-- Posted Friday, 29 July 2011 | | Disqus
By R. D. Bradshaw
While normally O. J. Simpson, Michael Jackson and Tiger Woods completely dominate US news, the Rothschild Cabal controlled media actually broke its pattern by having some exposure to the so-called US government crisis over the fact that the nation’s approved level of debt will be reached on Aug 2, 2011, per the recent pitch of Cabal cousin Tim Geithner at the US Treasury. The Cabal is made up of a racially-connected, clannish group of dynastic, super-rich, fat cats like the Rothschilds, Roggenfelders, Lazards, Oppenheimers, Bronfmans, Warburgs, etc. They generally call the shots all over the world thanks to their possession of enormous power and wealth over the controlled media and indeed over many entire nations.
Per the media stories floating around, if Congress and the President do not act, the US will default on its debt and bring on a financial crisis of major proportions. The biggest adverse impact will be huge drops in the value of the US dollar, US stocks and US Treasuries. In respect to the US IOUs with the Treasuries, the case is made that the Fed will have to drastically raise interest rates. This would cause a big drop in the value of current Treasuries as well as affecting the sale and valuation of future issues even if the crisis is eventually resolved.
The Two Big Issues
One important story prompted a couple of observations from the Goldsmiths which has not received any publicity though the story and its fall-outs have briefly surfaced in the Rothschild controlled media sources. This Goldsmiths will acknowledge these two issues now which have been allowed to silently leak into the Rothschild media dissemination of news to fool the dummies out in dummy land.
The Goldsmiths’ take on this situation surfaced on Jul 26, 2011 when Bloomberg had a story by Jillian Berman and Betty Li on U.S. Can Avoid Default Until September Silva which cited Wells Fargo Securities economist John Silva that the Fed and Treasury can come up with enough cash to last the government for up to one to three months more to defer a US default over the failure of Congress to deal with the debt limit crisis. This is no big deal in itself; but this article had a follow-up comment which really whets my appetite for some understanding of what is going on.
The story also quoted Michael Feroli, Chief Economist for JP Morgan Chase, who said that the Fed has a contingency plan in case Congress does not resolve the debt ceiling problem. Per Feroli, banks and financial institutions can lend their Treasuries to the Fed in exchange for Fed cash in order to ease any credit strains to be caused by a US default. He was quoted as saying “In general, I think they’d want to temporarily substitute the Fed’s credit in place of the Treasury’s credit.”
In essence, this Fed gimmick supposedly will allow selected banks and financial institutions to turn in US Treasuries which they are holding to the Fed in exchange for Fed cash—presumably on a temporary basis (which of course would allow them to eventually assume the position of being permanent transfers). Without delving into the mechanics of how this plan will solve the nation’s problems (which were not revealed in the story, and logically cannot be rightfully solved by this mechanism), there were a couple of salient issues lurking behind the scenes on this proposal.
In a report to subscribers at www.analysis-news.com on this Bloomberg story, I had two immediate concerns which I will now share with readers in this Goldsmiths.
First, I was amazed that there is one more fascinating revelation of the fact that the Fed has power to completely override even the functions of Congress. If the privately owned US Federal Reserve System has this power in a legitimate grant from the US Constitution and/or US Congressional statutory law, why have a US Congress involved in any aspect of the US economy or monetary matters? Why doesn’t the Congress just back off and say let the Fed handle it since they have this supposed constitutionally approved authority? Why not abolish Congress and let the Rothschild Cabal masters run the nation completely. Well they run it anyway since most of the Congressional persons are already bought and paid for as puppets of the Rothschild Cabal masters.
But there is second critical aspect of this story from Feroli which really blows my mind. In case of a default or pending default, these US Treasuries/debt now held by the big Rothschild Cabal bankers would lose much value and quickly for several reasons. The very default on the debt would certainly tear the value of this debt up. Yes, Treasuries would go down in value significantly and at once. And otherwise, there would be a subtle allowance that the Fed would have to raise interest rates substantially (actually, this pitch is already out there in the controlled media—in that if Congress doesn’t act, interest rates will go up). Manifestly, interest rate hikes will play havoc with the US Treasuries now being held by the big Rothschild Cabal banks and financial institutions.
Obviously, there is no way that the privately owned Fed is going to sit back and allow its own owners and masters to suffer such huge losses. The Fed is therefore already making plans on what it will do to rescue investments by its owners and masters in US Treasuries. Of course, when the Fed bosses undertake this scheme to transfer Rothschild Cabal losses on US Treasuries to the US taxpayers, they will do it under the guise of their supposed power and their supposed work to save the financial situation of the generic US nation. No mention will be made that it is just another gimmick to bail out and help their racial cousins running the big banks and financial institutions.
In fact, since they already control the US presidency and US congress, they may back off and allow the debt crisis to continue some more days simply so that they can come forward and implement either this scheme or something similar to it to further enrich the big Rothschild Cabal banks and financial institutions at the expense of the US taxpayers.
My take on this big media play on the debt situation and its drag out in Congress is to condition the dummies in dummy land to accept huge budget cuts in so called entitlements like Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, unemployment benefits, etc (never mind that most of these programs were supported by express taxes paid by workers and employers for these benefits). You can bank on it that no big cuts are planned in benefits going to the Cabal masters—like Rothschild Cabal wars for profit, bribes in foreign aid to dictators worldwide so that the Cabal can steal their natural resources, big pay-offs directly to the Cabal banks and financial institutions, etc.
The Bottom Line
Many Americans are just foolish enough to suppose that Rothschild cousin Ben Bernanke is an idiot and a dummy. But I have never entertained such foolishness. Bernanke works for and serves his real bosses who own the Fed. He is no fool. He knows exactly what he is doing to enrich his cousins and masters with the Rothschild Cabal banking empire.
Bernanke and the other Rothschild cousin flunkies now see the handwriting on the wall for the future of US Treasuries of the bankrupt US government. All along, the masters, sitting in the towers of money power in the City in London (as first revealed to hard money readers in the Goldsmiths XXXI, published on Feb 1, 2009), have been giving much attention to how they will further save their cousins/corporations in the United States as the US financial house of cards starts to fall. My take is that this present Fed scheme or something similar will in time see implementation. If the politicians do act and presently delay the default then this scheme can be temporarily deferred till a later time when it will be needed by the Cabal snakes running our nation. For sure, it is not going away.
Clearly, once the Cabal kicks off this process, it will balloon up fast as the Fed starts buying US Treasuries from the linked cousin banks first in the US and then from those around the world. The question I have then is what will happen to the US dollar as the Fed floods the world to buy up bad US Treasuries like they have been buying up bad real estate mortgages? How many days will it take before the US dollar hits the at last acknowledged garbage can of worthlessness? As a minimum, gold and silver will be going up big.
Back issues of the Goldsmiths, by the editor of the Analysis of News, can be accessed from a Google or Yahoo search engine by typing in “R. D. Bradshaw” Goldsmiths. Several hundred web sites can be found with the back issues and with translations to Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Polish, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Serbian, and other foreign languages. Finally, the “Archives-Goldsmiths” of this website (www.analysis-news.com ) has all of the Goldsmith articles issued to date.
Besides the revelations contained in the Goldsmiths’ articles, the work of the plutocratic financial market manipulators to conspiratorially manipulate and control the financial markets (to make more profits and install a world government under their management) is also addressed at length in the periodic analysis of the news and in other articles produced at www.analysis-news.com. This website has an article of interest to any person interested in understanding the market Manipulators. It is the Hidden Secret of the Manipulators, why they succeed and how to follow their manipulations.
Readers of the above articles are invited to visit www.analysis-news.com and become a subscriber to regularly read some of the material from the world of information which will further reveal how extensive the manipulation, control and dishonesty realities are in the financial, currency and commodity markets, not only in the US but indeed around the world. To go to the Home Page of this web site, click here: www.analysis-news.com.
-- Posted Friday, 29 July 2011 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com