 134 meters of grading 2.63 g/t AuEq (1.16 g/t Au and 78.83 g/t Ag) and North Brimstone infill hole 3440 with an interval of 18 meters of material grading 2.30 g/t AuEq (1.56 g/t Au and 34.17 g/t Ag). The North Brimstone interval appears to be oxide mineralization and the Vortex interval appears to be within the oxide/sulfide transitional zone and carries into the sulfide material." More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Banro's Preliminary Assessment of its Namoya Heap Leach Gold Project Indicates Annual Production of 124,000 Ounces at Average Total Cash Costs of Us$359 - "The positive results of this study highlight the economic benefits of advancing Namoya using heap leach as an initial phase of mining the Namoya deposit, which would essentially double the gold production expected to be generated by Twangiza's Phase I project within a year to around 250,000ozs per annum." said Simon Village, Banro's Chairman. "It is envisaged that Banro would fully fund Namoya through cash-flows generated by Twangiza Phase I. The combined cash-flows of both Twangiza and Namoya would then allow the Company to fund the hydro-electric plant which is required to support the larger expansion of the proposed 5Mtpa Twangiza Phase II project. This expansion would result in Banro being able to target production of up to 500,000ozs per annum, which reflects the 5 year growth path for the Company. For now, though, our focus is to successfully deliver on Twangiza Phase I and complete the necessary work to prepare the Namoya project for development in Q1 2012, and production some 12 months thereafter." More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Almaden's Elk Project, BC Delivers Positive Preliminary Economics - "Almaden Minerals Ltd. ("Almaden" or "the Company") (TSX:AMM - News)(AMEX:AAU - News) is pleased to report the results of a positive Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") of the open pit potential of its 100% owned Elk gold project located in British Columbia, Canada. The Positive PEA demonstrates the potential that a viable project could be launched on the Elk property. The results for the base case (at US$1,000 per troy ounce) indicate a mining project with a 7 year mine life producing 139,000 ounces of gold at estimated cash operating costs of $C528 per troy ounce, initial capital expenditures of C$9.91 MM, pre-tax Internal Rate of Return of 51%, payback of 1.85 years and NPV of $C28.7 MM using a discount rate of 8%. The results for US$1,200 per troy ounce case indicate a mining project with a 9 year mine life producing 297,000 ounces of gold at estimated cash operating costs of $C652 per troy ounce, initial capital expenditures of C$17.5 MM, pre-tax Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 39%, payback of 3.3 years and NPV of $C67.9 MM using a discount rate of 8%." More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis
Alexco Identifies New 6.4 to 8.9 Meter Wide Silver Mineralized Zone at Bermingham, Keno Hill, Yukon - "Alexco Resource Corp. (TSX:AXR - News)(AMEX:AXU - News) ("Alexco" or the "Company") is pleased to announce additional results from the 2010 surface core drilling program at its Bermingham property in the Keno Hill silver district, Yukon Territory. Building on Alexco's recognition of a "blind" mineralized structural zone in the area of the historic Bermingham mine in 2009, follow up work in 2010 has confirmed the presence of significant silver mineralization with minor base metals beginning approximately 150 meters from surface and extending at least 200 meters down plunge where it remains open. The mineralized structure is also recognized at depth over approximately 200 meters of strike extent where it similarly remains open to the southwest. Six of the holes drilled in 2010 to initially test the target structure intersected significant silver grades over drill widths ranging from 6.38 to 8.92 meters within a structural zone up to 20 meters wide. The historical Bermingham mine is located on Galena Hill approximately 1,500 meters southwest of the historical Hector Calumet mine, the district's largest historical silver producer. Mineralization at Bermingham occurs on the southwest extension of the same structural zone that hosted the Hector Calumet ore deposit, which produced approximately 96 million ounces of silver at an average grade of 35 ounces per ton." More - January 24, 2011 | Item | ShareThis |