-- Posted Thursday, 30 April 2009 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com
The battle for survival continues, as banks resorted to basic revisionist accounting (aka fraud) in order to claim improved health. Their reward was a financial sector stock rally of the most queer kind. The rally depended on all manner of contrived demand from the most sordid of chambers opposed to free markets, using tactics that are typically abhorrent. Next this beleaguered sector must withstand valuation checks and fair value scrutiny. Unless analyst dissent is declared illegal, the sector should fall in value. The new facade of Stress Tests has filled the void left by Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) concessions that led to phony balance sheets. These Stress Tests are neither a test nor a reflection of stress. They are rigged excuses for continued funds, and worse, might be used to coerce healthier regional banks into merging with dead Wall Street banks laced with insolvency and fraud. These ridiculously hollow institutions continue to engage in sales of USTreasurys with rampant failures to deliver funds in order to maintain cash flow, not mentioned in quarterly earnings reports. See a related article entitled “Wall Street Selling Imaginary Treasuries” on Market Skeptics (CLICK HERE). This is called naked shorting, counterfeit, and not even complicated fraud. Imagine selling lemonade at a stand and handing over empty glasses. Regulators remain quiet on the subject, a continuation of permitted fraud from lack of oversight that continues from the last administration to the new. Nothing changed except claims of change. The US financial sector is reminiscent of an army of zombies that usurp the vitality of any firm they come in contact with, aided by a guiding government hand that directs living firms into their snares (and shares).
The USGovt should not take control of any bank or corporation unless it plans to fix it, carve off the rubbish, send the acid assets into the drain, discontinue lunatic contracts, and sell the remnant core in the open market. The cynical view, which is wholly embraced here, is that the USGovt is doing precisely that, except a long pause is designed to take place where Wall Street firms under the direction of Goldman Sachs (aka USDept Treasury) engage in profound fraud from TARP and other funds, until the system is sufficiently exploited, and then the big banks collapse from within before any resolution or sale can take place. Watch General Motors fail before it can walk (or drive) even a few months down the road. The primary purpose of government takeovers is to enrich Wall Street firms, and to conceal the past fraud on a gigantic unprecedented scale. Fannie Mae and AIG were nationalized to hide bond counterfeit in the former and credit derivative losses in the latter. One should be aware, certainly not a broadcasted fact, that the special inspector general for TARP funds Neil Barofsky working on behalf of the USCongress has already recommended 40 criminal investigations for fraud from the total over $1000 billion in its funds disbursement during his ongoing audit. The primary focus is AIG payouts, for which Goldman Sachs has steered some very suspicious redemptions at 100% parity. Wall Street would call the program a success. Administrators would call it a great thrust of desperately needed liquidity into banks. The public should know that the program is run by the same bankster criminals and is laced with the same disease that produced the original bank crisis: fraud. The absence of broad disclosure remains the cloak to conceal the massive abuse of public funds.
The US Federal Reserve is trapped. Not only does the 0% monetary policy put them in a corner without options, but ownership of a couple trillion$ worth of heavily impaired bonds has given the august overseer of failure and fraud and money laundering a bad case of constipation on a dead end street. Any change in either situation pushes USTreasury interest rates up, pushes up USAgency Mortgage rates, and renders great harm to the credit markets. The dirty secret is that the USFed is stuck in mud with a bad diet of offal on a road to certain ruin. The dirtiest secret of all might be that the USFed is engineering an orderly collapse of the USEconomy from starvation of Main Street of economic bread, namely credit.
The gold consolidation has been like a crock pot slowly cooking a beef stew over a long stretch, as hungry observers whet their appetite with hors d’oeuvres with the promise of bountiful meals. The gold chart presented in the last articles took a more long-term view, as it described the formation of the Right Side Handle in a clear bullish reversal pattern. That consolidation continues. Since February when gold touched the 1000 mark, the selloff and profitaking have taken place amidst a sequence of extraordinary USGovt and US Federal Reserve policy decisions. Gold actually fell following the announcement of $1050 billion in monetized USTBonds and USAgency Bonds, if you can believe that! The reason was an avalanche of (probably illegal) short COMEX futures contracts timed simultaneously, much like calculated denial of oxygen to a runner at the start of a race. The propaganda was that investors were worried about continued deflation, without benefit of knowing what deflation is. Monetary inflation has been historically off the chart, which should include credit derivatives and futures contract commitments.
The incident at the end of March involving Deutsche Bank and the COMEX pointed out serious exchange violations in all likelihood, as D-Bank surely did not hold 90% of its short gold positions in collateral. The German flagship bank almost defaulted. None of the big four banks hold proper gold collateral, routinely, and regulators look the other way. That is just another form of naked shorting, without prosecution. D-Bank in a panicky fashion came up with 850 thousand ounces of gold so as to satisfy a delivery, precisely at a time when the Euro Central Bank just happened to sell 1.141 million ounces of gold. The EuroCB event was anything but ordinary, but was treated as an asterisked event, with no explanation.
Regardless of market interference, despite all that the Powerz throw at gold, the weekly chart looks promising with a possible stochastix crossover in the making and a MACD momentum ready to turn up. The cyclicals look promising. A big battle is being waged. The bulls need a run above the trendline set from February joining three local tops. A move to 925 would establish the bullish rise out of the current pattern. The bear case would have a breakdown below the 860 mark toward 850 again. However, the moving averages show support, especially the 50-week MA. In the last week, some solid support has been seen with the less stable 20-week MA. Other extremely important factors are at work behind the scenes, which weaken the position of the gold cartel significantly this spring and into the summer. Whatever risk was present at the end of March will be more acute at the end of June. These factors are discussed at length in the April Hat Trick Letter.

The USDollar has enjoyed an extremely queer paradoxical rally since last August, when the US financial system exhibited clear signs of insolvency, destruction, and failure. Many observers wonder expect the USDollar will weaken again without additional large scale financial firms going under in failure. Financial failures are most opportune to lift the US$ exchange rates. Must the USDollar be sustained by a steady stream of failing firms, emergency measures, and floods globally of USTreasury Bonds? Perhaps! Since the autumn, a double top failure is plainly evident in the dollar DX index. In April, yet another rollover occurred, but this third turn is not definitive enough to declare a triple failure. A break to 84 would give such a claim credence. The 200-day moving average (in green) has twice provided last ditch support necessary to rekindle another run after each breakdown. Notice the rounded top nature of the series of breakdowns, sufficient to be on the lookout for a retest of the 200dMA at 83, and a clear fall below that level. Such an event would serve as a confirmation of the end to this queer counter-trend USDollar rally.

The long-term USTreasurys remain the arch-enemy of gold. Since the historic failure of the US financial sector last autumn, and is inability to be revived, the USTreasurys have benefited mightily. The flow has hardly been a Flight to Quality, since foreigners are almost uniformly shunning the US$-based bonds. Anyone who bothers to examine the Treasury Investment Capital (TIC) reports can see this plainly. Yet the US financial networks continue to trumpet their falsehoods. See the excellent article entitled “The Big Lie” by Rob Kirby on the topic (CLICK HERE). He describes the key facades corruptly managed and maintained to sell the phony story. Forced hedge fund liquidation by Wall Street perpetrators in an engineered credit contraction, the resulting decline in commodity prices, the compensating USFed actions to monetize the debt securities sold by foreigners, all worked to create the impression of a USTBond rally accompanied by a perverse USDollar rise. Now time seems to be running out, as the tide might be turning.

The 10-year USTreasury Note principal value is exiting the pennant pattern that has bounded its price since January. It is early to declare, but this might be the beginning of a meaningful breakdown in long-term USTreasurys. They have been kept aloft almost by pure monetization, a policy finally admitted in mid-March, long after the policy was put into effect. The 50-day and the 100-day moving averages have each been breached (in blue and red), and next is a challenge of the 200-day MA (in green). The corresponding bond yield battle is being waged at the 3.0% level. The message is being painted on the Treasury Billboard, that the main bidder for long-term USTreasurys is the USGovt via the USFed. They are isolated, which puts risk to both the USTBond and the USDollar from lack of integrity and confidence. Something has to give and it will. My guess is the USDollar will take a bad tumble and fall, rather than long-term rates to rise. The mountain of credit derivatives stand like a lattice work of financial nuclear bombs, with fuses hidden and crisscrossed in the dark. Defense of this mountain of mass destruction potential will be to the end, even if the entire US banking system and USEconomy enter a downward spiral.
THE BEST PART OF ANY USTREASURY SELLOFF WOULD BE THE BENEFICIAL EFFECT ON GOLD, DUE TO THE POWERFUL FEEDER SYSTEM. If the USDollar is sacrificed instead of USTBonds, in order to preserve the USTreasurys, then gold will also benefit, but not as strongly.
Outright counterfeit of USTBonds is the likely province of JPMorgan. Its evidence probably vanished with that of Enron fraud when a certain building was demolished in the Big Apple on an important date known by two numbers that bracket the number 10. Naked shorting is more crafty and devious, but no less counterfeit. The details of naked shorting of USTreasury Bonds are very ugly, and surprisingly broad based. This is supposedly the most liquid and transparent market in the world. NOT SO!!! Market Skeptics (cited with links above) provides some excellent insight on the totally illegal practice and its clear consequences. They wrote,
“Following the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September, fails to deliver among the 17 primary dealers in the US treasury market have rocketed to more than $2 trillion over a period of weeks and still lie above $1.3 trillion. Broker/dealers have stopped delivering bonds. Holders of US treasuries are now scared to lend into the repo market in case their bonds are not returned, and potential buyers sit on the sidelines fearful of handing over their money to a counterparty that at best might not deliver a bond on time, and at worst might go under… If investors turn their back on treasuries, the US government will find it increasingly difficult and expensive to raise money and roll over its maturing debts. Upward pressure on interest rates will occur at a time when the government needs to be loosening monetary policy in order to jump-start a domestic economy that is heading towards a depression. As a result of fails to deliver, the most transparently priced instrument available now has investors scratching their heads. The natural balance of supply and demand has been altered and the true price of treasuries has become obscured… Fails to deliver in the treasury markets are not a new phenomenon. There is data for fails for treasuries, agencies and mortgage backed securities as far back as 1990, says Susanne Trimbath, an economist, and former employee of the Depository Trust Co, a subsidiary of Depository Trust and Clearing Corp. Back then, though, there would be $50 billion of fails in a whole year, she says. That figure has grown enormously. Failures in US treasuries were 8.6% of all treasuries outstanding in the first five months of this year, compared with 1.2% in the first five months of 2007. That has ballooned further over the past three months, hitting more than $2 trillion for almost the entire month of October, more than 20% of the daily treasuries trading volume.”
Corruption has permeated the entire USTreasury market, which is the great alternative to real money in gold. Some alternative! One can safely claim that almost every single important market in the United States is corrupt. GOLD REPRESENTS AN ALTERNATIVE, BUT AVOID ALL EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS. They just use your money to short gold, again in naked short sales. It will be physical gold that brings ruin to the Powerz in their corrupt paper chase charade, where price discovery has become a laughing stock.
See the May Hat Trick Letter for a series of arguments regarding the Swine Flu outbreak, which reads like a spy novel. The press & media networks cannot tell the story, since they function as crowd control, shaping public opinion, public address system, according to master directives, rather than an unbiased investigative information source benefiting from the beacon that used graced that industry. Several key facts regarding the weaponized influenza paint a picture that indicates an organized plan in progress with a clear purpose and probable motive. Distraction is certain, but motive is never known exactly. Its origins aint random and it dont involve evolution. Participants are the usual suspects. A great public awakening might begin, but the late anger will coincide with casualties. Details for arguments are far too controversial and dangerous to provide in any forum such as this. This is a deadly serious issue. However, one theory that carries far too little weight is that the Swine Flu is being spread by the most unsuspected of sources, animal lovers of a tender age. Sorry, but too cute, and we need to break the tension!

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Jim Willie CB, editor of the “HAT TRICK LETTER”
Use the above link to subscribe to the paid research reports, which include coverage of several smallcap companies positioned to rise during the ongoing panicky attempt to sustain an unsustainable system burdened by numerous imbalances aggravated by global village forces. An historically unprecedented mess has been created by compromised central bankers and inept economic advisors, whose interference has irreversibly altered and damaged the world financial system, urgently pushed after the removed anchor of money to gold. Analysis features Gold, Crude Oil, USDollar, Treasury bonds, and inter-market dynamics with the US Economy and US Federal Reserve monetary policy.
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Jim Willie CB is a statistical analyst in marketing research and retail forecasting. He holds a PhD in Statistics. His career has stretched over 25 years. He aspires to thrive in the financial editor world, unencumbered by the limitations of economic credentials. Visit his free website to find articles from topflight authors at www.GoldenJackass.com . For personal questions about subscriptions, contact him at JimWillieCB@aol.com
-- Posted Thursday, 30 April 2009 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com