-- Posted Wednesday, 10 October 2012 | | Disqus
[In the guest commentary below, Rick's Picks forum regular John Skerencak (aka John Jay) says that although the U.S. economy is but a pale shadow of its former self, its powerful military and corrupt financial system are a dominant and provocative force throughout the world. Allied with Britain, America is reconquering the old Axis powers (plus France) so that the U.S. and U.K. can emerge from the rubble unchallenged for economic supremacy. RA]
Everyone knows that a major reason for the dominant position of the USA after World War II was that Europe and Asia were left in rubble. The 8th Air Force in Europe and the 20th Air Force in the Pacific did a thorough job. “Bomber” Harris of England pitched in, and Curtis LeMay’s B-29 fire bombings in Japan were so effective that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were spared so that the new atomic weapons would have pristine targets. When peace arrived in 1945, the Cold War suddenly broke out, and that took Russia, East Europe, and China out of the picture. Combined with a strong dollar that was much in demand and a matchless military, US manufacturing made the transition from war to peace and emerged stronger than ever. This enabled the post-WWII US economic boom.
Flash forward to today. Now our manufacturing base is in ruins and the dollar is a shadow of its former self. However, our military is still matchless, our provocateurs are global. Putting aside the issue of why and how our manufacturing and dollar were gutted, the question is…what now? I look at the spread of financial fraud from our shores to Europe and see two “air forces” carrying the bomb loads: New York and London – a repeat from WWII. We have teamed up once again to level Europe. And once again, the peripheral countries go down first: Greece, France, Italy, et al. This time, though, Spain and Portugal did not get to declare “neutrality.” Once again Germany is putting up a ferocious fight.
A ‘North African Campaign’
We even have a “North African campaign,” although this one is being waged the old-fashioned way, with real slaughter and destruction. I am a cynic at heart. And I have to laugh out loud when anyone from our government talks about “spreading Democracy” to Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt, et al. They won’t even allow true democracy here at home, let alone gift it to foreigners. Are any of those countries better off now? Those dictators were thugs but they were predictable, stable, and could be dealt with. And I find it hard to believe that all those popular revolts were not planned and executed form Langley. The plan was to create fear and chaos, and it worked.
To sum it all up, I think the guys at the top here realized they painted themselves into a corner with all their looting, especially since 1998. It will take too long to restore the dollar and our manufacturing, although factory jobs are beginning to trickle back. So they have once again decided to level the rest of the world to leave us at the top of the heap. And China might be on the target list for the future. Japan has conveniently self-destructed this time around.
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-- Posted Wednesday, 10 October 2012 | Digg This Article
| Source: GoldSeek.com