Peter Grandich
The Grandich Letter

About Peter Grandich
Managing Member, Grandich Publications, LLC.
With no formal education or training, Peter Grandich entered Wall Street and within three years was appointed Vice President of Investment Strategy for a leading New York Stock Exchange member firm. He was the editor and publisher of four investment newsletters, and appeared on national TV and radio over 400 times.
Labeled the Wall Street Whiz Kid, Grandich gained national notoriety by being among the very few who not only forecasted the 1987 stock market crash just weeks before it happened, but on the very next day he predicted that within a year the market would reach a new all-time high which it did. Proving his 1987 forecast was no fluke, Mr. Grandich said in January 2000 that the year 2000 will go down as the year the great mega bull market of the 80s and 90s came to an end.
He speaks at numerous major investment conferences worldwide and was awarded Best Speaker Award eight times by the International Investors Conferences.
Grandich is the founder and managing member of Grandich Publications, LLC. Grandich Publications publishes The Grandich Letter. First published in 1984, it provides commentary on the mining and metals markets. In addition, the company also provides a variety of services to publicly-held corporations on a compensation basis.
In addition, Grandich is a member of the National Association of Christian Financial Consultants, and a long-standing member of The New York Society of Security Analysts and The Society of Quantitative Analysts.
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David Gurwitz
Charles Nenner Research
Managing Director at Charles Nenner Research. David Gurwitz serves as the Managing Director of Charles Nenner Research. He is responsible for working directly with clients to assess the markets, and has been working hand in hand with cycle forecaster Charles Nenner for almost a decade. The email-based service provides unique analysis of stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities and economic indicators. David speaks regularly with clients worldwide: hedge funds, family offices, pension funds, brokers and private individuals. David is a J.D., MBA and CPA. He graduated from Brandeis University before getting his MBA from NYU. David worked in merchant banking just prior to joining the company. Like Charles, David shares a love of music, is an avid composer and pianist, and is a sought after speaker in the media and at conferences.