-- Posted Thursday, 29 June 2006
There is a new movie that everyone must see. It’s called AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM. This gripping, revealing documentary is produced and directed by Aaron Russo, who I am both pleased and honored to say is someone I have known for fifteen years. This movie is guaranteed to shake things up, and rightly so. The US today is far from the Republic created by the framers of the Constitution, and the trends are not encouraging. The country is on the wrong path – foreign wars, soaring debts, and debased currency are just a few of the problems. But the most alarming trend is the decline in the rule of law. Is the United States becoming a fascist country? Is the United States already a fascist country? Watch Aaron’s film and then decide for yourself. Here is what one reporter recently wrote about Aaron. http://www.thenewamerican.com/artman/publish/article_3908.shtml “For the past several years, amid his campaigns to promote the cause of individual liberty, Russo has been battling cancer, both of the bladder and the stomach. In both struggles, he has found strength in his maturing spiritual convictions. To wage his so-far successful battle against cancer, Russo has turned to holistic and nutritional therapy. In combating the social cancer of collectivism, he has exercised his abilities as a filmmaker.” And those abilities are great indeed. Aaron proved in movies like “Trading Places” that he could entertain us. In AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM Aaron proves that he can teach and inform us. I recommend that everyone see this movie. It is a movie that you will not want to miss. ¤ A MESSAGE FROM AARON RUSSO Dear Lovers of Liberty, I am currently in Munich, Germany and receiving treatment at a cutting-edge cancer clinic. This is my third battle with bladder cancer but the prognosis here is very good. In the United States I was told that I had very little chance, in fact, that I was a hopeless case and had no chance to survive. I am fortunate to be in a position to seek care outside of the U.S. where I am receiving the latest in high tech cancer treatment and quality patient care. Do not be worried. I am very confident of survival and that in this, my third battle with bladder cancer, I will finally kill it. The doctors here say that not only will I survive but leave here healthier than I have been in years. I think the discrepancy in treatment between US and German health-care providers is directly related to the interference in Americans' healthcare system by the FDA. Which we all know ties into the theme of AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM. I want to thank everybody for your ongoing support of this film. Based on the amount of emails, Internet activity and donations that we have received, I can tell that there are a lot of motivated Americans out there! From the website alone, we've had over 500,000 downloads of the trailer and over 11,000 links to our website. We've screened the film in select US cities with sold out crowds and standing ovations. Just recently at Cannes, we had a standing-room-only crowd and another ovation for the film from the international audience of buyers and media. And now the word is spreading to millions of more people worldwide via the Internet and there is interest from film festivals all over the world including Lebanon, Spain, Italy and Greece. Positive reviews about the film are starting to come in, and we also have multiple screens booked in five major cities for our July 28th release. To me this means that a lot of people are clamoring for a systematic change and the end of the New World Order. Our film, AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM is primed to be the summer's wake up call. But I am here receiving treatment for the next month, which makes fundraising and promoting the movie a bit difficult, so I need your help. We need to raise at least $500,000 in donations to help with the release of the film. I'm asking for everybody to donate $100. If that is done, then we will have more than enough money to release this film on a nationwide basis. Send your check to: All Your Freedoms, Inc., P.O. Box #1213, 264 South La Cienega Blvd., Beverly Hills, California 90211 If after making a donation – which is clearly the most important and necessary thing you can do now – you also wish to provide additional help, this is what we would need: 1) We need people to post information on blogs, create links and help spread the word through the Internet. Volunteer here: http://www.freedomtofascism.com/volunteer/volunteer.html 2) Link your website or blog to www.freedomtofascism.com 3) Ask ten friends to visit www.freedomtofascism.com
This is an absolute call to action from me to everyone who believes in freedom and the end of the concept of world government to act immediately. Everything is now in place so we can succeed. Now is the time we need it. All Your Freedoms, All The Time, Aaron Russo from Germany. ¤ REVIEW: “FOUR STARS” (Highest Rating). “After watching this movie, your comfy, secure notions about America -- and about what it means to be an American -- will be forever shattered. Producer/director Aaron Russo and the folks at Cinema Libre Studio deserve to be heralded as heroes of a post-modern New American Revolution. This is shocking stuff. You'll be angry, you'll be disgusted, but you may actually break out in a cold sweat and feel a sickness deep in your gut.” -- Todd David Schwartz, CBS “By describing the law and the various violations of how the government prints, collects and spends money, Russo leads us through the most important questions of how the money really works in America. Is there a legal basis for the individual income tax? Why has the government delegated the printing of our currency to a private corporation? Why has the federal government failed to obey the laws requiring audited financial statements? Why are trillions missing from the US government? Why is the government manipulating the gold market, including manipulating the US gold inventory into private hands at suppressed prices? This one is a must see.” Catherine Austin Fitts, Founder, http://www.solari.com/ ¤ PINNACLE QUEST INTERNATIONAL I recently had the pleasure at speaking at PQI’s conference in Cancun, Mexico. Among the highlights was the showing of Aaron Russo’s film. PQI is based in Canada, and their aim is to provide education to Canadians and Americans about international investing. Their conferences bring together many different vendors, and while I didn’t have time to meet with many of them, a couple of the products I did see looked interesting. For more information about PQI and its upcoming conferences, visit http://www.pqi.cc/smile/ or contact Norm Hundleby by email at <normhundleby@shaw.ca> ¤ A FINAL NOTE While preparing this letter I read a wonderful article by Franklin Sander’s in the latest issue of his newsletter, The Moneychanger (www.the-moneychanger.com). Franklin by the way happens to be interviewed in Aaron’s film. Franklin’s article is entitled “Why Hispanics Succeed in America, or Whatever Happened to Anglo-Saxon Freedom?” It should be read in conjunction with seeing Aaron’s film. Both rely on basic common sense. Both challenge you to question some basic premises. Here’s how Franklin begins his article: “Sunday morning, 7:30. Standing on the balcony of a Chattanooga motel, I glanced down across the driveway. The door stood open to the kitchen of the restaurant there, where a small compact car was parked. Five or six Hispanic men clustered around the car’s trunk, while a Hispanic woman busily served up food out of the trunk. One by one the jostling men took their food and paid the woman. Across the front windshield a large decal read, “Guatemala.” Across the back of the trunk a decal read, “Vasquez.” It dawned on me that I was witnessing why Hispanics succeed in America. No, I don’t mean some trite, moralistic “they work harder than Americans” lesson, although that may be true. To appear there ready for business at that time of day, that Guatemalan woman had to work late into Saturday night, and rise up early on Sunday. More than that, she probably had a flock of kids and a husband to take care of as well, and she probably works a regular job. But that’s not what makes her successful, or different. I know plenty of Americans who work two jobs, late and early, and put in 80 hours a week. Personally, I’m not willing to do that, but I admire their gumption. No, the reason Hispanics prosper is because they are willing to ignore completely America’s stupid laws and regulations. Whoa, wait! I’m not praising lawlessness; I am praising common sense rooted in common law. They ignore a law that cannot be a law. Americans, you see, have been trained to be so pathogen paranoid that they could never imagine buying food out of someone’s car trunk. Of course, it never occurred to those Guatemalan customers that the woman intended to poison them, as all American health regulations, regulators, and legislators assume. Not being bureaucrats or congressmen, they just assumed she wanted to sell them food, today and again, later, so she would probably want to keep them alive, naïve souls that they are. But this pathogen paranoia is a newly inculcated psychosis among Americans, fed by public education, power-hungry bureaucrats, and disaster-mongering news media.” Later Franklin then delves into some basic principles of law to make his point. “The ancient principle of the Anglo-Saxon common law, and Biblical law, is that everyone has a right to make a living at occupations of common right. So then, what is an occupation of common right? It is the right of all men in common to do any work that men might engage one another to do, and that does not exist as a result of some government act or establishment. Occupations of common right were some of those “inalienable rights” the writers of the Declaration of Independence had in mind. At least, that was the US supreme court’s opinion in Butchers Union v. Crescent City Co., 111 US 746. “The right to follow any of the common occupations of life is an inalienable right. It was formulated as such under the phrase “pursuit of happiness” in the Declaration of Independence which commenced with the fundamental proposition that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”…This right is a large ingredient in the civil liberty of the citizen.” Franklin probes further into the law, examining McCulloch v. the State of Maryland, 4 Wheat 316, 429, where as he puts it: “the supremes had explained: “All subjects over which the sovereign power of a state extends are objects of taxation; but those over which it does not extend are, upon the soundest principle, exempt from taxation. This proposition may almost be pronounced as self evident…The sovereignty of a state extends to everything which exists by its own authority, or is introduced by its permission.” Obviously, the converse also holds true: the state’s sovereignty does not extend to anything which does not exist by its own authority, or is not introduced by its permission, such as occupations of common right which existed before the state. In the same case the supremes also said that “The power to tax is the power to destroy.” Clearly, if the power to tax is the power to destroy it, how much more is the power to regulate? Through an evolution not entirely clear to me, somehow we private, common right own freemen have been entirely stripped of our rights. We allow ourselves to be treated like corporations – creatures of the state – or worse, chattels of the state. The federal government and states have usurped an authority over us to forbid our doing what we have a perfect right to do – worse, to jail and fine us for exercising those rights. The list of those occupations is too long to recount, from barbering to farming to butchering to teaching school. You can hardly name an occupation that the state doesn’t claim to regulate. It touches every occupation and business. Business? Why, you can’t even open your doors without getting a “license” from the state. A license, of course, is a permission to do something that is otherwise unlawful. They’ve made it a crime to work for yourself. How has this happened? How have our rights been converted into privileges? How have we become serfs, going begging to the state to allow us to do what our fathers did by right?” Indeed how has that happened? How have we allowed fascism to destroy the basic freedoms upon which America has been built? Franklin suggests: “Perhaps Hispanics are tougher than we Anglo-Saxons, more hardened to tyranny. Perhaps at home they have become so inured to it that they know how to handle it better…if the police catch them, well, they worry about that then. They suffer their arrest, pay their “fine,”…and then go right back to doing what God gave them a right to do. They make themselves free to prosper, while we sit in our own self-imposed chains.” ¤
-- Posted Thursday, 29 June 2006
Contact James Turk: jamesturk@goldmoney.com
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