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The International Forecaster -- March #8: Gold & Silver, Physical Black Market

By: Bob Chapman, The International Forecaster

-- Posted Sunday, 29 March 2009 | | Source:



The big secret that the Illuminati don't want you to know about is that they are gold-bugs themselves, and are even more fervent about precious metals than you are.     They are, of course, closet gold-bugs, hiding their wanton desire for the "barbaric relic" to make it look like it is a cumbersome thing of the past, an ancient curiosity from a bygone era that no longer serves a valid or useful purpose.  They hide their lustful desire for precious metals from the public so that the public remains moribund about owning the King and Crown Prince of currencies, gold and silver.  They don't want any monkey-see, monkey-do, from their pool of future indentured servants.  Their worst nightmare is that the serf proletariat would come to own thousands of tons of gold and silver bullion like they do.  All their institutions and front companies, like central banks, bullion banks, investment banks and brokerage houses, all de-emphasize investment in precious metals for one reason, to keep it out of the hands of the public.


            In the meanwhile, the Illuminati are pilfering gold from their own financial institutions at fire-sale prices like the sales conducted by Gordon Brown, the King of Fire-Sale Gold, when he sold the UK's national gold at the bottom of the gold market, or by outright pilfering as was done with the gold held in Fort Knox, allegedly by the Rockefellers.   American Illuminists have been collecting their gold and silver hoards for over a century, while European Illuminists have been collecting their hoards for many centuries.  All their gold and silver lies in Swiss vaults, or in secret offshore locations.  These hoards serve as their insurance policy if their plans to become masters of the universe should go astray.  In addition, their mounds of gold and silver might be offered as reserves for a new world currency in order to sell that concept to the public, thereby giving control of the world currency to private bankers who would operate outside of government control.  Or there might still be government control, as long as they, the Illuminati, control the world government, of course.


            In summary, the Illuminist gold cartel is a conspiracy of outward suppression of precious metals, while inwardly it is one of aggressive acquisition of both gold and silver.  They acquired control over national holdings of gold and silver via the system of central banks around the world, and they have systematically looted their own financial institutions and gold reserves to gain control over what they know is the only real currency recognized as such around the world.


            Always remember, if you lose control over your nation's currency, you lose your sovereignty and become a bondservant to the Illuminati.  As Thomas Jefferson said, central banks are more dangerous than standing armies.  By extrapolation, a single world bank would be dangerous beyond your wildest imagination.


            As long as the Indian public are the only commoners with gold holdings, which rival their own, the Illuminati are quite content.  This is why mints around the world have curtailed the amount of gold and silver bullion that is made available to the public.  This also explains why gold and silver, in what can now be termed the "physical black market," are trading at such hefty premiums to the prices cited in the futures markets.     You are being starved of precious metals intentionally and malevolently to hinder you from doing the only thing that will prevent these miscreants from bringing you to your knees financially so they can shove their one-world government down your throat.


            They will grudgingly allow you to own paper gold and silver.  The futures markets in precious metals, along with the mints and the new ETF's, were set up specifically for that purpose.  They knew that the demand for precious metals would grow as they intentionally sabotaged fiat currencies and economies around the world to pave the way for world government.  So they set up all these paper markets as a trap for lazy investors to acquire an interest in precious metals without taking physical possession so that they could retain control of the physical inventories and therefore the price for same.  In fact, all futures markets were set up so that the Illuminist interests could control prices on all commodities whether or not they physically owned or produced them.  That is the real reason why futures markets were created, and not for the usual bogus reasons given, such as securing prices on commodities for future deliveries.  Look at what happened to the uranium market as soon as it traded on the futures exchange.  Then consider the cartel's decades long suppression of precious metals via futures contracts, and also the recent games played with prices for oil and food futures.  We rest our case.


            As long as you do not take physical delivery, they will continue to control the physical supplies of gold and silver via leasing and lying, using "smoke and mirrors" and "creative accounting methods" to hide their nefarious dealings, such as those conducted through the Exchange Stabilization Fund, the London Gold Pool, the naked-shorting of shares in the silver ETF and the leasing of ETF gold and silver to cover short positions of the Illuminist commercials in the paper markets such as CRIMEX futures contracts and OTC derivatives contracts.  The Illuminist financial institutions are down to the dregs as far as their physical institutional holdings are concerned, but their shortage is not being sufficiently challenged and exposed quickly enough because physical delivery is not being utilized as extensively as it should be, which allows them to lie about their bullion inventories.  They will not be able to lie anymore when demand outstrips supply and they run out of precious metals in deliverable form to satisfy demands for physical delivery, which is why you should be demanding physical delivery of both gold and silver by the truckload.


            Incidentally, the one-month gold lease rates are now negative again, meaning they will pay you to lease their gold.  And guess who's doing the leasing.  The gold ETF's Illuminist bank sponsors of course, at near zero or even negative profit to boot.  Looks like the criminal sponsors are taking good care of their lucky investors.  Yeah, they are taking care of them alright!  Every time these ETF's purchase gold or silver, the cartel's supply of gold and silver available for suppression grows accordingly and it is immediately leased back to the bullion banks for suppressive purposes.  The whole ETF debacle can be likened to a situation where you are in a shootout with your mortal enemy.  He has run out of ammunition and you have him dead to rights.  You then hand him your loaded weapon and tell him to shoot you!  Why the hard money community just doesn't get it both stuns and amazes us.


            The miscreants who run the gold cartel use their control over paper markets, which is enabled by insufficient physical off-take caused by the diversion of hard money capital into paper gold and silver assets (other than resource stocks), to suppress precious metals prices.


  This allows the Illuminist Puppet Masters and their henchmen to clean up in the paper markets with all their short positions, which are mostly naked.  These short positions are monopolistic, manipulative and illegal, but regulators like the SEC and CFTC do nothing about them because our regulators are also criminals and are part of the cover up.



SATURDAY, March 28, 2009

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-- Posted Sunday, 29 March 2009 | Digg This Article | Source:

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