Gold Price: USD 65,000/oz in 5 years? Is it realistic that the price of gold could reach this level in the foreseeable future?
This speech by BullionStar's CEO, Mr. Torgny Persson, was recorded during FreedomFest 2017. FreedomFest is the world's largest gathering for freedom oriented people. BullionStar participated by exhibiting and educating about the monetary system.
The following topics were covered in Mr. Persson's speech:
1) Money System of Today
How does our monetary system work - or doesn't work? Do fiat currencies like the US Dollar have any real intrinsic value?
Mr. Persson describes the purposes and characteristics of money and explains why fiat currencies are not true money per definition. Mr. Persson educates about how money is created and how most money of today only exists in electronic form.
2) Gold Manipulation - Gold Price
Is the price of gold dictated and artificially suppressed? What happens if the current system for gold price discovery fails? Is a gold price of USD 65,000/oz in 5 years realistic?
Mr. Persson discusses how the price of gold is set/discovered on the gold marketplace and how it is vulnerable to manipulation.
3) Singapore
Why is Singapore the best country in the world for asset preservation and wealth protection?
Mr. Persson presents the advantages of Singapore as a safe jurisdiction for buying and storing bullion. No taxes on bullion in Singapore, no reporting requirements, strong property ownership rights and safety are some of the properties that makes Singapore uniquely positioned as the best country in the world for asset and wealth protection and preservation.
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