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A STATISTICIAN’S INDICTMENT OF ECONOMISTS: 12 Counts of Incompetence, Deception, Collusion

By: Jim Willie CB,

-- Posted Saturday, 22 February 2003 | Digg This ArticleDigg It!

  December 2, 2002
      Statement of the 12 Counts
      Nature of Economics
      Illiteracy Among the Public
      Academia’s Ivory Tower
      Counts within Indictment
      Friends of the Court
      The people of the United States of America hereby declare charges against
      the Economist profession in a class action, outlining 12 counts of
      incompetence resulting in economic instability, severe distress to the
      corporate sector, and personal hardship to the citizenry.  Details of the
      counts include some stern questions.  The attorney for the people will be
      the self-appointed Jim Willie CB, whose true identity will be protected. 
      Exhibit links are offered as evidence.
      1) Ignorance and Revision of History
      2) Intellectual Support of an Intervention Policy
      3) Disputable Assumptions used as Policy Foundation
      4) Myopic Statistical Analysis Methods
      5) Incomplete Statistical Analysis System
      6) Legislative Divisions to Promote Political Agendas
      7) Institutional Conflict of Interest
      8) Distortion in Economic Reporting
      9) Pursuit of Public Adulation by Fed Chairman (Pied Piper)
      10) Collusion with Corrupt Financial Power Elite
      11) Deceptive Indoctrination of Economic Definitions
      12) Benign Negligence during Pillage of National Gold Treasure
      My qualifications for assuming the prosecutor role are 22 years of
      experience in practicing statistics in the business world, backed by a
      Ph.D. in Statistics from a leading university and two years of teaching
      practice.  I have worked in the computer industry, in the retail sector,
      and in a private consulting firm.  Contact with academia, work associates,
      and former government statisticians has enabled me to acquire a
      second-hand view of inner workings at various federal agencies.  My
      personal practice, as well as discussions with colleagues and managers,
      have allowed me to develop and refine an objective opinion regarding the
      Economist profession.   While much of their work is competent, an acidic
      vein runs through much of their work.  Vibrant statistical lifeblood has
      been largely displaced by political inspiration.  Work might frequently be
      described as analytically shoddy, deceptive in representation, and
      clinging to heretical methods.  Lately, psychological defensive fronts
      have been opened, with the deceptive redefinition of economic terms.  Has
      Political Correctness now infected economics? 
      This indictment is not intended as humorous, nor as legally binding. 
      Before citing the 12 counts in detail, I will expand upon three critical
      factors creating conditions ripe for exploitation by this bungling
      profession.  The nature of economics renders deficient policy nearly
      impossible to disprove.  Most challenges degrade into a useless political
      debate.  Illiteracy among the public leads to submission, silence, and
      blind trust.  The public either accepts the system for what it is, or
      distrusts it while feeling helpless.  Academia has built an Economist
      Ivory Tower with the majority of paths more political than analytical. 
      The eyes of Nobel are very much aware.  The leading academic Economist
      communities have mutated into Political Priesthood, hawking ideology every
      bit as much as Karl Marx.  After delineation of the charges, a conclusion
      is offered as I cite Friends of the Court, whose numbers are few, but
      whose economic forecasting efforts are significant and expert.
      The Economics field does not lend itself easily to “controlled
      experiments” in a scientific method framework.  One cannot submit
      contending policies within an experiment in tax rates or federal
      subsidies, for instance, in order to test which policy produces the
      desired intended effect for both business encouragement and federal
      revenue generation.  Nor can one submit the population or a given business
      sector to a formal factorial design, rotating experimental settings on a
      quarterly basis in order to carefully analyze policy alternatives under
      examination.  Such is too impractical.  However, the United States does
      offer diversity whereby certain states can supply valuable laboratory
      information on competing policies.  State leaders, regulatory officials,
      and consulting analysts routinely learn from the successes and failures
      observed within our 50 states.  But comparative results are tainted by
      what are called “confounding factors.”  What succeeds in Massachusetts or
      Ohio might not work in North Carolina or Texas.  The people are different,
      as are educational backgrounds, proximity to labor talent, geography,
      natural resources, and state laws & taxation.
      A critical requirement within an experiment calls for holding other
      factors constant.  Economics simply cannot enforce such constraints when
      determining the success of certain policy options.  One cannot duplicate
      the weather, or external events, let alone policy interference on rules of
      the game.  Far too many participants are involved in setting policy --
      state legislatures, municipal boards, federal agencies, and independent
      committees.  Most are influenced by corporate lobby efforts.  Competing
      companies do not stand still either.  Typically, experiments devised for
      statistical analysis are absolutely chock-full of confounded effects.  The
      problem is so pernicious that even experts fight loudly and emotionally
      over the results of changed policy, each attempting to discredit the other
      while pointing a finger at what they consider a deflected confounding
      effect.  The consequence of experimental shortcomings is that bad policy
      cannot easily be disproved, nor can sound policy be validated. 
      Most guiding policy bears its fruit often with a lagged time effect, only
      to breed enormous controversy.  The disastrous 1972 Nixon Wage Price
      Freeze restricted supply, resulting in price inflation from shortages, but
      only later in the following years.  Carter was inappropriately blamed for
      much of that inflation, which was compounded by OPEC’s quadrupling of oil
      prices.  Carter was labeled as the worst economic steward our nation had
      seen since Hoover.  That shameful title belongs around Richard Nixon’s
      neck.  The prudent trimming of federal government bureaucracy by George
      Bush Sr. in 1989-1992 cleared the path for his successor, Bill Clinton. 
      Bush was voted out of office during the recession triggered by the Gulf
      War, while Clinton was given a firm foundation for economic expansion. 
      The hyper-extension of credit during the Clinton years, amplified by
      Greenspan’s insistence to underwrite all economic and financial accidents
      with unprecedented monetary liquidity, created the bubble in stocks up to
      the year 2000.  Many unenlightened people, including members of the press
      & media, incorrectly place some blame for its natural bust on George W.
      Bush.  Federal Reserve tightening aided the termination of the speculative
      mania.  The lag effect is truly remarkable from a political viewpoint,
      whereby actions bring about responses in 1-3 years.  Each president is
      railed or credited for the decisions made by his predecessor.  An entire
      article would be necessary to treat this topic adequately.
      Vast illiteracy exists among the voting public, business sector, and
      investment community.  Until recent years, Economics had not been taught
      at the high school level, and now only in the best schools.  The topics
      are not easily understood, and worse, considered either too boring or so
      abstract as to be useless.  Most people I speak with personally harbor no
      illusions about any resident capability whatsoever in the Economics field.
       Their quantitative training has been surpassed by mounting financial
      complexity.  The public’s minimal comprehension forces them in their
      ignorance to trust officials and leaders to make right decisions.  Those
      who offer dissent are led into opposing political camps, where depth of
      understanding may be no more enlightened nor less beholden to the past. 
      Economists should afford competent leadership over the unskilled public,
      providing stewardship over public policy with a minimum of political
      jockeying, and a maximum of competent analysis.  I believe economists fail
      miserably, albeit in a tough environment.
      Many advanced degree programs in the sciences can be conferred with zero
      formal training in Economics.  MBA programs do contain some training, but
      most graduates only have a basic exposure.  Yet these well-funded seedbeds
      produce our corporate leaders.  Worse, Law School yields most legislative
      leaders in Congress and State Houses.  I am unaware of any Economics
      courses taught in programs leading to jurisprudence degrees.  States do
      often draw their governors from the ranks of business, to their credit. 
      With roots in Wall Street, is New Jersey Senator Corzine impartial in
      dealing with brokerage house corruption?
      But the problem is even more frightening.  Over the years I have
      personally come into contact with at least a dozen colleagues with M.S. or
      Ph.D. degrees in Economics.  Few have continued within their native field,
      as most migrated to related work like sales forecasting or marketing
      research or business development.  In a conversation last summer, a
      certain VP of a firm had a conversation with me regarding the USDollar.  I
      had reminded him of my spring expectation that our currency would suffer
      devaluation.  He was intrigued by the description of Gresham’s Law,
      whereby bad money displaces good money.  He holds a B.S. in Economics, and
      stated to me that the cheaper dollar will make our vast foreign imports
      less expensive, thus aiding our economy.  The opposite is true, as I
      pointed out, laying the groundwork for renewed price inflation.  He shook
      his head, “this stuff aint easy.”  No, Economics is not easy.
      “The Death of Literacy”  by Jim Puplava (March 2002)
      Any serious discussion of Economics must begin with academia, since it
      produces tomorrow’s analysts and is tapped by politicians for public
      service.  The university Economics community has unfortunately become the
      province of the abstruse, arcane, and irrelevant during the last few
      decades.  Much research tends to be inordinately focused, far too advanced
      in theory, or remote in relevance.  Certainly, many bright and dedicated
      people make worthwhile contributions.  But where has the leadership been
      during one tumultuous decade after another since the 1970’s?  It has been
      notably absent.  Instead, economists have become apologists and
      ideologues, teaching no more than Keynesian principles which support the
      I identify three serious problems with academia, crowned by lack of Nobel
      recognition.  The nature of their Economics research seems more than a bit
      abstruse and of questionable relevance, cited above.  The connections and
      associations with political groups have been natural, to be expected since
      executive appointments are oftentimes made from academia.  But
      associations have led to camps such as the Harvard School of thought,
      known for its hardcore liberal beliefs.  Harvard has become an apologist,
      defending the USDollar as the reserve asset to enjoy world exporter
      recycling, and favoring generous applications of federally created credit,
      from which to satisfy socialist appetites.  Their leading figures are Paul
      Samuelson and Milton Friedman, who support the Keynesian viewpoint
      favoring constant government participation in the private sector. 
      Proliferation of debt and monetary inflation has required indoctrination
      in order to sustain public support and spending patterns.  Any aspiring
      professor in the NorthEast whose belief structure fails to conform to the
      dominant mainstream will simply not be considered for either a post or a
      chair.  Economist academia has become heavily politicized.
      Lastly, the Economics curriculum is incomplete; course offerings bypass
      almost both governing cycles and waves of mass behavior.  I refer to the
      Kondratieff Cycle, which stipulates super-cycles lasting roughly one human
      lifetime.  Past K-Winters have climaxed following the 1870 railroad
      (over)expansion and following the 1920 car/radio (over)expansion, killing
      the monetary standard in each case.  What lies ahead for the USDollar
      standard as we contend with the latest K-Winter?  The world now struggles
      with the resolution of 1990’s information technology (over)expansion. 
      Note the common theme of overbuilt transportation behind each speculative
      peak.  Behind each climax was a credit explosion, followed by a
      contraction.  I know of no graduate programs covering this super-cycle
      topic.  Also, I refer to the Elliott Wave theory, which provides
      surprisingly effective models for both the occurrence and extent of climax
      tops in the stock markets worldwide.  I know of no graduate programs
      covering this topic.  Universities typically are a hotbed of intellectual
      curiosity and challenge to the system.  But with Economics, the structural
      status quo seems to be uncontested.  It is deeply entrenched.
      A few of my pet peeves are worthy of mention.  Instead of leading the
      Federal Reserve with guidance and analysis, some in academia see fit to
      form a Shadow Open Market Committee to handicap and second guess monetary
      policy.  Why not question such central planning instead of watchdogging
      it?  If the Fed has run amok, who but Economists are to lead it away from
      reckless ways?  The trend with each passing decade is for more federal
      control and less free market.  In fact, efforts should be directed at
      simplifying their formal methods.  A special name is given to their brand
      of arcane analysis; they call it Econometrics.  Their extensions to
      well-grounded established statistical theory include such intractable
      methods as “structural equations”, which offer unstable solutions!  Many
      certainly fine men and women labor in academia as Economists.  Far too few
      are competent statisticians.  Their soft methods are laced with politics,
      while they hard methods are unstable.   The shortcomings of their
      analytics are outlined in greater detail in what follows.
      Nobel prizes in Economics have steadily been awarded in recent years.  One
      might find it curious that the award winners hail from related fields such
      as mathematics and psychology.  Princeton Psychology professor Daniel
      Kahneman shared a recent Economics Nobel prize for extending the work of
      Amos Tversky on the asymmetric bias of spending patterns following
      principal loss.  Over ten years ago, Herbert Simon (from my alma mater
      Carnegie Mellon University) won an Economics Nobel prize for his
      mathematical model of interactive brain function.  The recent hit movie “A
      Beautiful Mind” featured the life of John Nash, who received an Economics
      Nobel prize as a mathematician advancing Adam Smith’s ideas on maximizing
      collective utility. 
      The prizes for Economist researchers are loudly absent.  Are they largely
      political promoters and frontmen?  I believe worse.  I believe their
      community has succumbed to the temptation of promoting political party
      agendas, with its principal spokesmen soaking up adulation and enjoying
      icon status.  Institutional economists have fast become a Political
      Priesthood, which has sold out solid defensible analysis methodology in
      favor of adaptive malleable political ideology.  Their central function is
      in the promotion and justification of federal budgets, support of
      brokerage house strategic calls, and upholding the imperial dollar
      “The Kondratieff Winter”  an interview of Ian Gordon (July 2002)
      “Cycles”  by Wally Bently (April 2002)

      1) Ignorance and Revision of History
        Ignorance of super-cycle phenomenon of credit expansion, since 1776
          Projected panic phase sometime within 1995-2005
        Ignorance of Elliott Wave explaining mass behavior
        Rewrite historical account of Great Depression, ascribing the cause to
        insufficient monetary liquidity, when actual collapse came in response
        to excessive credit expansion
          Inability to point out parallels early between 1930 and 2002
        Silence in pointing out parallels with 1970 decade and 2000 decade
          In London Gold Pool defense of #32 price, present #320 defense
        Failure to properly ascribe blame or credit to previous president policy

          Overlook lagged effect, preferring political blaming game
        Result:  Concealed and eliminated learning opportunities
      “Revisionist View of the Great Depression”  by Antal Fekete (March 2002)
      2) Intellectual Support of an Intervention Policy
        Federal Reserve exists from Congressional forfeiture of its
        constitutional responsibility, exposing it to the power influence of
        large private bankers and political leaders alike
        Excessive tightening by Fed has led to recessions, while excessive
        easing by Fed has led to asset bubbles
          Fed Governors do not respect the credit market equilibrium forces
        Explicit and implicit support of (not a single peep of objection) the
        Federal Reserve issuing credit for numerous accidents from 1988 to 2001
        Nixon’s Wage Price Freeze in 1972 created horrendous supply imbalances
        John Meriwether’s LTCM failure was not permitted to resolve itself,
        allowing him to continue operating as a hedge fund manager
        Greenspan has taken interventionist policy to unprecedented heights
          in circumventing recessions within the business cycle
          in underwriting international financial accidents
          in a disastrous monetary expansion attempt to repeal the super-cycle
          debt cleansing process
          in purchasing S&P, TBond futures via Exchange Stabilization Fund
        Nonexistent warnings of new bubble formation within credit markets
          Huge implications for Mortgage Backed Securities and Real Estate
          Tragic implications in consumer debt, as bankruptcies soar
          Securitized debts are saturating bond markets, deceiving unsuspecting
          investors on inherent risk
        Public cheerleading of stock valuations
          Economists heartily endorsed New Economy proclamations
          Greenspan defended stock valuations, citing fast information flow and
          greater efficiency with supply chains and Just-in-Time inventory
          Greenspan continues to pronounce Productivity as both the economy’s
          and the stock market’s saving achievement (subject of future article)
          Fed Model (S&P) assumes Wall Street skewed earnings projections
        Result:  Increasing volatility with each successive cycle, with no
        attempt to explain the rising instability and its link to intervention
      “Capitalism’s Paradox, the Fed”  by Ed Bugos (March 2002)
      3) Disputable Assumptions used as Policy Foundation
        Assumptions are dictated with little evidence of veracity, and without
        debate to unsuspecting masses and Congressional leaders
        Examples from the last 15 years:
          GDP growth rate above a certain level produces price inflation
      §         Monetary and credit expansion causes price inflation
      §         Greater growth results in supply rising to meet rising demand
          Jobless rate below a certain level produces labor cost inflation
      §         Disregards Mexican labor pool following NAFTA passage
          Increased monetary and credit expansion can alleviate problems owing
          to hyper-expansion in credit and its ensuing collapse
      §         A widely accepted absurdity with political appeal
      §         Forestalls balance sheet cleansing, which is mandatory for the
      economic recovery itself
        Result:  Confuses debate behind decision making process
      4) Myopic Statistical Analysis Methods
        Confuse entirely different background economic conditions when citing
        past effects from previous decades
          Response to stimulus from current bear market cannot be expected to
          invoke the same response as from past recent bull market
          Justify current stock valuations by comparing against past bull
          correction levels
          Conclude household debt levels are not a problem, since they were not
          in the past
      ·        Naively form aggregate perspectives within analysis
          Consumer spending forecasts totally avoid household debt
          Expect growth in GDP from low inventory levels alone
          Expect US exports to rise after dollar devaluation
      §         Foreign economies will be much weaker
      §         Our mfr’ed products contain 35-40% imported components
          Defend tax rate increases for purpose of raising tax revenue, decry
          tax rate cuts as resulting in reduced tax revenue
      §         Almost all historical evidence is to the contrary
      ·        Make assumptions, calling them facts
          Expect capex to rise from merely lower interest rates
          Label high productivity as the driver for economic recovery
      ·        Result:  Really bad analysis
      5) Incomplete Statistical Analysis System
      ·        Ignore major drivers and dynamics of change
          USDollar devaluation is a process trend, unleashing profound effects
          in a vicious circle, feeding upon itself
          Exporting nations continually seek to debase their currencies
          Exhaustion of cars and housing demand after lowcost financing
          Social Security Trust Fund is tragically underfunded
          Rising debt levels of households and corporations
      §         Fully 75% of GDP is sapped by debt service !!!
          Falling interest rates drove the 1990 decade of prosperity
      §         Not so much rising (fictitious, distorted) productivity
      ·        Underestimate key financial market effects on the economy
          End to lowcost mortgage refinancing will stall spending
          Reversal of rate swaps will smother corporate earnings
          IPO stock issuances funded capex, now at standstill
          Stock buybacks bleed R&D funding, product development
          Pension funding will sabotage capex, R&D, other vital operations
          Minefield of bank derivatives threatens overnight annihilation
          Heightened leverage from low interest rates, e.g. real estate
          Asymmetric wealth loss effect indicates strong pullback in spending
          Renewed speculation in commodities with new lowcost money
          Upcoming federal monetization of debts will present inflation risk
      ·        Result:  Really bad forecasts
      6) Legislative Divisions to Promote Political Agendas
      ·        Keynesians align with liberal political camps
          Economic tinkering and interference is the hallmark of stimulus
          Defend highly destructive price controls, costly social safety nets
          The end result might be proliferation of bureaucracy and socialism, as
          well as enormous current imbalances
      ·        Laissez-Faire advocates align with conservative political camps
          Constant battle to reverse disruptive taxation and other obstacles
          The wealthy class fare much better in surviving the Obstacle Course
        Economists have lapsed into the role as hired guns within opposing camps

          They justify peculiar assumptions within annual budgets
          Federal budget projections are laughable for future years
      §         Assumptions and models are often unfounded and farcical
      ·        Consequence is increasing amplitude in expansion and recession
      business cycles, and reckless counsel to our leadership
          Rep Bernie Sanders accused Greenspan of presiding over the largest
          transfer of wealth in modern history, from middle class to rich
          Where exactly is the scholarship and adept statistical analysis?
      ·        Result:  Constant political squabbling fills newspapers
      7) Institutional Conflict of Interest
      ·        Major role now in defense of the presidential administration
          Serve as “priests” spouting dogma and ideology
          Indoctrinate the masses with dubious new system rules
      ·        Role in defense of brokerage house strategic equity analysis
          Almost never expect a recession or a bear market in stocks
        Corporations fund monetary academics with endowed chairs, research
        grants, consulting deals, honorariums, and prizes
        Producing a future expectation based upon rational and logic methods?
          Or a team player in defending a business?
          Or working for a paycheck, easily led to a justification?
      ·        Result:  NY Attorney General Spitzer negotiates research
      8) Distortion in Economic Reporting
      ·        Economic data reports have come under severe scrutiny and
          Many aggregate measures are inconsistent with the pool of individual
          leading company figures
          Some argue that Enron methods pollute federal accounting
      ·        Seasonal adjustment carries the potential for grand distortions
          Seasonal adjustment thrown into turmoil from Y2K expenditures,
          disrupting any semblance of stable seasonal basis determination
          e.g.  in statistics such as GDP growth, retail spending, consumer
          durables, inventories, income, jobless applications, housing, etc.
      ·        Backward revisions are unfavorable in at least 75% of cases
          Pervasively unfavorable direction indicate blatant bias
      ·        Quality adjustments distort productivity rate to the extreme!
          Speed of processors, storage access speed, internet bandwidth
      §         Horrendous distortion exaggerates actual spending and work
          Principal beneficiary of productivity gains has been consumers
      §         Deceptive tactic to justify historically high stock valuations
      ·        Sampling methods are questionable for jobless rate
          Anyone working minimal hours is deemed as “employed”
          Finite duration of unemployment insurance for those laid off
          400,000 new farm jobs kept October unemployment rate under 6.0%
      ·        Result:  Life signs of the economy are not a reflection of
      “Statistical Revisionism and Wizardry”  by Michael Hodges (updated June
      9) Pursuit of Public Adulation by Fed Chairman (Pied Piper)
        Public mandate and adulation triumph over sound independent policy
          Management of banking system or of folk hero role?
          Knighthood dub could mimic Sports Illustrated cover curse
        Now actively endorses shift from stock to bond bubble
          Tried to kill the 30-yr Treasury Bond, to force longterm rates down
          Actively urges citizens to refinance homes and perpetuate spending
        Gradual inducement to gamble with entire life savings and pension funds
          Former governor Angell applauds discouragement from savings, spurring
          additional risk-taking, in response to Nov2002 rate cut
          Wreckage of pension funds leads to temptation to take greater risk
        After declaring “Irrational Exuberance”, he yielded to public pressure
          Easy money policy satisfied citizens, producing asset bubble
        Early year research argued forcefully the benefits of gold-backed dollar

          Predicted demise of debt-backed currency, verified in recent brief
          conversation with Congressman Ron Paul
          Spoke eagerly at chance to override K-Winter breakdown
      §         Believes extreme monetary expansion can prevail
      §         Continued credit extension fails to cleanse balance sheets
          Greenspan might act as “Atlas Shrugged” by his hero Ayn Rand
      §         Central character resignedly contributed to systemic destruction
        Extremist procedures passed off as economic and banking policy!!!
        Result:  Debt structured against false asset values, colossal losses to
        investors and pension funds, leaving the entire economy at risk
      “The Economic Consequences of Mr. Greenspan”  by Antal Fekete (Dec 2001)  
      “The Worst in History:  1929-30 vs 1999-2000”  by Kurt Richebacher (May
      10) Collusion with Corrupt Financial Power Elite
        Economists act as sales agents for bankers, brokerages, politicians
          Competence “sold out” for shared power, influence, celebrity status
        Promotion role intuitively colludes with press/media, finance, and
        national leadership toward instilling acceptance, obedience to Ruling
          Fortify the “status quo” in the power structure
        Promotion role mollifies the underclass, justifying a socialist safety
        Faulty debt-driven system appeals most to the Financial Elite
          Fiscal & Monetary responsibility would limit access to money
          Defend heavily invested system of banking and currency
          The wealthy (not the poor) can borrow large sums of money
        Result:  Gulf between rich and poor has widened
      11) Deceptive Indoctrination of Economic Definitions
        Redefine important terms and concepts for a debt-based economy
        Apparent full cooperation from the press & media, mute opposition
        Exploits ignorance and illiteracy among the public
        Conscious attempt to abuse “framing” -- psychological technique
        Redefined (framed) terms legitimize the Debt-based Economy
          Legal tender, now money
          Credit access, now wealth
          Monetary inflation, now Fed liquidity
          Deflation, now poor pricing power
          Foreign dependence, now recycled trade gap
          Indebted currency, now dollar reserve
          Rising unemployment, now increased productivity
          General market risk, now volatility
          Stock investment, now channeled savings
          Mortgage investment, now hard real estate asset
          Accounting fraud, now financial engineering
          Derivatives, now off-loaded risk
          Cutting interest income, now reducing interest expense
          REFI consumption bubble, now managing home equity
          Herbert Hoover, now Sir Alan Greenspan
        Result:  The public has little fear of rising indebtedness
      12) Benign Negligence during Pillage of National Gold Treasure
        Tacit approval as the US Gold treasure was sold in order to subsidize
        Treasury Bonds during the entire 1990 decade
          Both yen carry trade and gold carry trade bolstered US economy
          Was carry trade a primary impetus behind the previous expansion?
          Was carry trade a primary thrust behind the dollar strength?
          Resolution of extensive carry trades now threatens USDollar
          USDollar decline now entering into a vicious circle
        Cooperation enlisted from European Central Bank
          Washington Agreement represents end to the gold plunder
          Private bankers and gold miners serve as willing agents
      §         Commercial short positions equate to over 3 years production
      §         Miner forward sales go beyond economic purposes
        China quietly shows evidence of building Central Bank gold reserves
        Islamic nations embarking on new Gold Dinar currency
        Result:  Enduring recession from USDollar crisis, rising Asian strength

      The venerable John K. Galbraith stands as the dominant elder statesman for
      the dismal science.  He provides a refreshingly candid perspective toward
      our nation’s economists and their efforts.  It is not flattering.  In his
      1975 book entitled Money: Whence it came, where it went, he wrote: “The
      study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which
      complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.”
       Of those who practice this craft, he claims…
      In the status hierarchy of my profession, the Wall Street economist holds
      a strangely prominent role. Typically, though not always, he lacks
      academic standing, analytical achievement, or significant publication.
      Research is foreign to him; independent thought unknown.
      “Incurable Optimists:  Wall Street economists don’t have recession in
      their vocabulary”  by Galbraith (December 2001)
      I offer several friends of the court, beginning with Stephen Roach of
      Morgan Stanley, and Jim Grant of the Grant Interest Rate Observer.  Each
      is tremendously talented, verified by the visceral and hostile objections,
      disputes, and animosity generated from the financial community.  I am
      surprised that Roach’s employment is secure at this Wall Street firm,
      since his consistently correct views and forecasts over the past three
      years must have been detrimental to their trading and investment banking
      business.  Grant’s independence renders him a constant thorn in the sides
      of both the Fed Chairmen and Administration Council of Economic Advisors. 
      Bush’s current Economic Council is perhaps the most inept in recent
      memory.  Obtaining the work of Jim Grant is much more difficult, and
      expensive.  These two economists have no political agenda, little
      affiliation with corporate interests, and thus are considered maverick
      outsiders.  Some regard them as instigator gadflies, if not antagonists,
      especially Grant.  He is harshly critical of Chairman Greenspan.  As far
      back as March 2000, in his monthly publication he criticized claims of
      either a New Economy or vastly increased productivity.  He debunked
      “hedonic adjustments” when he wrote…
      The reported boom in manufacturing efficiency in the last half of 1999 was
      the result of not one, but two misapprehensions, relate Medoff and
      Harless.  Not only did the government statistics exaggerate the output of
      the computer industry over those six Y2K-obsessed months (for reasons
      having to do with the way in which computer prices are calculated).  They
      also grossly underestimated the number of hours worked to achieve those
      results.  It was this twin error that, in no small part, enlarged the
      legend of the productivity boom and uncorked the newest bottle of
      speculative moonshine.  Rarely has a botched calculation delighted and
      enriched so many guileless people.             - Jim Grant (March 2000)
      This summer after the asset bubble disclaimer speech made by Chairman
      Greenpan at the Jackson Hole Conference, he had this to say.
      He [Greenspan] was a very poor central bank chairman.  He was passive in
      the face of what will go down as a very destructive bubble… Don’t put too
      much stock in this bureaucracy called the Fed… When I am asked what I
      would do if I were the Fed Chairman, my invariable answer is,’Resign’.    
            - Jim Grant (Aug 2002)
      Although not economists, John Mauldin of Millennium Wave and Bill Gross of
      PIMCO, display uncanny skill in analyzing and interpreting many aspects of
      the economy as it relates to the financial industry (economy, stocks,
      bonds, currencies).  Besides the aforementioned, I have not observed any
      prominent economists with a track record rivaling theirs.  Several show
      insights, such as Kasriel of Northern Trust, Wyss of Standard & Poor, Sohn
      of Wells Fargo, and Krugman of The New York Times.  Kasriel has been
      critical of Humphrey Hawkins testimony before Congress, where discussions
      recently pertained to everything but monetary policy.  He places much
      responsibility for creating the stock bubble at the Fed’s doorstep.
      The Fed is a price fixer; it fixes the price of short-term credit.  If
      there is an increase in demand for credit, interest rates want to rise. 
      But because the Fed is fixing the price of credit to keep rates from
      rising, it has to create more reserves or allow banks to create more
      money, and that is what leads to bubbles.      - Paul Kasriel (Aug 2002)
      Various brokerage economists like Bernstein and Sullivan offer sound
      opinions, but in time their optimistic outlook dissolves to make visible
      clear vested interest.  There is nothing like a bear market to winnow out
      the vested interests.  A brokerage house economist who remains negative
      about the economic recovery might be driving a taxicab in the next
      I hold Roach in ultimate high regard for independence, competence, and
      integrity.  A sample of Roach’s work follows.  His November 7th essay
      offers a critique of the recent 50-bpt Fed rate cut two weeks ago, hardly
      the stuff to earn a thank you note from anyone but an investor.
      And yet the Fed is trying to persuade us that it has now done enough to
      arrest this deflationary dynamic. Of course, that is the same argument
      that has been made repeatedly since this monetary easing cycle began now
      some 525 bpt ago back in early 2001. The place where I always get stuck in
      this argument is on the issue of traction -- which sectors of the US
      economy can now be expected to respond to the Fed’s monetary stimulus.
      There are three obvious candidates -- the interest-rate-sensitive sectors
      of consumer durables, homebuilding activity, and business capital
      spending. In my opinion, the response of each of these sectors to Fed
      easing is likely to prove most disappointing. Here’s why.
      Normally, at this stage in a business cycle, there is a good deal of
      pent-up demand for items like cars and homes; as such, lower interest
      rates typically are quite effective in unleashing that demand and spurring
      vigorous recovery. That’s unlikely to be the case in the current cycle.
      Demand in these two sectors never fell in the recession of 2001 and they
      have remained resilient in the subsequent recovery. That means there is no
      pent-up demand that can now be unleashed by Fed easing. Just ask Detroit,
      where car buyers are now suffering from zero-interest-rate fatigue. The
      same is true of capital spending -- a sector that remains constrained by
      the twin pressures of the capacity overhang of the late 1990s and the
      ongoing imperatives of corporate cost cutting. In a deflationary climate,
      why would businesses compound their lack of pricing leverage by adding to
      aggregate supply? Fed easing is unlikely to change the capex calculus in
      the current climate.
      - archive of Stephen Roach editorials:
      A maverick with keen insight is Jim Puplava of Financial Sense Online. 
      Like Mauldin, he is a fund manager.  By the spring of 2001, Puplava
      outlined the pathogenesis of a Perfect Storm Scenario.  He carefully notes
      how debt collapse keeps overcapacity high and liquidation continuing, thus
      depleted pricing power and creating pockets of deflation.  He carefully
      warns that government regulation and environmental obstacles inhibit
      commodity supply of necessities, while derivatives hold geared down prices
      artificially, all within a cash system.  As the overvalued USDollar
      adjusts downward in correction, momentum should gain as these jetstream
      FOREX winds collide with the low-pressure product zone and the
      high-pressure material zone.  The result could produce a rare Perfect
      Storm.  His periodic updates are fortified with arguments and stern
      warnings, as the storm slowly develops and feeds upon itself.  He
      maintains that government intervention actions, although implored by the
      public and politicians, only serve to increase the intensity of the
      low-high pressure storm gradient, and to delay the storm.  The primary
      beneficiary of the storm will be commodities, given the huge overhang and
      crushing debt load in the finished product arena.  As newly extended
      credit (margin money) seeks the best investment opportunity, commodities
      will offer the most viable “path of least resistance.”
      Puplava Perfect Storm Series:
      Storm Series Update Archive:
      I would be remiss if not to mention Ravi Batra, an Economics professor
      from Southern Methodist University in Texas.  Years ago his extraordinary
      predictions foresaw the fall of the Shah of Iran, the collapse of the
      Soviet Union, and the gradual demise of the USDollar from its position of
      supremacy.  He forecasts continued deflationary stress for the US economy,
      leading potentially to a inflationary depression as our currency
      experiences a crisis in devaluation and debts suffer writedowns in
      default.  His work is founded upon the premise that the United States
      production and spending levels chronically outpace income growth.  Each
      passing month sees consumer spending outstrip personal income, which
      raises few alarms.  The result is a crescendo of excess capacity rolling
      out excess supply, enabled by plentiful credit, seen now!  Ensuing balance
      sheet repair leads to recession, which can easily cause a depression as
      our overvalued currency corrects.  Our omnipresent debt levels are just
      too great.  Enormous debt and depleted collateral implicitly back the
      USdollar currency.  Conditions show the way to rising prices and interest
      Crash of the Millennium,  by Ravi Batra,  Harmony Books 1999
      Economists have failed.  I mince no words.  No topic or concept rings more
      loudly as “inflation” for its twisted policy and even more twisted
      understanding, owing in part to the propaganda for public acceptance of a
      twisted definition.  I sometimes think that economists believe that laws
      of gravity could be repealed if only they could blow enough of their
      arrogant hot air under objects containing mass.  Their interpretations and
      dealings with “deflation” should offer a true parallel in twisted thought
      and policy.  In fact, it has already begun.
      “Inflation” is defined as an expansion of the monetary base, i.e. the
      supply of money from either the authorized printing of dollars or the bank
      extension of credit, PERIOD.  Economists cannot define it.  They cannot
      measure it.  They don’t know how to fight it.  They are unaware of the
      price our economy pays in overcoming it, in the manner they perceive it. 
      How are rock-bottom interest rates and evermore Fed liquidity (aka
      monetary inflation) supposed to cure an economy suffering from
      over-expansion, excess capacity, over-production, and extreme indebtedness
      arising from excessive extension of credit???  Try giving Jack Daniels to
      a drunk in detox!  Try giving a nuclear reactor core field trip to a
      cancer victim!
      Ned Schmidt cites a better price inflation measure in the Median CPI,
      developed by the Cleveland Fed.  The Median CPI tends to behave more
      stably, with fewer false moves, and more reliable measurements.  Steve
      Saville offers the ECRI’s Future Inflation Gauge, which portends
      short-term interest rates.  It acts like a leading indicator for the Fed
      Funds Rate.  No, the Naive CPI represents a governmental attempt to
      minimize COLA (cost of living adjustments) to federal pensions, and to
      suppress reported price inflation.  It ignores costs of property tax,
      town/city usage fees, insurance, college tuition, and much more.
      Economists prefer to define inflation in terms of what “real inflation”
      causes, i.e. price increases.  Like calling a broken jaw “a roundhouse
      punch”, or calling a broken back “a ladder fall”, or calling a car crash
      “a wreckless driving.”  If you inflate, you plant the seeds of eventual
      price rises.  We have suffered such pervasive chronic abuse of the
      monetary inflation mechanism, that the risk might materialize for
      witnessing both a deep recession and price inflation.  The recession could
      come from widespread liquidation and consequent lost jobs.  The price
      inflation could come from futile continued monetary expansion while
      battling reduction in money supply and suffering deflation in multiple
      sectors.  Current imbalances have never been this great in modern recorded
      history.  The Fed may soon find itself stuck in a Japan-like Liquidity
      Trap, where continued money printing is useless in treating debt-ridden
      balance sheets.  Such is a cage where economist ineptitude is laid bare
      for all to see.
      I will close this long indictment with a contrast of the absurd against
      the wise, Milton Friedman from the Keynesian School versus Ludwig von
      Mises from the Austrian School.  Frank Shostak of Man Financial is a harsh
      critic of the clowns who are mismanaging our economy.  He is deep, and
      speaks with very stern tone.  He contrasts these two men’s opinions. 
      Friedman lectures that if price inflation is anticipated, then it can be
      averted by an offsetting infusion of monetary injections.  This alchemist
      somehow believes matter can be neutralized by anti-matter?  Unexpected
      price inflation, he claims, leads to a misallocation of resources and thus
      weakens the economy.  He regards money supply as a tool that can stabilize
      price rises, and thereby promote real economic growth.  Wow!  So wealth
      can be printed, or better yet produced as electronic entries on computers?
       Now that is productivity!  Perhaps Friedman advocates equitable drowning
      by rising debt levels in balanced fashion across business sectors and
      Shostak quotes Murray Rothbard from his famous book America’s Great
      Depression when he wrote, “The fact that general prices were more or less
      stable during the 1920’s told most economists that there was no
      inflationary threat, and therefore the events of the Great Depression
      caught them completely unaware.”  Shostak goes on to say the inflation
      issue should be viewed in simpler terms.  When more money circulates to
      chase a given level of goods and services, prices will rise.  When credit
      is extended to create inflated asset prices, then prices will fall as debt
      is defaulted and products are liquidated.  So abuse of monetary growth can
      lead to  BOTH inflation and deflation!!!
      Von Mises explains the futility of the Federal Reserve’s mandate in his
      essay “Inflation: An Unworkable Fiscal Policy.”
      Inflation, as this term was always used everywhere and especially in this
      country, means increasing the quantity of money and bank notes in
      circulation and the quantity of bank deposits subject to check. But people
      today use the term ‘inflation’ to refer to the phenomenon that is an
      inevitable consequence of inflation, that is the tendency of all prices
      and wage rates to rise. The result of this deplorable confusion is that
      there is no term left to signify the cause of this rise in prices and
      wages. There is no longer any word available to signify the phenomenon
      that has been, up to now, called inflation. . . . As you cannot talk about
      something that has no name, you cannot fight it. Those who pretend to
      fight inflation are in fact only fighting what is the inevitable
      consequence of inflation, rising prices. Their ventures are doomed to
      failure because they do not attack the root of the evil. They try to keep
      prices low while firmly committed to a policy of increasing the quantity
      of money that must necessarily make them soar. As long as this
      terminological confusion is not entirely wiped out, there cannot be any
      question of stopping inflation.                                          
      - Ludwig von Mises
      “Defining Inflation”  by Frank Shostak (March 2002)
      “Housing Bust:  Median CPI versus Naïve CPI”  by Ned Schmidt (Aug 2002)
      “The Inflation Problem:  Future Inflation Gauge”  by Steve Saville (Sept
      Consider the alternative and controversial Austrian School of Economics,
      dismissed by the great majority as impractical and infeasible despite its
      simplicity.  Their primary tenets constitute central bank management of a
      currency backed by hard assets such as gold, and strict limitations placed
      upon fractional banking lending practices.  Obviously, our swelling
      socialist structures, and freedoms to extend credit (even when unwise)
      collide with such tenets.  The von Mises community serves as principal
      advocate for the Austrian School of Economics, with Kurt Richebacher their
      chief living spokesman.  How many graduates in advanced Economics programs
      claim allegiance, let alone awareness, to this School of thought? 
      “What is Austrian Economics?” (November 2002)
      Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker once said that it was the job of the
      Central Bankers worldwide to prove von Mises wrong.  They have not done
      so.  He warned: “The truly unique power of a central bank, after all, is
      the power to create money, and ultimately the power to create is the power
      to destroy.”  Economists failed to warn the coming of the Great Depression
      and its destruction.  They failed again to prevent or warn the coming of
      the current economic malaise, whose outcome is uncertain but whose
      destruction is unmistakable.  Now we find two-thirds of sectors suffering
      months of price deflation, despite the denial of economists.  As they next
      wage battle against deflation, their incompetence, deception, and
      collusion will next be seen from the opposite side of the pricing bench. 
      Economists cannot define “deflation.”  They don’t know where it came from.
       They don’t know how to fight it.  In this environment, their prescribed
      low interest rates are slowing the economy, not stimulating it.  Twice as
      much interest income is received, compared to interest cost paid out.  So
      lower rates beget even lower rates.  Their new weapon against deflation
      has been billed as “monetization.”  They unwittingly are setting out to
      feed the low-high pressure storm gradient described by Puplava.  They will
      purchase federal debt, agency debt, major bank debt, all with dollars
      created from thin air, adding to dollar supply.  The resulting effect on
      the currency markets is exactly what is required to accelerate the Perfect
      Storm.  Dissenters today are mere pilgrims in an unholy land.
      The cabal of Economists is fast becoming recognized as an EDEN OF FOOLS.
      Jim Willie CB is a pseudonym used since 1998 on Silicon Investor.  Jim
      works as a statistical analyst for a private consulting firm engaged in
      marketing research.  He would much rather be employed in a more productive
      position, writing about the world financial markets and economies. 
      Please!  Help!  Visit his free fledgling website to read other articles
      and material, as well as to enjoy light-hearted banter, under the name: 

-- Posted Saturday, 22 February 2003 | Digg This Article

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